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  1. #2661
    Community Member Ilandrya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tihocan View Post
    Do you remember who said that?
    I found it here:

    What MysticTheurge states is correct.

    With regard to Eladrin's first post on this thread, I stated what I inferred from the post rather than what he stated, so... my bad. When I read this thread, the second posting of Eladrin's hadn't been added yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by EspyLacopa View Post
    Really? Where?
    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    How, when, by who?
    Willphase is correct... at some point earlier in this thread, someone attempted to upgrade BoLaS I to Bolas II using a shard with BoLaS on it, and it failed to upgrade to II. I really don't want to spend an hour going back through this thread to find it though, but you are welcome to do so. (Why it failed has been a primary concern in my theorizations, as well as how a dual shard picks it's dominate focus, because the two previous theories on how it is determined failed. I came up with this idea a couple days ago (edited my two relevant posts into one):

    So far, my theory on how the dominate focus is selected in a dual shard holds correct... neg defaults to pos, all energies always default to an elemental, and an elemental defaults to another elemental based upon the pattern of the clockwise flow of the elemental current.

    This post also offers two possibiltites to get BoLaS/Tempered I to BoLaS/Tempered II, and would explain why BoLaS I failed to upgrade to II. I personally favor the pos/neg shard possiblity of the two. Still waiting for someone who is able to do so to test them.... I'd do so myself if I had the ingredients. )
    Last edited by Ilandrya; 03-12-2008 at 06:37 AM.

  2. #2662


    Quote Originally Posted by Ilandrya View Post
    Willphase is correct...
    You mean Raidon, right? If so, Raidon is incorrect.

    Like I said, it was proven that one path to BoLaS II failed, period. It'll be confirmed only when Eladrin takes us in pity and tells us that there is no way to go BoLas I and get BoLaS II or that testing is pushed further to prove that there are no path to BoLaS II. Until then, it remains possible.
    Last edited by Borror0; 03-12-2008 at 06:43 AM., #1 source for DDO information.

  3. #2663
    Community Member Ilandrya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post

    Like I said, it was proven that one path to BoLaS II failed, period.

    No one is arguing that. No one is stating that it is not possible to get BoLaS II, and in fact, Eladrin has stated that all I's can become a II. All Willphase is stating, in essence, is that a shard with BoLaS on it when combined with an item that had BoLaS on it did not become BoLaS II.

    From what we know in testing, gem and essence has no bearing on the creation of an aspect/balance... only focuses do. There is a way to make BoLaS II, it just isn't with a shard with BoLaS on it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    You mean Raidon, right? If so, Raidon is incorrect.
    I was referring to Willphase
    but you can use Raidon if you prefer
    Last edited by Ilandrya; 03-12-2008 at 07:34 AM.

  4. #2664


    Quote Originally Posted by Ilandrya View Post
    I really don't want to spend an hour going back through this thread to find it though, but you are welcome to do so.

    Took me 30 seconds.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ilandrya View Post
    No one is arguing that. No one is stating that it is not possible to get BoLaS II, and in fact, Eladrin has stated that all I's can become a II. All Willphase is stating is that a shard with BoLaS on it when combined with an item that had BoLaS on it did not become BoLaS II. From what we know in testing thus far, the only way to make a dual shard combine successfully is by using the same gem and essence in both, so given that the only things that can vary in a dual shard are the focus, and there is only one way to make a BoLaS shard, he is correct.
    You mean Raidon again, right?, #1 source for DDO information.

  5. #2665
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrtreats View Post
    Has anyone tried to make a Aspect-Aligned (or dual-affinity) at the first 2 altars or tried to make one at the last alter with 2 air ?

    Also these make +5 Protection, Heavy Fortification but will the sp stack

    +100 Spell Points, +3 Wisdom Skills (Exceptional Bonus) Earth Escalation Ethereal
    +100 Spell Points, +3 Charisma Skills (Exceptional Bonus) Positive Escalation Ethereal
    Heya guildie!

    Only on tier 3 can shards be combined. This has been said by the devs.

    In case no one has answered you, no. not only will they not stack, but you will only get one or the other of +3 Wis skills and +3 Cha skills. The combined shard will take only one focus (Earth in this case, because in dominates Positive). Your 3rd tier upgrade will be +100 sp, +3 Wisdom skills, and Mineral II bonuses.

  6. #2666
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilandrya View Post
    No one is arguing that. No one is stating that it is not possible to get BoLaS II, and in fact, Eladrin has stated that all I's can become a II. All Willphase is stating, in essence, is that a shard with BoLaS on it when combined with an item that had BoLaS on it did not become BoLaS II.

    From what we know in testing, gem and essence has no bearing on the creation of an aspect/balance... only focuses do. There is a way to make BoLaS II, it just isn't with a shard with BoLaS on it.

    I was referring to Willphase
    but you can use Raidon if you prefer
    No, Eladrin said all tier 2 upgrades can get a tier 3 bonus upgrade. He didn't say that every tier 2 has a unique tier 3 bonus upgrade. The following is entirely fitting within the hints:

    BoLaS I + BoLaS shard = failure
    BoLas I + Tempered shard = success
    Tempered I + Tempered shard = failure
    Tempered I + BoLaS shard = success

  7. #2667
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilandrya View Post
    No one is arguing that. No one is stating that it is not possible to get BoLaS II, and in fact, Eladrin has stated that all I's can become a II. All Willphase is stating, in essence, is that a shard with BoLaS on it when combined with an item that had BoLaS on it did not become BoLaS II.

    From what we know in testing, gem and essence has no bearing on the creation of an aspect/balance... only focuses do. There is a way to make BoLaS II, it just isn't with a shard with BoLaS on it.

    I was referring to Willphase
    but you can use Raidon if you prefer
    No, what Eladrin said is that each tier 2 upgrade has a path to a tier 3 bonus. He did not say that each tier 2 upgrade has a unique tier 3 bonus. The following is entirely fitting within Eladrin's hints:

    BoLaS I + BoLaS shard = no bonus
    BoLaS I + Tempered shard = bonus
    Tempered I + Tempered shard = no bonus
    Tempered I + BoLaS shard = bonus

    In fact, we've seen both of the two "no bonus" formulae used. It's time to move on and do the other two. I have neither a BoLaS I or a Tempered I item or weapon, so I'm of no use to finding what those formulae create.

  8. #2668
    Master Cryptologist Wulf_Ratbane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gpk View Post
    FYI I'm told a mineral 2 maul is Impact and still slicing if some ppl were unsure, and Acid (blast) will supercede Positive for tier3.
    Maybe mr. i-don't-displace-rangers will post a pic
    Sweet! I was hoping that would be the case. Saves me a feat at 15th.

    /death counter
    You have died 67 times.

  9. #2669
    Master Cryptologist Wulf_Ratbane's Avatar
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    Found this scouring today's Dev notes:

    Ten Ton Hammer: Is crafting scheduled for Module 7?

    Kate: Yeah, we’re going to be doing some more improvements to the crafting system. Basically for Module 7, players will begin to be able to start deconstructing items and collecting ingredients. It’s a really, really big system and we don’t know how much we’re going to be able to get out in Module 7, but there will definitely be more coming in Module 8.

    From here:

    /death counter
    You have died 67 times.

  10. #2670
    Community Member Raidon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    You mean Raidon, right? If so, Raidon is incorrect.

    Like I said, it was proven that one path to BoLaS II failed, period. It'll be confirmed only when Eladrin takes us in pity and tells us that there is no way to go BoLas I and get BoLaS II or that testing is pushed further to prove that there are no path to BoLaS II. Until then, it remains possible.

    When asked about Bolas II failure on an accessory in PM, Eladrin said (and i'm sorry to bring you into this E.)

    The upgrade path for a Balance of Land and Sky weapon unfortunately does not require a Balance of Land and Sky shard. The "special" advancement paths are occasionally slightly more complicated than the para- or quasi-elemental combinations.

    Implying that neither the accessory upgrade path nor the weapon upgrade path uses a Bolas shard.

    It is highly likely that a tempered shard is used , although just a plain old water shard hasn't been ruled out yet.

    And i'm very disappointed I have to back up my statements. I doubt I will contribute to this thread anymore.
    - I Bring a Storm and Magic Wind - The Kingdom of the Kings - Guild Leader of Storm Lords on Thelanis Server -

  11. #2671


    Quote Originally Posted by Mavnimo View Post
    just to confirm -OM tier 1, +EE tier 2, +EE/-EE tier 3
    Oh, thank you for posting that. That gives me greater confidence that a

    +OE, -MO, +MO/-MO may work. I was worried that the whole Material Etherial jump at tier 1 and 2 would kill it.

  12. #2672


    Quote Originally Posted by Raidon View Post
    And i'm very disappointed I have to back up my statements. I doubt I will contribute to this thread anymore.
    This thread is already a nightmare of conflicting theories when people do have to back up their statements. I'd hate to see what it would be like if people didn't have to back up their statements.
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  13. #2673
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raidon View Post
    And i'm very disappointed I have to back up my statements. I doubt I will contribute to this thread anymore.
    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    This thread is already a nightmare of conflicting theories when people do have to back up their statements. I'd hate to see what it would be like if people didn't have to back up their statements.
    Agreed. We're talking nearly 2700 posts, Raidon, it's a mess. Don't sweat it. Take the high ground and continue the good work and ignore the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Or something like that.

    There will always be folks who take their theories more seriously than the facts they are presented with. That has nothing to do with this forum but of human nature. Scientists do the same thing until they are pounded into the ground by the weight of the evidence. Here, it is harder to discriminate between the evidence, and rumors, and theories.

  14. #2674
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    This thread is already a nightmare of conflicting theories when people do have to back up their statements. I'd hate to see what it would be like if people didn't have to back up their statements.
    QFT -- For a thread that is fast approaching 3,000 replies, I think it's wise to say what you are basing your statements on. It's not that I don't believe anyone, it helps me remember if I see how they came up with their idea. I'm one of those people that liked to see how the equations were derived.

    With so many posts, I was wondering if there was an upper limit on thread size. Then I saw the Cupcake Musketeers Sign in thread. I think we've got a ways to go before we have that particular problem.


    PS - Raidon, please continue to contribute your ideas.

  15. #2675
    Community Member Zaodon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raidon View Post
    When asked about Bolas II failure on an accessory in PM, Eladrin said (and i'm sorry to bring you into this E.)

    The upgrade path for a Balance of Land and Sky weapon unfortunately does not require a Balance of Land and Sky shard. The "special" advancement paths are occasionally slightly more complicated than the para- or quasi-elemental combinations.

    Implying that neither the accessory upgrade path nor the weapon upgrade path uses a Bolas shard.

    It is highly likely that a tempered shard is used.
    Who da man?! I'm da man!
    Who da man?! I'm da man!
    Dat's Right! I'm da man!

    I've been saying this for 30 pages!

    Gooooo me!

    (for the record, here was my theory I previously posted)

    * Use a simple shard with the same element from first two upgrades.

    Fire I + Fire = Fire II
    Water I +Water = Water II
    Earth I + Earth = Earth II
    Air I + Air = Air II
    Pos I + Pos = Pos II
    Neg I + Neg = Neg II

    Para/Quasi Upgrades:
    * Create a Tier 3 supershard with the same two elements from first two upgrades. Focii order doesn't matter. Gem/Essence doesn't matter.

    Smoke I + Smoke = Smoke II
    Ice I + Ice = Ice II
    Magma I + Magma = Magma II
    Ooze I + Ooze = Ooze II

    Lightning I + Lightning = Lightning II
    Vacuum I + Vacuum = Vacuum II
    Mineral I + Mineral = Mineral II
    Dust I + Dust = Dust II
    Radiance I + Radiance = Radiance II
    Ash I + Ash = Ash II
    Steam I + Steam = Steam II
    Salt I + Salt = Salt II

    Special Upgrades: (Special means OPPOSITE - don't normally exist in D&D)
    ================================================== ====
    * Create a Tier 3 supershard with the OPPOSITE two elements from first two upgrades. Focii order doesn't matter. Gem/Essence doesn't matter.

    Balance of Land and Sky + Tempered = (?)
    Tempered + Balance of Land and Sky = (?)
    Existential Stalemate + Existential Stalemate = Concordant Opposition
    Last edited by Zaodon; 03-12-2008 at 10:32 AM.

  16. #2676
    Community Member Raidon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inkblack View Post

    PS - Raidon, please continue to contribute your ideas.
    TY, Yes just getting a little stressed (by the large ingredient grinding I think - just finished 3 more shroud runs before previous post) . I apologise. Should have enough large ingredients in a few more days to do some more full upgrades research.
    - I Bring a Storm and Magic Wind - The Kingdom of the Kings - Guild Leader of Storm Lords on Thelanis Server -

  17. #2677
    Community Member Ilandrya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UtherSRG View Post
    No, Eladrin said all tier 2 upgrades can get a tier 3 bonus upgrade. He didn't say that every tier 2 has a unique tier 3 bonus upgrade.
    If you wish to discuss semantics, in the post you are responding to that you have in quotes, I said Eldarin said every "I" can be made into a "II". I did not say that "Eladrin said that every tier 2 has a unique tier 3 bonus upgrade".

    Further, please re-read what you wrote:

    Eladrin said all tier 2 upgrades can get a tier 3 bonus upgrade
    He didn't say that every tier 2 has a unique tier 3 bonus upgrade

    all/every = same thing
    tier 2/tier 2 = same thing
    can get a/has a = same thing
    tier 3 bonus upgrade/unique tier 3 bonus upgrade = same thing

    So did he or didn't he say that... you say he did, then say he didn't. Again, if you are arguing semantics, the only real difference between your two sentences, besides "did"/"didn't", is the word "unique", and I'm not sure what you mean by that since I'm not sure where you are getting that from to begin with... I did not say that in the post you are quoting.

    What he actually said, if you are concerned with semantics, is:

    How you wish to interpret that is up to you. To me, based on all of Eladrin's posts on the subject, Eladrin is saying, in essence... not getting into semantics/word for word quoting, that all "I's" have a way to achieve a "II".

    Quote Originally Posted by UtherSRG View Post
    The following is entirely fitting within the hints:

    BoLaS I + BoLaS shard = failure
    BoLas I + Tempered shard = success
    Tempered I + Tempered shard = failure
    Tempered I + BoLaS shard = success
    I'm not debating that. In fact, if you read my theory, thats one of my two suggestions for how to achieve BoLaS II and Tempered II... it's not the one I suspect will be the case, but it is one of the two possiblities I am considering as plausable at this point. (The one I suspect will be the case for both Tempered and BoLaS is the addition of an Existential Stalemate shard, for the reasons stated in the theory I posted earlier.)
    Last edited by Ilandrya; 03-12-2008 at 11:47 AM.

  18. #2678
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaodon View Post
    Balance of Land and Sky + Tempered = (?)
    Tempered + Balance of Land and Sky = (?)
    Existential Stalemate + Existential Stalemate = Concordant Opposition
    Indeed... I would even go futher to say there is no 'Tempered II' or 'BoLaS II' (there is no spoon) but these two upgrades probably just give the same 'all four elements in one II' effect (elemental concordance?) this bonus effect being probably the same for both upgrades, but by going different routes you get to pick whether you want Fire or Earth being your dominate element at tier 3 (and also control the tier 1 and 2 effects of course...)


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  19. #2679
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaodon View Post
    Who da man?! I'm da man!
    Who da man?! I'm da man!
    Dat's Right! I'm da man!

    I've been saying this for 30 pages!

    Gooooo me!

    (for the record, here was my theory I previously posted)

    * Use a simple shard with the same element from first two upgrades.

    Fire I + Fire = Fire II
    Water I +Water = Water II
    Earth I + Earth = Earth II
    Air I + Air = Air II
    Pos I + Pos = Pos II
    Neg I + Neg = Neg II

    Para/Quasi Upgrades:
    * Create a Tier 3 supershard with the same two elements from first two upgrades. Focii order doesn't matter. Gem/Essence doesn't matter.

    Smoke I + Smoke = Smoke II
    Ice I + Ice = Ice II
    Magma I + Magma = Magma II
    Ooze I + Ooze = Ooze II

    Lightning I + Lightning = Lightning II
    Vacuum I + Vacuum = Vacuum II
    Mineral I + Mineral = Mineral II
    Dust I + Dust = Dust II
    Radiance I + Radiance = Radiance II
    Ash I + Ash = Ash II
    Steam I + Steam = Steam II
    Salt I + Salt = Salt II

    Special Upgrades: (Special means OPPOSITE - don't normally exist in D&D)
    ================================================== ====
    * Create a Tier 3 supershard with the OPPOSITE two elements from first two upgrades. Focii order doesn't matter. Gem/Essence doesn't matter.

    Balance of Land and Sky + Tempered = (?)
    Tempered + Balance of Land and Sky = (?)
    Existential Stalemate + Existential Stalemate = Concordant Opposition

    If you've been saying it for 30 pages, I'd hope you would have realized by now that Existential Stalemate is NOT a special upgrade. It follows the same as ALL others you have listed:

    Fire + Fire = More fire
    Lightning + Lightning = super lightning
    Existential Stalemate + Existential Stalemate = super existential stalemate with a nifty new name.

    Right now the only supposed 'special' upgrades are BoLaS and Tempered.
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  20. #2680
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    I still wonder if it's possible to combine two of the same Supreme Shards. Like an Air + Air, to get a Super Air Shard. I'd test it myself (I'm planning on using a second air shard for my next weapon anyway) but I'm still about 20 large ingredients short.
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