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Thread: Elitists

  1. #1
    Community Member apious1's Avatar
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    Default Elitists

    I have played this game avidly since it's release (except for a short break after I had my first child). Those of you that know me, know me...I don't screw around. I am horribly impatient and overly egotistical. I was labeled a zerger almost from the inception of this game. I know 98% of the quests in this game backwards and forwards. I often laugh at myself late at night when I am running to or through a quest half-asleep and still end up and the correct destination. [eaten by cube]. I would like to say I have eight maxed out toons but I really just never saw the need (other than boredom...and I have to be pretty bored to play a newbie). Nowadays, I rarely play a quest with a PUG that I can't solo and there aren't many quests in the game that I can't solo. The only reason I usually even do it is to help out and boost my ego by hearing them say something like "Wow, you are awesome. Thank you for soloing that for us.".

    So why the long explanation about myself...I am interested in finding other people on this server that fit the profile of an elitist and I am interested in hearing other people tout themselves. AND, I guess there is a small peice of me that wants to encourage other posters to flame this thread

    So here are some basic questions to start off with:
    1. Who are you?
    2. What makes you so 1337 (l33t, elite, etc)?
    3. What is your biggest accomplishment in the game to-date?

    BTW, if you don't fit the profile and feel less than...keep PUG'ing and some day you too might become a Jedi-gamer.
    GUILD: {Officer of Oblivion} SERVER: {Resident of Ghallanda} CHARACTERS: {Sonyaa Red: Barbarian} {Oynx the Magnificent: Barbarian} {Sonyaaa Blue: Sorcerer} {Krowd Kontrol: Sorcerer} {Ravick : Wizard} {Fourgotten Soldier: Fighter/Paladin} {Mischief: Rogue} {Parra Medic: Cleric}

  2. #2
    Founder DesertBlue's Avatar
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    Questions? No, you do not question me young one. I invented you. You may leave.

  3. #3
    2015 DDO Players Council Daerius of the Blessed Blades's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by apious1 View Post
    ... I guess there is a small peice of me that wants to encourage other posters to flame this thread
    I'm not gonna flame you because a piece of me wants to be that type of uber player. I'll just have to settle for being upper-middle

    Of course now I am going to be actively looking to group with you to see if I can keep up. And hope you won't boot

    Quote Originally Posted by apious1 View Post
    BTW, if you don't fit the profile and feel less than...keep PUG'ing and some day you too might become a Jedi-gamer.
    I can only dream
    Founder, The Circle of Night (Now on Orien!): Daerius (FvS), Khrandok (Alch/Arti), Branwynn (Brd), Vharcan (War), Alluriaan (Rog), et. al.

  4. #4
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by apious1 View Post

    So here are some basic questions to start off with:
    1. Who are you?
    2. What makes you so 1337 (l33t, elite, etc)?
    3. What is your biggest accomplishment in the game to-date?

    BTW, if you don't fit the profile and feel less than...keep PUG'ing and some day you too might become a Jedi-gamer.
    LOL, Awesome thread dude.

    1. Currently Samadhi, Nixole, Trypt, Raini, Prajna, Domi, Mantravah, Latiki, Jie, and Lunae.

    2. Probably excellent key-mapping and the twitch skills to use it properly. Either that, or an inventive mind for where/how to skip fighting mobs to get to the chest faster.

    3. Either a) currently 10 capped characters; and 4 more capped toons that have been deleted (RIP Lysergic, Hash, Jilla, Klista) or b) getting three characters to 1750 favor, one of which was a 32 point build, in 9 weeks - directly after the release of the desert (i.e. before gianthold, etc.)

    Amusingly, I do still PUG. Usually only for the Reaver - but occasionally for other stuff. Why? Just because, if they can keep up, even minimal assistance will get the job done sooner than none. If they can't, they will probably drop from my group anyhow, and maybe the next person can keep up!! Naturally, though, if I have one fellow zerger on... two is more than enough.
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  5. #5
    Community Member Dogchair's Avatar
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    Exclamation OOOOOOOOOOOOOOber

    1. I am what I am and who I am is what I is, which is not what I was or where I've been.
    2. How can you define what you are if it is simply what you are? Can god truely breakdown why he is god?
    3. My biggest accomplishment? Saving the lives of 2 kids an a mother in a burning apt. or mebbe turning my life around after 10 years of meth use.


  6. #6
    Community Member BiggieNuggetts's Avatar
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    Default hmmm

    1. Who are you?
    redeyed, nuggettjr, spanki..

    2. What makes you so 1337 (l33t, elite, etc)?
    hmmm. thats a good question after i quit and got rid of all my stuff id say my toon imperticular there built differently from other toons.

    3. What is your biggest accomplishment in the game ?
    where do i start?
    before they changed the dragon i 2 manned that with okie.(if u remember him
    Ive 2 manned the titan (redeyed and snowmann)
    solo'd reaver (nuggettjr)
    the victors caster battle 4 or months ago before i quit i won with nuggettjr
    building amazing toons...

    ps.if it werent for half the people that i began playin with i wouldnt have accomplished half the things ive done..... so its not just me.
    Redeyed,Nuggetjr,Massacer,Slaugter,Blizzerd,Blizzz ,Musclemilk

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by apious1 View Post
    1. Who are you?
    Easily determined by the resourceful

    2. What makes you so 1337 (l33t, elite, etc)?
    I play characters. Toons are what you watched on Saturday mornings when you were 12.

    3. What is your biggest accomplishment in the game to-date?
    Leading and keeping PUGs alive in Elite quests at all levels of play.
    Thelanis characters: Ashelynne, Dixx, Gunghir, Khalmyr, Nebulla, Schyv, Staunch

  8. #8
    Community Member Furgulder's Avatar
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    1. Who are you?
    Furgulder Grimforge aka The Obscene Wiggler

    2. What makes you so 1337 (l33t, elite, etc)?
    The fact that I don't need to have an answer for this question.

    3. What is your biggest accomplishment in the game to-date?
    Ran through Crucible Elite with Ryuuken where the words "HEAL SOMETHING" were not uttered a single time.

  9. #9
    Founder Crarites's Avatar
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    1. Bintje, Lehmi, Shepody
    2. I'm a complete n00b.
    3. I fell up once... not really sure if thats an accomplishment though.
    "As if killing the Bard impresses us."
    -Sir Osric, Paladin

  10. #10
    Community Member apious1's Avatar
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    Default pfft

    So I was just checking back on this thread and saw that part of it was eaten by the cube. LOL.

    It disturbs me that some of the elite players I have run with on this server are not posting when they should be taking a moment to brag about themselves...even someone as uber as me must bow occassionally to the skills of others. So I figured I would throw a few names out there to encourage them to post (there are quite a few more, but none that I have ever seen on the forums):
    GUILD: {Officer of Oblivion} SERVER: {Resident of Ghallanda} CHARACTERS: {Sonyaa Red: Barbarian} {Oynx the Magnificent: Barbarian} {Sonyaaa Blue: Sorcerer} {Krowd Kontrol: Sorcerer} {Ravick : Wizard} {Fourgotten Soldier: Fighter/Paladin} {Mischief: Rogue} {Parra Medic: Cleric}

  11. #11
    Founder Oreg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by apious1 View Post
    So I was just checking back on this thread and saw that part of it was eaten by the cube. LOL.

    It disturbs me that some of the elite players I have run with on this server are not posting when they should be taking a moment to brag about themselves...even someone as uber as me must bow occassionally to the skills of others. So I figured I would throw a few names out there to encourage them to post (there are quite a few more, but none that I have ever seen on the forums):
    If it makes you feel better Manasponge and I got a good laugh because of the thread last night And I notice my name was left off the list?

    Considering I learned most everything I know about my sorc from you, shouldn't I at least get an honorable mention as a prospective elitist? :P
    Last edited by Oreg; 01-11-2008 at 03:35 PM.

  12. #12
    Community Member apious1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oreg View Post
    If it makes you feel better Manasponge and I got a good laugh because of the thread last night And I notice my name was left off the list?

    Considering I learned most everything I knos about my sorc from you, shouldn't I at least get an honorable mention as a prospective elitist? :P
    You are still just a Padawan Zerx
    GUILD: {Officer of Oblivion} SERVER: {Resident of Ghallanda} CHARACTERS: {Sonyaa Red: Barbarian} {Oynx the Magnificent: Barbarian} {Sonyaaa Blue: Sorcerer} {Krowd Kontrol: Sorcerer} {Ravick : Wizard} {Fourgotten Soldier: Fighter/Paladin} {Mischief: Rogue} {Parra Medic: Cleric}

  13. #13
    Founder Oreg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by apious1 View Post
    You are still just a Padawan Zerx

  14. #14
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    You mentioned one name that stood above all the others for me...


    The first time i grouped with kudes i could have sworn he was being attacked by 200 arcane oozes.

    Never have i seen another expend spell points so quickly and efficiently.

    Myself...My wife and I are so tired of PUGs where people slow us down, so we tend to duo all the time and beat 98% of quests just the two of us.

    elite...well my greatest accomplishment is succesfully playing a "gimped" build. my main is Laquido Bono'Vouchi 7wiz/7clr. I heal, kill, Firewall, and rez the not so bright.

    even with all my accomplishments i often bow to my wife who plays Ravenous, a barbarian that tends to often be the last one standing.

  15. #15
    Founder Oreg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EpicEbo View Post
    You mentioned one name that stood above all the others for me...


    The first time i grouped with kudes i could have sworn he was being attacked by 200 arcane oozes.

    Never have i seen another expend spell points so quickly and efficiently.

    Myself...My wife and I are so tired of PUGs where people slow us down, so we tend to duo all the time and beat 98% of quests just the two of us.

    elite...well my greatest accomplishment is succesfully playing a "gimped" build. my main is Laquido Bono'Vouchi 7wiz/7clr. I heal, kill, Firewall, and rez the not so bright.

    even with all my accomplishments i often bow to my wife who plays Ravenous, a barbarian that tends to often be the last one standing.

    Kude is French Canadian though so by birthright he can't be UBER

  16. #16
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    before they changed the dragon i 2 manned that with okie.(if u remember him

    Hadn't thought about him in forever - way to bring up some memories
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  17. #17
    Community Member Ciaran's Avatar
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    1. Who are you?
    See my signature. Since most elitists are good at looking down I don't have to tell you where it is.

    2. What makes you so 1337 (l33t, elite, etc)?
    Not defining myself or stroking my ego by how well I play a video game.

    3. What is your biggest accomplishment in the game to-date?
    Realizing it's just a game and laughing my way through my 1,000th run of TR because I was having a blast with friends in game.

    (Being totally tongue in cheek and sarcastic. Play the game how you want!)

  18. #18
    Founder Oreg's Avatar
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    I remember Okie from my Oreg / Zerco days. Sadly they are retired as well. Long ago when beta gave me high hopes for 28 point Neutral Good characters

  19. #19
    Community Member Lauranthis's Avatar
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    I am Sagittia, Hero of Stormreach.. enuff said

  20. #20
    Community Member actaeon's Avatar
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    Default Da uberest leetzman has arrived

    Man, no mention of Advokate/Archaik/Adistal/Kamo? He'll pwn all of you :P. Currently seeking challengers in PvP or PvE (I guess that'l be kill count?)...

    A true elitist challenges the other elitists .

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