I see this all the time and it confuses me. A str based Dorf rgr with 30 Str at level 14. Thier favorite weapon choice is dual Dorf axes. I'm not sure why. You lose 50% str damage in you off hand. Why no use a greataxe. I suggest trying this out. I did and found there to be way more damage with a greataxe. I used dual flame burst dorf axes then a flame burst greataxe. With P/A on my combined numbers on the GA were 120 (lowest) and 143 (highest) on crits. The dorf axes only critted 35-55. I'd like to see waht other people find out when they try this. I know it looks cool but I'm not sure it's as productive. Most str based rgrs have some class mix in them so they aren't getting the extra swing from 2wf and even if so the speed of the swing on the greataxe coupled with the extra damage seems to more than make up for it.