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  1. #21
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    I'm all for more character slots - when we have Monks, Druids, Half-Orcs, and Half-Elves added to the game. Until then - it would be nice, but nothing that will be a major thorn in my side if we don't receive.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  2. #22
    Community Member Jolani's Avatar
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    I really think that it would be a good idea to add more character slots, if someone wants to pay for them. I have played for nearly two years (as have many) and I have eight capped characters and one soon-to-be that I just don't see myself deleting any time soon. I enjoy playing each one, so why would I delete any of them? It may pose coding problems, but some people like myself might just pay for such a service.

    I have tried playing on multiple servers, but playing a 28 point build on Sarlona is just not that entertaining to me. I'd like to be able to play with my friends, utilize my money and extra gear from my capped characters, use a 32 point build, and especially to see what groups are forming on my home server.

    The problem is, I have no way to get more slots unless I pay another $15 a month for one or two slots, and even then I would have to grind 1750 again.
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  3. #23
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    we need more slots....hell all there is to do is roll new toons.

    Once you have a char completed (all raid lewt and items)there is no reason to play it untill new content.
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  4. #24
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    I would like more slots .. I've been playing since the servers came up for headstart, have 4 capped characters and 9 slots. I am also one of those guys that is always trying out new things, which means that my last couple of slots get rerolled every couple of weeks because I don't have slots to try new things out (and I'm like most of the other folks in this thread in that I log in as much to play with my guildies as to play at all and just don't really enjoy my time spent on other servers nearly as much).

  5. #25
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    Would love more slots also. Have 6 capped characters (2)9th and an 11th. Recently deleted a 14th level fighter in order to start one of those 9th level characters. It was not a huge deal, it was the one character I had not played in some time, the closest thing I had to a mule I suppose. All my other characters get about equal playtime and I would be hard pressed to choose another to delete as I enjoy playing them all.

    I really have no intention of buying another account, but at the same time am already thinking of new builds I would like to try. Going to a new server doesnt really work for me well because I like to build MC characters. This often leaves a little ground to make up, so having 32pt characters along with an array of +1 tomes really gives me the freedom to try builds that often might not work quite as well otherwise.

    I think Codemasters just likes their players more than Turbine.

  6. #26
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    I would like more character slots as I fit into the Roleplaying part of the MMO matrix.

    I like to level up, develop character ideas, and see how they perform as they develop.

    I build all of my characters to "peak" in performance when they reach 2 levels above the current cap. I take my time playing them, planning them,and seeing them "grow up"

    Unfortunately, I have six capped toons and three more at the "teens", with plenty more characters "planned out" in my head, but no where to create them.

    I actually PAID for a 1750 character to be transferred to another server, to get 9 slots on that one, but I have yet to play it.


    because all of my friends are currently on my main server.

    Turbine, PLEASE add more character slots. It might mean a littl emore database management, but it will allow some of the players who have played this MMO the most faithfully, more of a reason to play, interact with new players, and strengthen the server community even more.

    Think of the amount of characters as a net. The more you allow, the stronger the net, the better chance of catching more players, who have more characters. The net gets stronger....and so on....
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  7. #27
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Presumably there's a reason that this game (and every other game) limit you in terms of how many characters you can have. I assume it has something to do with database maintenance.
    I don't buy the database arguement. While there would certainly be some initial read delay when you first load in that would be directly tied to number of chars in the database, the actual size of the datapacket for a char should be realitively small. Delays during game play should only occur if the DB is poorly designed, which is of course possible. The only possible database implication is if there were no limits people would get silly and save thousands of them just for bank space and then there would indeed be a problem in both gameplay and database storage.

    Personally I think the limit is mostly a good marketting strategy to get you to buy a second account...and a third if some ppl I know are any example. And that's why I said I'd be happy to pay for it.

    Assuming there is a database problem with having too many chars in the database, you have the same additional load from either more chars in the same account, or from just more accounts. Presumably they didn't build a system that couldn't be scaled for more accounts, but of course that would require money. That's why I suggested a pay basis. As long as they charged for the additional slots Turbine would be no worse of than if they found more customers and they could scale the DB as required using the additional funding to do the exact same scaling they would do if they gained another customer.

  8. #28
    Community Member Furgulder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    Yes it is silly. How many people plan on more than 2 servers?

    Moving to another server also means 28 point builds again and I lose the friends I'm running with, a big reason I log in.

    So 11x2 is better than 9x5 for most people.
    quoted for truth.

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    Assuming there is a database problem with having too many chars in the database, you have the same additional load from either more chars in the same account, or from just more accounts.
    Well presumably, more accounts means more money, which means you can divert more of your income to database maintenance.

    I mean, I guess if you're getting at something like "3 more slots per server for 5 extra dollars a month" then I could see that fitting within the current scheme of things. But I don't think that's what most people want.
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  10. #30
    Community Member Jaywade's Avatar
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    /signed ....please give us at least 2 more slots I have 9 right now would love to have more
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  11. #31
    Founder Stanley_Nicholas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    I mean, I guess if you're getting at something like "3 more slots per server for 5 extra dollars a month" then I could see that fitting within the current scheme of things. But I don't think that's what most people want.
    I think there are many people who would take advantage of such an offer. I know I would.
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  12. #32
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Even though I stated above I don't feel the pressing need for more alts till we get new races/classes - I'd pay for more character slots. Either as a one-shot fee or on a per-month basis. While I may not need them, the character-builder in me loves to try new ideas.

    This is one Premium Service that somebody should prod whomever at Turbine comes up with Premium Services with.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  13. #33
    Founder Makdar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Well presumably, more accounts means more money, which means you can divert more of your income to database maintenance.

    I mean, I guess if you're getting at something like "3 more slots per server for 5 extra dollars a month" then I could see that fitting within the current scheme of things. But I don't think that's what most people want.
    ***** Math was a bit off, so I edited it. Says the same thing for the most part.

    I would agree that it's fair that turbine deserves some degree of compensation for providing the extra database space and maintanence that having extra slots, across the board, requires. At the same time, the cost shouldn't be even close to dividing the current monthly fee by the max possible chars per account and saying, that's the cost per char. (e.g. $15 divided by 9 equals roughly $1.70 cents per additional char slot.) Why, because in buying an account, one is also paying for updates and general server maintanence, not just database space and database maintanence.

    Hence, something that would be close to fair, would be, cost for additional slots per month on an active accout is 85 cents per month each. Even that's probably high, but reasonable. If Turbine actually broke down the monthly costs to run DDO into departments by percentages, my guess is that the percentage of cost going toward database equipment, management and maintenance isn't more than 20% of the total costs, so taking 20% of the $1.70 cents per additional char slot per month leaves one with 34 cents per additional char slot per month. At that cost, I'm sure a lot of people would purchase 5+ additional chars slots! At $1.70 or more, probably not so many people would be inclined to do it. (It's an erroroneous arguement to say that if a person is getting more slots than 1 account offers, then that person should pay more for the non-database costs as well. Why, because with only 1 account, only one person can play. With multiple accounts, multiple people can play.)

    The big issue is most definitely, how does that impact people who maintain more than one account and what does that mean to Turbine's bottom line. (That is the issue. Your kidding yourself if you think otherwise.) Only Turbine knows those numbers and they've probably already looked very closely at what the impact would be. There would be some development time to implement such an add character slot program. So that factors in a bit as well.
    Last edited by Makdar; 01-14-2008 at 12:04 PM.

  14. #34
    Hero MTG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deriaz View Post
    You get 20, actually. At least, last I heard, you could have up to 20. You need to buy each slot, though. So by having one character, you pay $15 a month. . . But 5 characters, you pay $20. And so on.

    At least, that's the way I understood it, from when I last played. Might have changed.

    Still would like at least one more character slot here, of course.

    I tried playing it last month it was $12 for your 1st slot and then a dollar for each of the other 20 slots, and for anyone that thinks thats a deal thats also the monthly charge so FFXI is $31 a month for 20 slots vs. DDO $15 a month for 9 per server.

  15. #35
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Well presumably, more accounts means more money, which means you can divert more of your income to database maintenance.

    I mean, I guess if you're getting at something like "3 more slots per server for 5 extra dollars a month" then I could see that fitting within the current scheme of things. But I don't think that's what most people want.
    Everyone likes free...i'll take free if its offered...

    But from the start of this post I've suggested it as a premium service. $2/month per slot would give them the same proportional revenue (actually a bit more revenue), or $15 and just double my spots (basically the same then as if people got a second account without the headaches).

    The only time I'd strongly argue for free char list expansion would be to compliment race/class additions, and even then its not as critical if we do have a paid option.

    Quote Originally Posted by MTG View Post
    I tried playing it last month it was $12 for your 1st slot and then a dollar for each of the other 20 slots, and for anyone that thinks thats a deal thats also the monthly charge so FFXI is $31 a month for 20 slots vs. DDO $15 a month for 9 per server.
    That's a great deal, I'd jump on that in a minute. It's nice in that its scalable, if you only want the base, great, but if you want more, pay for it. By comparison in DDO if you bought 2 accounts and 1750'd both of them you would have 18 accounts for $30 (less for long term subs of course). As for the DDO "per server", there are few people who play on more than one server anyway, and playing on more than 2 is a rarity at best.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Presumably there's a reason that this game (and every other game) limit you in terms of how many characters you can have. I assume it has something to do with database maintenance.

    That and the whole "If you give a mouse a cookie" syndrome.
    So that would be a no. Your Just Poking because thats what you do.

    Presume.. Assume..... WHatever.... Theres no good reason why we should be limited on Character slots... I've said several times I'd be more than willing to pay a couple extra bucks for more slots even.... I just dont want to start another Account or Another server.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

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    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  17. #37
    Community Member Ringos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueLightBandit View Post
    I think the reason Turbine gave us (the US has more servers) simply misses the point.

    I personally would prefer my 45 character slots all on the same server. The reasoning being that I have no desire to play on another server because my current server is where my guild is and where my friends are.

    I didn't spend time improving my guild and making additional friends from the last server merge just to give all of that up to play on another server.

    1750 and twinking loot is the LEAST of my concerns... as I'd be more apt to run 28 pt characters with my friends than 32 pt characters alone on another server.
    Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle

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  18. #38
    Community Member Caelan's Avatar
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    Default /signed

    i, and several of the guild, started characters on another server (before the merge). it worked okay for a while but the big pull for us is playing with our guildies and it just wasn't the same, even though there were several of us. one of the best things i did was to have characters on the other servers before the merge. sure, they are all 28 point builds and if i want to roll new ones (like when new classes come out) i'll have to delete the extra down to the requisite slots allowed, but in the meantime it has improved my enjoyment of the game immensly.

    i've seen several guildies leave the game because all their slots are capped and they don't want to delete what they worked so hard to build up (they return with each mod release and when they get bored again stop again) but find too often they are not interested in running their capped toons in a pug for the 10th day in a row.

    i would be willing to pay extra for extra slots. no problem. a second account is annoying as you have to complete close and restart the client to switch between them. from the posts here it sounds like others would as well.
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  19. #39
    Community Member The_Ick's Avatar
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    Default definately signed

    /Signed x100

    I have 9 capped toons and 7 of them have 1750+ favor (Working on the last 2 now). I have made and remade my toons 2 & 3 times to experiment and get them just the way i wanted and now i am out of slots. I have tried, leveled, and capped every class in the game (save Bard). I have done my fair share of looting and have all the raid loot i need on all my toons, but don't find a whole lot of fun in just looting over and over again. I do raid a lot, but that only fills part of my time. My guildies are continuing to role new toons, but i haven't been able to join in because i don't have any slots left (and they are starting to run into this problem too)

    I have rolled toons on other servers, but a big part of this game for me is playing with my guildees so that hasn't been very successfull. That is what is keeping me here. I know i can delete one of my existing toons and remake them, but redoing what you already have done is never as much fun and i really want to see them all get to lvl 20 at some point.

    Anyway, more slots would be awesome. Free is possible, but I would be cool with a small fee (5$ a month for 5 more slots or something). I personally would like to see the "bug" put back in place that gave you a new toon slot everytime you get a toon to 1750. I don't mind working for the slots, i just want them to be possible so i can start experimenting with new build. That is what this game is all about. Who knows, maybe my calling is to be a Bard. Without more slots i may be missing my calling, do you really want that on your back.

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