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  1. #1
    Community Member capluke's Avatar
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    Jul 2006

    Default Need some help with Audio - specifically voice

    About 2 weeks ago my voice wasn't being heard by a group, and I could also not see my name highlighted when i spoke. I logged out and logged back in but to no avail. I use a logitec headset (don't know exact model). This is my second one - it replaced a model that did not have mute button. Back to in game - I tried to do a mic test and the first couple of times i spoke the bars indicated it was working, but by the third word the bars just froze in place. I figured it was perhaps my headset that went bad and purchased a new one - also logitech. Well I still cant speak with anyone hearing me . Anyone have any ideas or thoughts on what i might need to do to regain my voice? It really stinks not being able to communicate by voice. I thank everyone in advance for any help they may be able to provide.

  2. #2
    Community Member arminius's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    I had this problem since beta, and gave up on trying to use a mic.

    The problem was that Microphone Boost needed to be turned on. When that was enabled, no problemo.

    Here is a step by step for it: How to enable microphone boost in Windows XP.

    Of course, this might have nothing whatsoever to do with your issue, but it is the first place to look.

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  3. #3
    Community Member capluke's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    Thanks Arminius - I will try that. Also, can anyone recommend a headset/mic combo that they use. I would really appreciate it.

  4. #4
    Community Member MrWizard's Avatar
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    Sep 2006


    just to check..

    check windows 'sounds' options..I believe contolpanle-sounds... and make sure your logitech headset/microphone is choosen as the default device for record and audio..I usually select it for everythiing.

    Then in the audio options of ddo, make sure your logitech is selected in both drop downs at the bottom of the page (you must scroll down).

    There is also a drop down in the middle of the page that says 3d harware or stereo software. Try both and see if that matters.

    make sure windows properly sees you device. Test this by using it to here something (like a video on youtube) and test record using the cheap sound record in windows accessories.

    Also, make sure you have 'voice chat' enabled in the audio options page in DDO. Make sure the 'test mic is not on.

    Test mic will allow you to talk and see the bars. But you should also 'hear' your voice, if you do not, the mic is not working properly. Most likely.

    If you have other things checked like 'enable eax, try unslecting them.

    You alos have to volume controls, one for mic gain (your mic record volume) and one for audio volume (what you hear from other users mics). The higher your gain the louder you are, use this to make your voice lower or higher.
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