Well it has been fun but it is time for me to be leaving.
I will be settng up a list of all my items that will be given away for plat amounts that you all will determine.
The list will be up around 9pm central
Thank you and good day
Well it has been fun but it is time for me to be leaving.
I will be settng up a list of all my items that will be given away for plat amounts that you all will determine.
The list will be up around 9pm central
Thank you and good day
Member of Unbreakable
Sorry to hear that you're leaving. Mind if I ask why? Game or personal reasons is kinda what I'm getting at. And the only reason I ask is I hope that everyone who feels the game quality is lacking isn't afraid to voice their opinion in hopes that one day Turbine will listen. If in fact it's for personal reasons, then take care and if things change, hope to see ya back sometime.
I feel the game got boing, it lacked the addicting element that it had in the beginning which was fun after having 5 capped toons which isn't much but still after that its boring and I had been trying to hold out to 16 so I could see my toons at 16 but I don't see myself even playing then when 16 does come out cause there isn't anything that makes me really want to play.I enjoy all the people I play with and have played with but itd the game play. Personally I don't see myself coming back I mean I might but its pretty doutful.I dabbled in Wow recently which is more fun then ddo cause its new but its not much better its just better advertised so the next mmo for me will most likely be warhammer.
Mili you might want to watch the list cause I have a ton of bows from ren
Last edited by Torac; 01-09-2008 at 01:57 PM.
Member of Unbreakable
How about this, keep your stuff, let your account expire and maybe in a couple of months you'll have a change of heart and decide to come back. I know I've also gotten bored at times and now I also play LOTRO a bit and have recently gotten Hellgate to try out, but I'm not ready to write off this game yet, there are too many good people that play this game. Take a break and come back refreshed is my suggestion. You'll be missed if you decide to leave for good.
Best Wishes,
PS: If you do leave I claim all of your stuff (which will be held for you until you return).
Charater Names: Mostly Jeryle for the dudes and Merreth for the ladies
Main: Wizards and Healers
Officer of Unbreakable
It may just be a break but see it would be a while and if I get plat for everything then if and when I return ill still have my raid items and a bunch of plat and some select itemsbut I don't see myself at the computer as much as I used to be and I'm busy a lot more now its just playing a game takes time to be put into it well the most I've been on in the past 2 months is probaly a cumulative of 20 hours, for most that's 2-4 days and for me its 2 months so I don't know how my interest would come back but it might so we will see.
You don't get everything but you can have a few things
Member of Unbreakable
don't leave- but do you have any tomes?
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil
I've heard THIS before torac. See you in 3.87 weeks![]()
Star Firefall
20 Rogue Assasin
Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)
Dont go Torac - Bill and I will have less fun argueing who was the worse cleric if ur not in Game anymore - Aspharr or Torac tough all round decisions!
On a more serious note just take some time off bro. Im sorta doin the same atm only getting on for a few hours at random times (more RL than intended tho!). Not a bad idea to sell most stuff tho. Plat will be king come lvl 16.
If you do go, you will be missed and good luck with girls and life.
GROAN-1 (Melee/Casting Horc FVS)
Yeah, keep your stuff. Take a lesson on Kujo and so many others...
°Shima Ra °Roots °Zielle °Sisqi °Downpour
see ya bro taking a break will help, i was only gone for a bit but i only play here and there now. the new mod isnt looking like much so might as well stop playing for a bit keep your good stuff sell the rest and come back when you can see ya akla
akla thornfist lev 17fighter- healalot thornfist lev 19cleric- aklasek thornfist 13fighter 4 paly- healthis thornfist lev 17 32pt cleric- seakla lev 8 rogue, proud member of unbreakable
i probably will end up coming back
Last edited by Torac; 01-09-2008 at 09:57 PM.
Member of Unbreakable
Dont go Torac.........We still havent tried our barbs......i finally hit 14
Anybodykilla - Insanearcane - Insanetrappa - Jailbane - Darkhatchet
Proud Member of Psycopathic Saints
I have to tell ya, I felt the same way right about the time they increased the cap to 14 and LOTRO was released. I left and played LOTRO. I capped two toons to 50 on LOTRO and was into the monster play (rank5 weaver for those who know what I'm saying). That game got boring and some changes to LOTRO brought me back to DDO. I was so glad I didn't give away all my gear and still had my toons intact. I strongly suggest you just let it ride, take a needed break, and come back when you feel the desire and urge once again.
My advice is keep your stuff. I took 4-5 months off and came back with renewed vigor. It was nice to have all my stuff.
I need to clear out my bank inventory regardless I have no space on any toon and I need sell a bunch of stuff that is pretty nice.
WOW made me want to play ddo but not enough to make me keep playing it, just cause I missed the combat of ddo a lot.
But with warhammer coming out summerish I don't know if I'd end up coming back cause I'd be playing that
Member of Unbreakable