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Sil vous plait repetez en anglais.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
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Server - Thelanis
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Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ YndrofianPlook~Squidgie~Eyern~Irnbru~Grotesque
Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
1 |\|3\/3|2 [)0 +|-|1$ |}|_|+ `/0|_| $|_|(|<3[) |\/|3 1|\|..... @|=+3|2 $|*3|\|[)1|\|6 10 |\/|1|\| +|2@|\|$|@+1|\|6 `/0|_||2 +|-|1$ 1$ |*@`/|}@(|<!!!!!
My DDO Vids: http://www.youtube.com/profile_video...princessfairee Added vids Mar'08
Legends of Aerenal: Here in the beginning; here until the end! Caelan guild officer
1 d0|\|'7 U53 UL7R4 L337, 50 |-|0P3PhULL'/ /\/\'/ L337 5P34|< d035|\|'7 74|<3 10 /\/\1|\|U735 70 d3(1P|-|3R.
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Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ YndrofianPlook~Squidgie~Eyern~Irnbru~Grotesque
Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
0|-|, 1 63+ 1+..
A r n y a - T o r c h e - S l i m m - D e b t - E p o x y - R e t r o g r a d e - P i n e t r e eNOW YOU WILL KNOW TRUE POWER
$|0\x/ [)@`/, |-||_||-|?
~ Slayer of the Unwashed, Vice Chair for Disinterest & Apathy of the Grand & Glorious Brotherhood
of the Soooo Not Politically Correct, and Nefarious Devourer of Frosted Goodness ~
♪♫…clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am…♫ ♪
My DDO Vids: http://www.youtube.com/profile_video...princessfairee Added vids Mar'08
Legends of Aerenal: Here in the beginning; here until the end! Caelan guild officer
1$ +|-|1$ [)3@[) @||23@[)`/?
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My DDO Vids: http://www.youtube.com/profile_video...princessfairee Added vids Mar'08
Legends of Aerenal: Here in the beginning; here until the end! Caelan guild officer