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  1. #61
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    In Japan the bandwidth to homes is 10 to 20 times faster than in the US with extremely low lag. We will never see that bandwidth in the US for the bulk of the country for several more years. Most people live in really big apartment buildings and their connection to the internet start at a 100mb or better connection on a plate in the wall in each room that run down to the basement of the apartment complex. We are talking switched network from the user’s computer to the fiber connection in the basement. The connections for the buildings to the outside are even scarier.

    This is the kind of connection most business IT guys in America wish they had at work.
    The Internet fee is typically part of the rental for the apartment.

    It gets better....

    Most of the gamer clubs in Korea and Japan play at their internet cafes where you can connect even faster and they are all on the same LAN segment, which is very important for consistency of lag among players in a group.

    Maybe someone at Turbine will read this and begin to understand why a group from Japan beat the abbot and why it’s not going to happen in America anytime soon.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baron View Post
    In Japan the bandwidth to homes is 10 to 20 times faster than in the US with extremely low lag. We will never see that bandwidth in the US for the bulk of the country for several more years. Most people live in really big apartment buildings and their connection to the internet start at a 100mb or better connection on a plate in the wall in each room that run down to the basement of the apartment complex. We are talking switched network from the user’s computer to the fiber connection in the basement. The connections for the buildings to the outside are even scarier.
    Certainly. However, have you watched the videos? From the goggle puzzle solution, it seems apparent that the people who beat the puzzle had lag issues with voice communication as well. Their solution used a method that avoided voice chat altogether.

    What I'm interested in is how well US-based players can do the same "synchronized movement" strategy. I run two accounts... when I go to an outdoor area and hit auto-run on both characters, each character thinks he is ahead of the other. This equates to about a quarter to a half second of delay between the two computers (same LAN segment).

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kerr View Post
    They ... "planned" ... people to just hang off the edge instead of using the rocks to blow up the asteroids.

    Well, let's see...

    - The asteroids don't kill you or hurt you, they knock you off the platform
    - The asteroids often knock you off juuuuust enough to fall off the ledge

    Both of the above suggest that the Devs wanted the ledge-hanging to be discovered. Compare this to the main room:

    - The front portion of the platform is generally un-grabbable
    - Trying to grab the side portions of the platform results in death from dipping toes in water
    - Accepting a rez while hanging still gets you creamed by the inferno on your fingertips

    Seems obvious that the devs put some serious consideration into ledge-grabbing in the main room. So they had a big ledge-grabbing checklist in the main room, but lost it by the time they got to the asteroid room?

    Then, of course, there's one final piece of evidence in my favor... the fact that this thread is still alive and well. It's had almost 4000 views, which means that there's a high likelihood that at least one person has reported "discussion of an exploit" in this thread. Yet it still exists, and the post providing video links remains. We know for a fact that the forum team is aware of this thread - they moved it to the achievements forum.

    There's only two conclusions here, Kerr: either we have a new forum policy allowing us to post and discuss exploits, or ledge-hanging is not an exploit.
    Last edited by Strakeln; 01-19-2008 at 11:17 AM.

  4. #64
    Community Member Dimz's Avatar
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    Thank you Strak... The DEV's said it theirselves. Some things needed to beat the abbot are right infront of you. Outsmarting people is now an exploit i guess. Well lock me up and throw away the key!

    PS. I am in America.. I have no problem with lag in Abbot for the most part. Not enough to affect my game or twitch skills.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dimz View Post
    PS. I am in America.. I have no problem with lag in Abbot for the most part. Not enough to affect my game or twitch skills.
    Most people can say this. It's communicating these game or twitch skills to the other side of the barrier

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baron View Post

    Most of the gamer clubs in Korea and Japan play at their internet cafes where you can connect even faster and they are all on the same LAN segment, which is very important for consistency of lag among players in a group.
    this is not the case in japan.
    few fps clan may do this but at least i never heared of mmo guild playin this way.
    DIV on Thelanis

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  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    Well, let's see...

    - The asteroids don't kill you or hurt you, they knock you off the platform
    - The asteroids often knock you off juuuuust enough to fall off the ledge

    Both of the above suggest that the Devs wanted the ledge-hanging to be discovered. Compare this to the main room:

    - The front portion of the platform is generally un-grabbable
    - Trying to grab the side portions of the platform results in death from dipping toes in water
    - Accepting a rez while hanging still gets you creamed by the inferno on your fingertips

    Seems obvious that the devs put some serious consideration into ledge-grabbing in the main room. So they had a big ledge-grabbing checklist in the main room, but lost it by the time they got to the asteroid room?

    Then, of course, there's one final piece of evidence in my favor... the fact that this thread is still alive and well. It's had almost 4000 views, which means that there's a high likelihood that at least one person has reported "discussion of an exploit" in this thread. Yet it still exists, and the post providing video links remains. We know for a fact that the forum team is aware of this thread - they moved it to the achievements forum.

    There's only two conclusions here, Kerr: either we have a new forum policy allowing us to post and discuss exploits, or ledge-hanging is not an exploit.
    While not an exploit what he's trying to get at was it wan't INTENDED, its exploiting the fact that in some areas u need to grab ledges to get up ie in von3 the shrine just past the scorp room with the overpass and drow on it. Chances are there will be no response from the moderators as its not exploiting a bug in the game which will get the post shutdown or edited. Devs may change or may not it just means there is an easy cheap way and the harder proper way.

  8. #68
    Community Member Pellegro's Avatar
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    I'm surprised there is such hostility to the idea that hanging off the side may be the "solution" to the puzzle ....

    It is a puzzle, after all.

    Besides, isn't forcing people to think "out of the box" and come up with non-fighting solutions to problems a really big part of D&D?

    I think we now have the solution to that "puzzle"......

    The ice caps have been solved for some time - just takes patience.

    The Abbott will be run to death like the Reaver is now in no time at all.

  9. #69
    Community Member Dimz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pellegro View Post
    I'm surprised there is such hostility to the idea that hanging off the side may be the "solution" to the puzzle ....

    It is a puzzle, after all.

    Besides, isn't forcing people to think "out of the box" and come up with non-fighting solutions to problems a really big part of D&D?

    I think we now have the solution to that "puzzle"......

    The ice caps have been solved for some time - just takes patience.

    The Abbott will be run to death like the Reaver is now in no time at all.
    And to also prove your point. Hanging on the ledge isn't something that is easy. There is a certain way to position yourself. It isn't EASY. I have seen two people do it on my server, some guy and me.

  10. #70
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    they completed it again and pulled 3 named loot and a +3 tome this time.

    Enduring Conviction - Longsword: +5 Enhancement, Greater Good, Banishing, True law (LG alienment or UMD of 30)

    Circle of Hatred - Ring: Harm 3/day, +13 Intimidate, +4 Resistance

    Purging the Pantheon - Belt: Quell 3/day, Moderater Fortification, Protection +4

    these items havent changed too... i dont know, im one of those who missed advantage of the situation and still lookin to beat this one, dont wanna discourage ppl from this raid at all but seems like devs made this stupid quest just extremely hard and didnt change reward so much. that sucks.
    DIV on Thelanis

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  11. #71
    Community Member Dimz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yk49 View Post
    these items havent changed too... i dont know, im one of those who missed advantage of the situation and still lookin to beat this one, dont wanna discourage ppl from this raid at all but seems like devs made this stupid quest just extremely hard and didnt change reward so much. that sucks.

    Been Practicing Alot. Been beating, asteroids as they did, and ice puzzle has always been easy. Not sure if they found another way to beat goggles or they are just really good at it by now. I started a guild based only on doing abbot raid hopefully I can find about 12 men to devote hours on hours.

  12. #72
    Founder Zorlinta's Avatar
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    Well im think overall is a great achivement, besides here we will gonna have lots of troubles to solve to get that done too, so latency is a big trouble on many places over here, im often play on wireless 256kbps, so my latencies goes from 650-1,200ms and lagging a lot very often, and in my country hard (to not say impossible) to have over 1Mbps connection for a domestic line. So this have some effect on the gameplay. But too, is extremely hard to coordinate play time with 12 friends when often daily only connects up to 4. So still if want and have to reserve some time to play together still is not enough to can learn and develop those techniques to beat that raid. Im think that devs seriously must think too on those non-power gammers that not spends all lifetime playing to beat a ridiculous hard quest on perfect gameplay enviroment.
    ARGOMABAR Server
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    Yeah, finally updated the signature so?

  13. #73
    Community Member Nevthial's Avatar
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    Congratulations to the victorious!
    Calamitous Intent***The Broken
    Quote Originally Posted by tchurvul View Post
    ...I even took his robe as a trophy. It's so comfortable..and it reminds me of the sweet sweet taste of victory. All who oppose me meet such a fate, so let it be a lesson to you.

  14. #74
    Time Bandit Renegade66's Avatar
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    Congratulations. An incredible amount of man-hours for crappy loot, but quite an accomplishment. This raid is so broken and abandoned that I don't really care that they exploited the asteroids (and indeed hanging off the edge of the platform to avoid completing the puzzle as intended is an exploit). I am very much impressed by the dedication it took to complete. We ran a few times but stopped when getting encased on the ice flow then going back and having the ice wand shoot to the ceiling. Weak.

    We've been waiting for the "real" fixes, which will come eventually and I expect will include a fix to eliminate the hanging off the edge exploit.

    Great job to the Japanese team!
    Blutus, Bodak, Diablo, Guilloteen, Jellybean, Mantikor
    Marauder, Renaissance, Rigormortiss, Ungajinga, Valkyrie
    1st ww Tower/Vision/Abbot/Shroud, Epic VoN/Chrono, Reaver Xoriat * 1st capped Permatoon

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade66 View Post
    and indeed hanging off the edge of the platform to avoid completing the puzzle as intended is an exploit
    Well, glad you cleared that up for us

    Out of curiosity, any idea why this thread and the post showing the video is still up?

  16. #76
    Time Bandit Renegade66's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    Well, glad you cleared that up for us

    Out of curiosity, any idea why this thread and the post showing the video is still up?
    My pleasure.

    Did you know that if you jump forward, then backward, spin around three times then type /dance you will teleport yourself from one end of the goggles puzzle to the other? Yep, also in the ice room, if you move to the far left, dive in the water then hug the left wall you can swim on the bottom all the way to the end. In fact, none of the puzzles need to be solved as the design appears. The boulders, ice wand and goggles are merely diversions to the dev's real intention which is to allow you to stumble upon ridiculously simple solutions.

    The post and video is probably still up because the raid is so broken that being able to exploit yourself through the asteroids isn't going to allow 99.99% of the playerbase the ability to successfully complete the raid.
    Last edited by Renegade66; 01-21-2008 at 12:38 PM.
    Blutus, Bodak, Diablo, Guilloteen, Jellybean, Mantikor
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  17. #77
    Community Member juniorpfactors's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade66 View Post
    My pleasure.

    Did you know that if you jump forward, then backward, spin around three times then type /dance you will teleport yourself from one end of the goggles puzzle to the other? Yep, also in the ice room, if you move to the far left, dive in the water then hug the left wall you can swim on the bottom all the way to the end. In fact, none of the puzzles need to be solved as the design appears. The boulders, ice wand and goggles are merely diversions to the dev's real intention which is to allow you to stumble upon ridiculously simple solutions.

    The post and video is probably still up because the raid is so broken that being able to exploit yourself through the asteroids isn't going to allow 99.99% of the playerbase the ability to successfully complete the raid.

    this is great

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade66 View Post
    My pleasure.

    Did you know that if you jump forward, then backward, spin around three times then type /dance you will teleport yourself from one end of the goggles puzzle to the other? Yep, also in the ice room, if you move to the far left, dive in the water then hug the left wall you can swim on the bottom all the way to the end. In fact, none of the puzzles need to be solved as the design appears. The boulders, ice wand and goggles are merely diversions to the dev's real intention which is to allow you to stumble upon ridiculously simple solutions.

    The post and video is probably still up because the raid is so broken that being able to exploit yourself through the asteroids isn't going to allow 99.99% of the playerbase the ability to successfully complete the raid.
    I agree that at first blush it certainly feels like an exploit. I don't buy into your reasoning that the forum team decided that the "no posting exploits" rule is actually the "no posting exploits unless they won't be of much use to you" rule.

    I vote we test this to make sure. My initial thought was to report the post, but I don't wanna get anyone in trouble for my experimentation purposes. So let's try it where I'm the one who might get into trouble... someone please report this post, no hard feelings:

    In the Abbott Raid Asteroid puzzle, you can hang off the ledge and avoid all asteroids, resulting in successful completion of the puzzle. <------------- POTENTIAL EXLPOIT POST!!!!

  19. #79
    Time Bandit Renegade66's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    I agree that at first blush it certainly feels like an exploit. I don't buy into your reasoning that the forum team decided that the "no posting exploits" rule is actually the "no posting exploits unless they won't be of much use to you" rule.

    I vote we test this to make sure. My initial thought was to report the post, but I don't wanna get anyone in trouble for my experimentation purposes. So let's try it where I'm the one who might get into trouble... someone please report this post, no hard feelings:

    In the Abbott Raid Asteroid puzzle, you can hang off the ledge and avoid all asteroids, resulting in successful completion of the puzzle. <------------- POTENTIAL EXLPOIT POST!!!!

    How about let's not and say we did? This post is about the achievement of a tenacious group of fellow DDO players from Japan that accomplished what I thought was nearly impossible and beat the devs fixed but even more broken raid. Why lobby to close this? They deserve all the kudos we can offer (exploit to the stupid asteroid puzzle or not).
    Blutus, Bodak, Diablo, Guilloteen, Jellybean, Mantikor
    Marauder, Renaissance, Rigormortiss, Ungajinga, Valkyrie
    1st ww Tower/Vision/Abbot/Shroud, Epic VoN/Chrono, Reaver Xoriat * 1st capped Permatoon

  20. #80
    Community Member Valiance's Avatar
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    Not an exploit.

    I wonder why some people scream exploit if you come up with a creative solution to a problem. All this, "you must solve it as the Devs intended!" stuff cracks me up for two reasons. One, no you don't have to solve every thing, "as the devs intended"...that is what creativity is!!! Two, we have no idea what the devs intended and to act otherwise my opinion acting with arrogance.

    Again, in my opinion it's not an exploit.

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