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  1. #261
    Community Member Auran82's Avatar
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    You actually create the green steel item in the altar under Meridia, all you are doing in the raid is putting some effect on the shard and putting that power into the greensteel item.

  2. #262
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auran82 View Post
    You actually create the green steel item in the altar under Meridia, all you are doing in the raid is putting some effect on the shard and putting that power into the greensteel item.

  3. #263
    Founder SneakThief's Avatar
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    Ok I read the whole thread and the one on Risia that this one links to and didnt see the answer to this question so:

    Has anyone tried non-unique combos of raw ingredients in the Alter of Fecundity? The spread sheets list all 15 possible unique combinations, but not the other 109 non-unique combos like: Husk, Husk, Pebble, Twig.

    I could believe the devs left out all armors, but I have a hard time believing they left out all axes and all piercing but daggers. So it seems we need some new manufactured ingredients, or at least SOMETHING to put in place of ore or filaments.
    Quote Originally Posted by EULA
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    See, even the EULA says its a game and supposed to be fun. EvilDuckie-DuckieBot

  4. #264
    Community Member Mavnimo's Avatar
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    (Standard): Altar of Subjugation success with Shavarath Power Concentration! Consumed: Shavarath Medium Energy Cell, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Gnawed Bone, Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Sulfurous Stone. Created: Focus of Positive Energy.

  5. #265
    Community Member Elsbet's Avatar
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    I noticed that the altar of fecundity doesn't like Siberys dragonshards. Perhaps they will work on a different altar.

    ~Anaelsbet~; ~Elsbet~; ~Lilabet~; ~Islabet~; ~Phaeddre~

  6. #266
    Community Member lenric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cambo View Post


    Gem of Escalation: M.Chain, M.Scales, M.Shrapnel, M.Stone
    ???: M.Shrapnel, M.Arrowhead, M.Stone, M.Scales
    ???: M.Scale, M.Bones, M.Shrapnel, M.Arrowhead
    Focus of Positive Energy: M.Arrowhead, M.Shrapnel, M.Stone, M.Bone
    ???: M.Bone, M.Stone, M.Arrowhead, M.Scales
    ???: M.Chain, M.Bone, M.Arrow, M.Stone
    ???: M.Chain, M.Arrow, M.Shrapnel, M.Stone
    ???: M.Chain, M.Arrow, M.Shrapnel, M.Arrow
    ???: M.Chain, M.Bone, M.Scale, M.Stone
    ???: M.Chain, M.Shrapnel, M.Scales, M.Bone

    (Standard): Altar of Subjugation success with Shavarath Power Concentration! Consumed: Shavarath Medium Energy Cell, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Gnawed Bone, Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Sulfurous Stone. Created: Focus of Positive Energy.


    As per the standard message and my own experiences you put the focus in the wrong spot, it should be down one with bone,stone,arrow,scale.......not bone stone arrow, shrapnel

  7. #267
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    Quote Originally Posted by lenric View Post
    As per the standard message and my own experiences you put the focus in the wrong spot, it should be down one with bone,stone,arrow,scale.......not bone stone arrow, shrapnel
    posted this one before in here but
    Medium gnawed Bone
    Medium Glowing Arrowhead
    Medium Twisted Shrapnel
    Medium Sulfurous Stone
    Medium energy cell

    All those in the alter of subjugation gave me a Focus of Air
    Like a flighty, swirling, miniature tornado, this object sounds like the wind and is very difficult to hold onto. This item is resonating like the Altar of Subjugation.


  8. #268
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elsbet View Post
    I noticed that the altar of fecundity doesn't like Siberys dragonshards. Perhaps they will work on a different altar.
    Correct. The two Eldritch Devices that everyone has access to at the Marketplace Bank and The Twelve will take Siberys Dragonshard Fragments, Flawed Siberys Dragonshards and Imperfect Sibery Dragonshards. None of the altars use the fully improved Siberys Dragonshards. As far as we know. So far. For now.

  9. #269
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SneakThief View Post
    Ok I read the whole thread and the one on Risia that this one links to and didnt see the answer to this question so:

    Has anyone tried non-unique combos of raw ingredients in the Alter of Fecundity? The spread sheets list all 15 possible unique combinations, but not the other 109 non-unique combos like: Husk, Husk, Pebble, Twig.

    I could believe the devs left out all armors, but I have a hard time believing they left out all axes and all piercing but daggers. So it seems we need some new manufactured ingredients, or at least SOMETHING to put in place of ore or filaments.
    I'm fairly certain this doesn't work, but I'd be willing to try it once. Essentially, split one pile of raw materials into two, place those two piles in the device, along with two other piles, and see what happens.

  10. #270
    Founder Hemo's Avatar
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    Cool My analysis

    My notes on things, as logic dictates:

    Eberron - bought under Meridia
    Low energy - bought at NPC by altar of subjugation (in Shroud)
    depleted medium energy - bought at NPC by altar of subjugation (in Shroud)
    depleted high energy - bought at NPC by altar of subjugation (in Shroud)

    -for ritual of binding (attuning) (green steel items, when worn, are bound but not attuned, but can be)
    -for changing fragments into bigger pieces
    -for adamantine ritual on attuned items

    Altar of Fecundity:
    stuff: husk,lily,twigs,fungus,taper,stones (tier 1 ingredients, found in vale and vale quests)
    recipes: 1 eberron cell + 4 distinct stuff's (player-made only, ie. ore/filament/wondrous/taper, aka tier 2)
    green steel recipes: 1 signet stone + 1 eberron cell + 1 (ore or filament) + 1 wondrous + 1 taper

    Note: looking at tables of combinations and failures, what is currently known about the 20 made items appears correct. That is, each tier2 item in their category is perfectly balanced with the number of recipes used for other items in the same category. Ore is only for weapons, filaments are only for items. Scarab, oil, jewel, balm (wondrous) each are used in 3 recipes for weapons, and 2 recipes for items. Tapers are used for 4 recipes each, while red/blue/yellow are for weapons, and green/violet are for items.

    Note: Completing each of the five vale quests guarantees you one specific 'stone' used in making the signet stone. You can farm these quests for the final stone used to make ONE item. But at least you can let them stack up and eventually make many. These are ONLY used in making signet stones, so please please please, stop posting about failures using these.
    Shavarath Stone of Victory = The Coalescence Chamber
    Shavarath Stone of Might = Ritual Sacrifice
    Shavarath Stone of Strategy = Let Sleeping Dust Lie
    Shavarath Stone of Foresight = Rainbow in the Dark
    Shavarath Stone of Battle = Running with the Devils

    Altar of Invasion, Subjugation, and probably Devastation:
    recharging cells: 1 depleted cell + 1 weapon (+6 or better) = 1 cell (rumor is +6 works on all altars, all cells. Another rumor, +6 for low, +7 for med, +8 for hi, or better)
    stuff: chain, bone, stones, scales, arrowhead, horn
    Invasion: low energy + 4 small distinct stuff's = inferior focus, or cloudy gem, or diluted essence.
    Subjugation: medium energy + 4 medium distinct stuff's = focus, gem, or essence.
    Devastation: high energy + 4 large distinct stuff's = superior(?) focus, pristine(?) gem, or concentrated(?) essence
    Totals: 3 of each 'stuff' + 5 energy cells + shard + green steel = 1 imbued green steel of whatever you want. (that is, u can guarantee later in life to have enough to make one power, if u want to wait for recipes to be published)

    Note: any combines or ingredients by the cell energy type is limited only to its specific altar.

    Note: Some people have reported that the recipes for the low energy focus/gem/essence recipes do not equate to the recipes for medium energy. Some are confirmed identical, while the ones which are not identical are unconfirmed! It should be safe to presume that recipes will remain identical.

    SHARDS OF POWER: (these are used to apply an effect to the item)
    Shards: 1 shard of power + 1 focus + 1 gem + 1 essence + 1 power cell = 1 imbued shard
    Recipes: 1 energy cell + 1 imbued shard + 1 item = result

    Note: low-energy use shard of power, medium use shard of great power, high use shard of supreme power.

    Note: There seems to be confusion with effects going to specific items. Example: unholy (melee weapon) & energy absorption (ranged weapon). There doesn't seem to be any reason why we can't have an unholy bow. The IMBUED shards of power mentioned used different gems, and got different results with different green steel weapons. Presuming the change in weapon type was incorrect, because there was missing information regarding the shard imbuement.

    Note: You may only have 3 infusions on an item, 1 low, 1 med, 1 high. Low is required b4 a medium can be placed, and medium must exist for high to be placed. Adversely, you may have 3 low powers of different imbuements.

    Notes: (multiple steps here, not actual recipe)
    - low energy cells + positive focus + gem of d + m.essence + bow = HOLY BOW
    - low energy cells + negative focus + gem of d + m.essence + sword = UNHOLY SWORD
    Analysis: Gem of Dominion + Material Essence + any weapon = +damage (physical)
    Furthermore: Gem of Escalation + Material Essence + any weapon = damage absorption or +abilityscore
    FURTHERMORE: Material essence for stats would be str/dex/con, and Ethereal essence for stats would be int/wis/cha.
    FURTHERMORE!: Gem of Dominion + Ethereal Essence + any weapon = +damage (spell % bonus)

    (... still researching ...)
    IF I AM FLAT-OUT WRONG in any detail, lets have it out. This is my analysis for simplification.
    Last edited by Hemo; 02-07-2008 at 07:05 AM.

  11. #271
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lenric View Post
    As per the standard message and my own experiences you put the focus in the wrong spot, it should be down one with bone,stone,arrow,scale.......not bone stone arrow, shrapnel
    YEp...confused myself with a major update on it today.

  12. #272
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cannon View Post
    posted this one before in here but
    Medium gnawed Bone
    Medium Glowing Arrowhead
    Medium Twisted Shrapnel
    Medium Sulfurous Stone
    Medium energy cell

    All those in the alter of subjugation gave me a Focus of Air
    Like a flighty, swirling, miniature tornado, this object sounds like the wind and is very difficult to hold onto. This item is resonating like the Altar of Subjugation.

    Thanks updated....The thread is growing too fast at times to keep

  13. #273


    According to the description and info on the Eldrich devices you can bind any equipable item. I've bound an axe without any problem at all so I have successfully used the device BUT I am unable to bind/attune a trinket I carry which I really do want to protect. (I swap UA, FF and several other items in my trinket slot on my fighter).

    Anyways I am unable to bind a Bottle of Air - Underwater action, equips to trinket, no minimum level, Item material is listed as gold with a hardness of 3. Any ideas or suggestions as to why I cannot bind this item?

    I keep getting the message "Stone of change failure" It does not deduct any Kyber fragments etc. Just reports the same message.
    Last edited by Talish; 02-05-2008 at 09:41 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    Play what you want to play, and play it well.

  14. #274
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Talish View Post
    According to the description and info on the Eldrich devices you can bind any equipable item. I've bound an axe without any problem at all so I have successfully used the device BUT I am unable to bind/attune a trinket I carry which I really do want to protect. (I swap UA, FF and several other items in my trinket slot on my fighter).

    Anyways I am unable to bind a Bottle of Air - Underwater action, equips to trinket, no minimum level, Item material is listed as gold with a hardness of 3. Any ideas or suggestions as to why I cannot bind this item?

    I keep getting the message "Stone of change failure" It does not deduct any Kyber fragments etc. Just reports the same message.
    Not sure, but given that the formula for the Ritual of Binding costs ML^2 in Khyber Dragonshard Fragments might be the problem. The square of 0 is still 0... but I don't think the system will allow a Binding for 0 Dragonshard Fragments. Just my best guess though
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  15. #275


    Quote Originally Posted by Dworkin of Amber View Post
    Not sure, but given that the formula for the Ritual of Binding costs ML^2 in Khyber Dragonshard Fragments might be the problem. The square of 0 is still 0... but I don't think the system will allow a Binding for 0 Dragonshard Fragments. Just my best guess though
    Interesting. Has anyone successfully bound a ring of feathers as this also has no min level listed in it's description. I wonder if this is a dev oversight.
    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    Play what you want to play, and play it well.

  16. #276
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dworkin of Amber View Post
    Not sure, but given that the formula for the Ritual of Binding costs ML^2 in Khyber Dragonshard Fragments might be the problem. The square of 0 is still 0... but I don't think the system will allow a Binding for 0 Dragonshard Fragments. Just my best guess though
    Super-techinically, ml:0 could be an unlisted ml:1 (since we start at L1). My guess is that binding a no ml: item will cost 1 Khyber Dragonshard Fragment.

  17. #277


    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    Super-techinically, ml:0 could be an unlisted ml:1 (since we start at L1). My guess is that binding a no ml: item will cost 1 Khyber Dragonshard Fragment.
    But it's also possible that an item with no listed ML actually has a value of Null for the ML. While the scripts for checking ML may know to watch for that and interpret it properly, it could certainly confuse the heck out of the scripts doing the binding calculations.

    It should be relatively easy to test. Buy a few +1 weapons and armors and see if you can bind them.
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  18. #278
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    But it's also possible that an item with no listed ML actually has a value of Null for the ML. While the scripts for checking ML may know to watch for that and interpret it properly, it could certainly confuse the heck out of the scripts doing the binding calculations.

    It should be relatively easy to test. Buy a few +1 weapons and armors and see if you can bind them.
    Yup. Will do when I get a chance to log in later today (if noone has beaten me to it).

  19. #279
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    in the tutorial says u cant bind a item unles it minimum lvl 2

  20. #280
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeuhuh View Post
    in the tutorial says u cant bind a item unles it minimum lvl 2
    I scanned the Beginners' Guide and all I found was, "(minimum level of item [squared])." Was there another quote somewhere?
    Quote Originally Posted by
    Binding and Attuning of items – Any equippable item can be placed into a Stone of Change with a number of Khyber Dragonshard Fragments to bind the item to the user and prepare it for the later addition of Eldritch Rituals. Binding and attuning an item requires (minimum level of item ^ 2) Khyber Dragonshard Fragments, so a minimum level 12 item would require 144 fragments. An item that is bound never takes permanent item damage when repaired, but can no longer be traded.
    Last edited by Mad_Bombardier; 02-05-2008 at 10:38 AM.

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