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  1. #1
    Community Member mjdiener00's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default simple auction house request

    Can you please add a Confirm button before bidding or buying out on a new item? I know it is my own fault but I just accidentally put a bid on the wrong item and it doesnt seem there is a way to cancel my bid since i am still the high bidder.

    Any way this can be added or someone can tell me how to cancel the bid (besides someone else outbidding me)?


  2. #2
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by mjdiener00 View Post
    Can you please add a Confirm button before bidding or buying out on a new item? I know it is my own fault but I just accidentally put a bid on the wrong item and it doesnt seem there is a way to cancel my bid since i am still the high bidder.

    Any way this can be added or someone can tell me how to cancel the bid (besides someone else outbidding me)?

    You can't cancel the bid if you are high bidder.

    And that ability, along with a confirm, has been asked for many times.

    As a programmer I don't think the confirm will help much, people get so many of those they just "yes" everything.

    The ability to retract your bid for even 5 minutes would be so very valuable. I mean they give 1 hour to those who post things to cancel a bad posting, give us at least a few for bid errors. I know its a bit of a coding problem (they would have to add an escrow feature for the last bid so that's a full recode of a chunk of the AH), but it would be worth it...

  3. #3
    Community Member Souless's Avatar
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    I once bought an item (i can't even remember what it was now) for 1,000,000 gp when i was trying to bid a min bid of 100,000 gp...i feel ur pain lol

    The bytcher~

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    If you could retract your bid they'd have to do something else to balance it as well, since as soon as you are outbid you get your money back through the mail system; then if the person who outbid you retracts his bid there's no money placed on the item at all and the guy selling it gets screwed (also this tactic could possibly be used by someone who is selling something at a higher price than someone else; he and a friend would drive the other player's price even higher than his own before retracting his bid and spending no money at all while making sure his item is the "cheapest" one in the AH).

  5. #5
    Community Member brshelton's Avatar
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    theres a confirm button on risia for buyouts so wait for mod 6

  6. #6
    Community Member mjdiener00's Avatar
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    I just reviewed the Jan 7 dev document and there was no mention of a Confirm button for buyouts - but glad to hear it is on Risia, hopefully they implemented it for Bids also.

    A Confirm button is definitely the way to go - that would have saved me in my situation - else people could exploit a Cancel button as Eregion2 described.

    And FYI, the source of my pain was an overpriced Syberis DragonShard for 750,000gp - Souless, thanks for sharing your pain, I'm sure lots of players have had similar experiences!!

    Com'on Mod6!

  7. #7
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eregion2 View Post
    If you could retract your bid they'd have to do something else to balance it as well, since as soon as you are outbid you get your money back through the mail system; then if the person who outbid you retracts his bid there's no money placed on the item at all and the guy selling it gets screwed (also this tactic could possibly be used by someone who is selling something at a higher price than someone else; he and a friend would drive the other player's price even higher than his own before retracting his bid and spending no money at all while making sure his item is the "cheapest" one in the AH).
    That's why I said they would need an escrow system. During the "retractable" period the funds from the prior bid would have to be held in escrow. Once the time expired and the new bid was locked in, the money of the last bid would be returned. If the new bid was cancelled, the old bid would be reinstated. Ideally (although it would add even more complexity) the person who had an escrowed bid should be able to place a new bid using the escrow money plus money in his normal account, but that isn't as necessary.

  8. #8
    Community Member mjdiener00's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Looks like it is taken care of, here is an excerpt from today's dev diary (1/14):

    NEW The Bid and Buyout buttons in the auction house now have confirmation dialog boxes.

    Good deal!!

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