It's that time of the month again........ eeewww gross! Stop thinking like that.
It's time for Yaga's montly contests!
As usual it will be held at the Open Palm Inn in House J on February 6th.
I would like all contestants of the Dodge-a-thon and/or the Tough Guy contest to be at the Inn by 7:30 PM EST.
10K PP entry fee per contest!
I'm asking all the casters that would like to participate to be at the Inn by 7:45 PM EST.
The Dodge-a-thon will begin at 8 PM EST (no entries accepted after 7:50 PM EST) and the Tough Guy contest will begin 15 minutes after the finish of the Dodge-a-thon.
This month will be your chance to give input on the next contest brought to you by Yaga Nub Productions.
Will it be the will save contest that Yaga has hinted at?
Will it be a race through the winding, gloomy passages of the Tempest Spine without getting lost?
Or will it be the birth of the first MMAS (Mixed Martial Arts and Spells) Federation in Stormreach (complete with Belt and Title)!
The Dodge-a-thon winner will be able to choose from a selection of prizes. The only rule is that the prize must be usable by the winning contestant (not an alt). These aren't all uber items but hopefully by then I'll have at least a few to give.
The money payout stays the same for the Dodge-a-thon and as always I don't get a cent for doing this.
We have new rules for the tough guy contest.
Last time some of the contestants complained that they were getting hit by 5 or 6 different spells while other contestants were only getting hit with one spell at a time. This is a valid concern. This time each caster will be assigned a contestant and that caster will ONLY cast at that contestant. Spells will also be rotated to ensure that contestants are getting hit by damaging and non-damaging spells (i.e. disintegrate and Flesh to Stone). This might slow the contest down a bit but we need to ensure a level playing field.
I hope to see you there and as always I need contestants and casters to reply ASAP (with the name of the character that will be participating)!
Stee - Dodge-a-thon/Tough Guy/Mystery contest
Spisey - Dodge-a-thon/Tough Guy
Syrbryce - Dodge-a-thon/Tough Guy
Eyern - Tough Guy
Maydie - Tough Guy
Moldrin - Dodge-a-thon
Luux - Dodge-a-thon
Vinney/Vinnee - Dodge-a-thon/Tough Guy
Fumbliah - Dodge-a-thon
Beerthirty - Tough Guy
Prentiss - rl conflict
Beerthirty - Dodge-a-thon only