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  1. #1
    Community Member dameron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Bug with Caster DC, perhaps a major bug.

    There's definitely a bug, whether or not it's just a display bug remains to be seen, but I notice, when running BAM with my enchantment focused sorcerer, that the duergar were saving a bit more often than I remember they should.

    Typically this means I've forgotten to re-equip my +CHR helmet and still have my +CHR/Haggle helmet equipped.

    Simple enough, I switched to my +CHR helmet.

    Then I checked, on a hunch, my spell DCs.

    Suggestion: DC 13 instead of 27
    Charm Monster: DC 14 intead of 28

    It appears, at the very least, there's a display bug when swapping +caster stat items, but it does jibe with my anecdotal experience that sometimes it's nearly impossible to land a spell that typically lands 80%+ of the time, and swapping items back and forth sometimes "fixes" that.

    So it's nice to see that maybe it's not just my imagination.

    BTW this is easily tested by checking your spell DCs, swapping a +caster stat item in or out and rechecking your save DCs.

    Hopefully it's just a display bug, but if it isn't...


  2. #2
    Community Member Arnya's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    I have this bug too - I have to reset my metamagics and swap then re-equip my gauntlets of eternity on my sorc/clr

    Then without an item the DC displays correctly ie 27 for heightened hypnotism.

    When I equip my illusion/enchantment sceptre, the DC drops to 11.

    On testing the DC is in fact a lot higher, it just seems to ignore the fact that heighten is on. It's only when I equip an enhancing item that the DCs specific to that item display incorrectly.

    ..Or something
    BLACK MANTIS - Sarlona
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  3. #3


    This has been discussed a lot here.
    Server - Thelanis
    Diaries of a True Reincarnate (Wizard, Sorcerer, Melee, Divine, Artificer, Druid)

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