With Mod 6 introducing the Arcane Archer enhancement line, I'm thinking that it's more or less formalised that Enhancements will be the path to Prestige Classes. So, along those lines, I was wondering if Enhancements will also be used to create options for subraces (i.e. Elves: Aeranal, Valenar, Xen'drik, Khorvaire). Subraces could introduce a lot of variety and help solve the problem of the "lack of races". To make it more realistic, perhaps the subracial enhancements could be linked to a 1st-level only feat that grants basic bonus (i.e. +2 STR, +2 CON, -2 INT for Valenar Elves to reflect their warrior lifestyes). I've rattled of a few ideas below. Anyone else have thoughts on this?

Human Subraces

Riedran Refugee\Inspired Vessel (+2 WIS, +2 bonus to mind affecting spells and effects, no extra skill points, cannot manifest dragonmarks) - stats reflect upbringing in Inspired controlled continent and mental training needed to resist their domination (or, in the case of Vessels, training in preparation for Quori spirit)
- enhancements can increase resistance to mind affecting spells or give spell abilities that charm others (pseudo-psionic) or free them from compulsions

Seren (+2 CON, +2 STR, -2 WIS, -2 INT, cannot manifest dragonmarks) - the dragon worshiping tribes of Argonessen are trained to be warriors but superstition and fear of the dragons drive their thinking
- enhancements could simulate Dragon Rituals as listed in Magic of Eberron (e.g. Ritual of Presence - grants weakened version of fear aura possessed by dragons; enemies are shaken when you intimidate)

Elven Subraces (Standard elf in DDO is Aeranal, I assume since they follow the Undying Court)

Valenar (+2 STR, +2 CON, -2 INT, no bonus to saves vs. enchantments, no elven racial wpn proficiency, gain Double Scimitar and Scimitar feat, cannot manifest dragonmarks) - warrior nomads, Valenar Elves are fierce raiders who revere their ancestors instead of the Undying Court. Valenar elves still despise the giants of Xen'drik for their enslavement many centuries ago
- enhancements could improve racial weapons, gives attack bonuses vs. giants, clerics could specialise in Call of the Ancestors instead

Drow Subraces (drow in DDO currently represent the drow of Xen'drik's jungles, I think)

Sulatar (+2 STR, -2 DEX, no CHR bonus, base resistance - 5/Fire, cannot manifest dragonmarks, no drow wpns, exotic weapon: two-bladed sword) - the fire-worshipping Sulatar believe that one day Fernia will consume Eberron and their knowledge of binding elementals is ancient and unparalleled
- enchancements could improve fire resistance, grant ability to summon elementals or fire spells (scorching ray, fire shield), clerics specialise in Promise of Fire (turn\rebuke elems replaces turn undead, 1/10min - summon an Elder Elemental)

Umbragen (standard drow stats, no bonuses to resist enchantments, +2 saves vs. Illusion and shadow magic, +2 bonus to Hide, darkvision, no drow wpns, exotic weapon: mindblade*) - seeking shelter from the cataclysm that shattered Xen'drik in the war between giants and dragons, these drow hide in the dark passages to Khyber while terrible magics raged above them. Over time, they discovered the secrets of the Qalbarin, a lost race of elves who had mastered necromancy and shadow magic. The Umbragen bound their body and souls to the "Umbra" and use its power to protect themselves from the fiends of Khyber)
- enchancements could improve hide skill, spell like abilities related to shadow\illusion, umbral link grants spellcasters more spell points, clerics specialise in the Umbra (turn undead grants ghost-touch to self\ally, 1/10min - enhanced shadow walk (like spell but effects reduced to blur and 30% striding after attack, duration = 1min/2 levels)

Misc Subrace

Daelkyr Half-blood (+2 CON, -2 CHR, lose racial bonuses, +2 saves vs. chaotic creatures, immune to confusion, insanity and similar effects)
- twisted from conception by the Daelkyr, half-bloods look like normal members of their race except that their colouring is always strangely unnerving (i.e. two eyes of different colours). they are born with a living symbiont which makes them hardier but alienates and frightens other races
- enhancements could similate bonuses from different symbionts as presented in Magic of Eberron and other sources (e.g. Shadow Sibling - cast Displacement on self 1/CON Mod/day, bonus to hide skill; Throwing Scarab - symbiont secretes resin which hardens into a small shard which can be thrown like a dart (1d6 slashing + 1d6 acid, 19-20/x2, counts as magic)