It accrued to me one day, while lost in the crucible maze, that sure you get a little "how to" course when you first get to stormreach but you don't get a real guild to get you past the lvl 1 and 2 blues. Now, i'm sure that most of the people that come to stormreach can figure stuff out very quickly. Likewise they move up the food chain pretty fast. Or get picked up by a guild and swiped off into the stormreach world. What about those of us that don't get things that fast and need time to get the basics down right. I was one of the ones that just didn't know how to get what i wanted done. For a brief time when i first got to stormreach i was lost. Till I was picked up by my brothers guild and shown and taught what i needed to know. They took me to the waterworks and gave me a lesson in the many uses of grease clickies. 5 minutes of grease with no saving throws, good times were had, anyways, the point is they helped me get the hang of the game. So i have decided to help out our newer people by offering help to all those who want it. I have rolled a up a rogue that i will not lvl past 4, she is there in hopes that i can help people acclimate themselves to the game. I know what your thinking, no grease will be used. Unless the zurgging get out of hand. =) My goal is to get them up and around quickly so they can enjoy the game that much faster. Past couple of days I've pugged out a few times this idea and it seems to help people. We consentrated on the many ways you get around (tele-porting around from house to house etc) and who and where you need to go to get better armor (pawn shops and armors). I showed them basic strategy that most gamers use by second nature, like using a doorway as a good melee point and so on. I encourage more people to do this, i mean really, till the next mod gets here what better way to use your time. Difficulty lvl's might not be the same but the challenges are great, but the rewards are equal to them. Helping others helps you.
thank you for your interest in the MAC, check your xp at the door. LONG LIVE GRUNK!!!!!!!!!!!