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  1. #1
    Community Member Master_of_None's Avatar
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    Default Please Fix Threnal Progression

    I'd been through the whole Threnal Chain once, done west and east all on hard or elite, and went back to finish off south on hard or elite (depending on what the party could open). Looked forward to some xp, favor, and maybe even the spec ops while they would still be useful. I go to Sal to try to get the quest for south. I get the option to repeat the eastern excavation, or ask if there's more to do. I don't want to repeat east, so I ask if there's more to do. I'm trying to get through the dialog quickly to get to the quest, and before I know it, Sal has reset all 3 parts for me. There goes doing hard or elite for south, since no else could open it, and there goes my end reward.

    Now, maybe I should have slowed down, read everything carefully, and this wouldn't have happened. Probably true. But for the love of all that is holy, can the devs please make this quest progression make sense? Sal didn't tell me to talk to the halfling in front of south (Zevra, something like that), or I would have done that. Is there any way to redo south, without abandoning south and south alone from the quest log? Is that even possible? I'm sorry, but no progression should require abandoning a quest from the log in my opinion. Please make the NPCs give clear directions, and maybe even a confirmation box before you reset an entire chain of 9 quests. There has got to be a better way to do this.

  2. #2
    Community Member BlueLightBandit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master of None View Post
    Now, maybe I should have slowed down, read everything carefully, and this wouldn't have happened.
    I'm confused... you want the devs to force us to slow down and read carefully? How exactly would you implement that?

    The progression is as follows
    A. Do East and West in any order.
    B. Do South.
    C. Talk to the end guy for an end reward.

    Again I'm confused, as the quest journal will say specifically to either talk to another person or enter a specific dungeon. MMOs are all about talking to NPC's... and in order to go from A. to B. you have to talk to an NPC who gives you three options 1. Repeat the quest. 2. Is there anything else to do? or 3. Step away from the NPC. Yes, it's tricky, but yes, you provided your own solution in slowing down and reading carfully.

    I once read a quote that said choosing not to read is no more intelligent than not being able to. I find it quite apropos here.
    Last edited by BlueLightBandit; 01-13-2008 at 04:56 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    No're not supposed to LIKE it... *sigh*

  3. #3
    Community Member Master_of_None's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueLightBandit View Post
    I'm confused... you want the devs to force us to slow down and read carefully? How exactly would you implement that?

    The progression is as follows
    A. Do East and West in any order.
    B. Do South.
    C. Talk to the end guy for an end reward.

    Again I'm confused, as the quest journal will say specifically to either talk to another person or enter a specific dungeon. MMOs are all about talking to NPC's... and in order to go from A. to B. you have to talk to an NPC who gives you three options 1. Repeat the quest. 2. Is there anything else to do? or 3. Step away from the NPC. Yes, it's tricky, but yes, you provided your own solution in slowing down and reading carfully.

    I once read a quote that said choosing not to read is no more intelligent than not being able to. I find it quite apropos here.
    Maybe I'm the only person who's ever had this problem, though I find that unlikely. If so, then clearly it's my own fault and nothing needs to be done. Let me assume for the moment that that is not the case.

    The issue is the way you cannot (at least I cannot) repeat the quest the same way I went through the first time. The first time after doing east and west you talk to Sal, and he tells you to talk to the halfling in front of south. Going through it again, after finishing east and west, I did not get that option, and could not figure out how to get the quest for south. Maybe I needed to abandon the quest for south in order to re-take it, but I didn't have to do that for east and west. I don't see why the progression for repeating should be any different than it is for the first time through. I don't have to abandon Delara's or Co6 to do them again; why do I need to abandon part of Threnal? And assuming that is how to do it, where is that made clear? I admit I could have missed something, but that doesn't mean I necessarily did.

  4. #4
    Founder AxeM's Avatar
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    The Threnal advancement dialog is misleading and confusing, it's not just you.

  5. #5
    Community Member Alizar's Avatar
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    It would be nice if the dialog was audible instead of having to read all that bloody text. Especially when you are always in a party that is in a hurry. No time to go over all that text when party is ready to roll. I never read the text from the npc's probably going to start at some point though to get more out of the game. I use the quest journal for all my quest information. It tells me what I need to do next to advance a quest...very helpful to me. Can't remember if this applies for Threnal South though.

  6. #6
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    It does need a fix.

    I had the exact same problem - and I actually read all the dialog and picked the logical choices.. Repeat west - do it,, get reward, done, repeat east - do it, get reward done.. Ask is there more to do here? Yes - repeat south - ALL 3 RESET NO WARNING, No explanation.

    Thats just how it currently works, there is no logical explanation in the dialog that is gonna happen. So reading woudlnt help in this case.

    Once all 3 are completed
    1. Go to quest journal : Find West or East.
    2. Reset west OR east manually using the abandon button (it will properly give a warning that it will reset both iteself and south)
    3. Do west OR East (you do not need to do the one you did not reset)
    4. Ask is there more to do here.

    However no other quest chain in the game requires the use of the messy abandon quest mechanic - so this one should not either, especially with no explanation.

    I've posted this a dozen times now but here it is again:
    Proper and best fix:
    Once the entier chain is done correctly at least once - all 3 are repeatable at will. Same as the latest necropolis series.

    Alternate fix: (to keep end reward progression): Repeating south thru the npc does not qualify you for the end reward. Instead it gives you 3 choices when you talk to Sal
    - Repeat Eastern Excavation
    - Repeat Southern Excavation
    - Repeat Entire Chain - This allows you to get the static reward again (resets all 3 sections)

  7. #7
    Community Member Master_of_None's Avatar
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    Thanks to everyone for their comments to reassure me that I'm not the only one who has had a problem with this, and thanks to Shade for reposting how to actually redo the series. It is in fact as ridiculous as I thought. Let's hope someone is paying attention to this, but if Shade has already posted about it several times and nothing has happened, I'm not very optimistic.

  8. #8
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    This has needed a fix since beta (I hate how often I have to say that) - and has been asked for with some degree of regularity since then. One mistep with the dialog box at the wrong time and you've wasted a fair bit of time.
    However, our pleas have been ignored in favor of adding scores of slimes to the quests.

    I'd run Threnal more if it were more user-friendly both in-quest and out... but it's a shame the Devs don't take the time to make a few alterations that would really help refine one of the better story-lines in the game.
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  9. #9
    Stormreach Advisor

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    I'm pretty sure the "abandon" thing is an exploit, in the sense of being unintended (although I use it all the time )
    The "correct" way to repeat the chain is to ask to repeat south, so it resets everything, and you do again east+west+south.
    It's the same problem as with the crypt quests (at least the Shadow and Bloody ones), where if you want to repeat them you need to reset the last quest and NOT repeat each pre-quest individually.

  10. #10


    Simple Fix:

    Move either the Eastern Quest Dialog or the Southern Quest Dialog to someone else.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Master_of_None's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    This has needed a fix since beta (I hate how often I have to say that) - and has been asked for with some degree of regularity since then. One mistep with the dialog box at the wrong time and you've wasted a fair bit of time.
    However, our pleas have been ignored in favor of adding scores of slimes to the quests.

    I'd run Threnal more if it were more user-friendly both in-quest and out... but it's a shame the Devs don't take the time to make a few alterations that would really help refine one of the better story-lines in the game.
    Well, there's nothing you can't fix with some slimes. Or am I thinking of duct tape?

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