Quote Originally Posted by Rowanheal View Post
I had the misfortune of netflixing the Dungeon Siege movie ... I tried to watch it last night... It was bbbbbaaaaadddddd OMG bbbbbbaaaaaddddd

How the heck does this guy ruin something with that many fabulous actors... and the set dressings were good... but gods... the story... the editing... the original star trek did a better job on the costumes...

It made my brain smoke and my eyes bleed...

His movies should come with a warning sticker..."foulness inside"

See ya in Stormreach,

That's what I heard about that movie. Too bad, the posters and props in theatres looked interesting.

I'm willing to bet the D&D: Wrath of the Dragon God movie is better than the Dungeon Siege movie...and that movie was bad. Not horrible (although that might be because Ellie Chidzey)!
