There are very few decent Rogues, we seem to have many Rouges though........
There are very few decent Rogues, we seem to have many Rouges though........
When the party is happy to invite another rogue to the group knowing that you can pull your weight in combat as well as trapping.
OK just to be a smart @$$:
You know your a good rogue when...
your name is Shamgard.
(Someone had to do it. lol)
With a name like Shamgard you have to be good.![]()
See you in Stormreach, Shamguard "I am THE Rogue."
Practice doesn't make Perfect. Practice make Permanent. Patience makes Perfect.
Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
Proud Member of Ascent
Arko Highstar
Arckos Highstar
Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
Proud Member of Ascent
Arko Highstar
Arckos Highstar
The term "tank" is certainly stretched quite far in the DDO world.
The point you were trying to make is quite valid, however... if an offensively-focused build is losing the kill count to a rogue, they had better have a good excuse. Something along the lines of "my right mouse button fell off".
Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
Proud Member of Ascent
Arko Highstar
Arckos Highstar
No a sign of poor tanks is that you can;t attack without pulling aggro off them.... (sorry had a bad experience the other day, tanks were using a Para and a Vorp.... well needless to say if I didn;t want aggro I had to twiddle my thumbs, or suck it up and take the aggro)
R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08
When you're in the middle of the spell explosions, a disintigrate ray tries to hit you, but does nothing, and the Mind flayer has zapped everybody successfully but you, and you haven't taken a single point of damage, and you wail them all down. Then you stand waiting for the party's incurable daze they are in to end, tapping your foot.
When elementals are literally blowing up their elements and you are ground zero, and you're not noticing since you're debating whether to use an elemental bane and finish them, or a paralizer and let the fighters do their job.
When you detected a certain Gianthold "impossible" trap at elite (pre fix) and disable it as a multiclass. While on that Realm area.....
When the pary playing POP elite argues who forgot to get the key and you go up and unlock the door without even bothering to switch to your open lock item.
You get that price you wanted juuust over the threshold by using a rogue skill boost.
Everybody thinks you're a just a spell only combat useless wizard, and you show them how to destroy your damage multiplied exponentially enemies in melee without spells, or leave them stuck but yet unharmed for the DPS fighters (sorry, since I switched to a command item, I don't do the sneaky sneaky thing that well anymore.)
(But I still hate you mobs of Duegar!)
Be careful what you wish for, what you say is best; for sometimes what you seek is found, not at the end of the quest.
I AM, -- the truthseeker
I just don't get it my rogue loves aggro means I ****ed it off enough to hate me. of course in my rogues main hand is sirroco and my offhand is treason. once I see them go blind they are my play toy. of course mindflayer hate the +1 flameburst byshek dagger of greater abberition bane. as I say I love aggro just enough to rip apart a monster 1 at a time
xoriat player
Caliestro Calierron Dovavin Caliergod Ishane Escaflowne Rander
You can zerg just as effectively w/ an intimitank.
An intimitank gets everything in a nice little bunch, which is then promptly blown up by the casters (including the cleric, since he doesn't have to spend all his time staring at health bars of everyone in the group).