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I'm confused... you want the devs to force us to slow down and read carefully? How exactly would you implement that?
The progression is as follows
A. Do East and West in any order.
B. Do South.
C. Talk to the end guy for an end reward.
Again I'm confused, as the quest journal will say specifically to either talk to another person or enter a specific dungeon. MMOs are all about talking to NPC's... and in order to go from A. to B. you have to talk to an NPC who gives you three options 1. Repeat the quest. 2. Is there anything else to do? or 3. Step away from the NPC. Yes, it's tricky, but yes, you provided your own solution in slowing down and reading carfully.
I once read a quote that said choosing not to read is no more intelligent than not being able to. I find it quite apropos here.