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  1. #1
    Founder fefnir3284's Avatar
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    Default Fefnir's Emporium

    here is what I got for trade : (will take gems, items I need, or plat)

    Special offer : will sell everything listed here for 2 million plat...

    +1 smiting longsword (lv8 : rr wf)
    +1 khopesh of disruption (lv8 : rr wf)
    +1 para scim (lv10)
    +2 vorp longsword (lv10 rr wf)
    +1 vorp scim of tendon slice 2% (lv12)
    +1 para greataxe of +2 vertigo (lv12)
    +1 banish club of +1 stunning (lv12)
    +1 crippling hvy x-bow of smiting (lv12)
    +1 para hvy x-bow of pure good (lv12)

    +5 holy hvy repeater of +1 backstabbig (lv12 L rr elf)
    +2 holy burst battleaxe of pure good (lv12)
    +2 holy burst longsword (lv8 : rr halfling)
    +1 holy burst bastard sword (lv8)

    Charoush's Inferno (+5 flaming burst bastard sword) (lv12)
    +5 frost light repeater (lv10)
    +5 frost club of pure good (lv12)
    +4 frost morningstar of lesser vermin bane (lv10)
    +4 frost bastard sword of pure good (lv10)
    +5 acid morningstar (lv10)

    +3 scimmy of greater goblinoid bane (lv10)
    +3 hvy mace of greater abberation bane (lv10)
    +1 true law hvy mace of greater evil outsider bane (lv8)
    +3 crippling hvy mace of greater evil outsider bane (lv12)
    +2 seeking (+4) warhammer of greater vermin bane (lv12)

    +3 cursespewing light mace of rightousness (level 12)
    +3 cursespewing dwarven axe of deception (level 12)
    +3 cursespewing light repeater of power 1 (lv12)

    +3 wounding heavy repeater of power 1 (lv12)

    +5 mithril breastplate (lv8)
    +5 light mithril shield of blinding (lv10)
    +5 light mith shield (lv6 : rr wf)
    +5 hvy mith shield (lv8)

    +25% striding boots of +3 jump (lv13)
    +20% striding boots of +3 jump (lv11) x 3
    inferno bracers (+6 dex bracers)
    steady armbands (+3 dex of +1 to hit bracers)
    +6 str belt (rr wf)
    +6 dex gloves (rr wf)
    +6 str ring of +3 perform (rr halfling)
    portable holes (five)

    if you dont have plat here is what I am interested in :

    large collectible bags,
    large gem bags,
    +4 cursespewing kukri,
    +* holy burst kukri of pure good (any rr),
    +* shocking burst kukri of pure good (any rr)
    elemental and holy burst rapier/shortsword/daggers of pure good (or maiming) (any rr)
    electric haze and ring of unknown origins OR poison immune ring of hvy fort
    fanged gloves or +6 str glove
    +6 wisdom helmet
    +6 con neckalce
    +6 wisdom necklace and +6 con ring OR +6 wis ring and +6 con necklace
    +5 protection ring
    boots of the innocents
    1k and 5k valued gemstones of mass quantities
    shield fragments (need two complete sets)
    Last edited by fefnir3284; 01-29-2008 at 01:08 PM.
    Server - Argonessen
    Drakes Grim Repears

  2. #2
    Community Member kscribley's Avatar
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    Aug 2006


    pm sent
    Kscribly, Darcangel, Magnetio, Crepy, Izgnate, Angeluis, Warranpeace, Hagles

  3. #3
    Founder fefnir3284's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    lots of things added
    Server - Argonessen
    Drakes Grim Repears

  4. #4
    Community Member Hanam's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    Would you trade that disruption Khopesh for a +1 scimitar of disruption ?

  5. #5
    Founder fefnir3284's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Hanam View Post
    Would you trade that disruption Khopesh for a +1 scimitar of disruption ?
    sorry I got all the disruptors I need.
    Server - Argonessen
    Drakes Grim Repears

  6. #6
    Founder akla_thornfist's Avatar
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    good to see your stil around alex hope to group with ya soon see ya akla,
    akla thornfist lev 17fighter- healalot thornfist lev 19cleric- aklasek thornfist 13fighter 4 paly- healthis thornfist lev 17 32pt cleric- seakla lev 8 rogue, proud member of unbreakable

  7. #7
    Founder fefnir3284's Avatar
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    hope to see you too akla
    Server - Argonessen
    Drakes Grim Repears

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