has there ever been talk about a low level raid? It seems like it would be a good idea to get n00b's indoctrinated into the raid system before dropping them on Velah's platter like a coney on the fire. it would help coach them on how to complete all the pre-raids and get ready for the higher level ones. It just seems like this is a fun part of the game that lots of players don't get to experience until later (or miss out on because they don't know what is up). granted it could not be real tough, even on elite, but there are plenty of spots in the wilderness areas that it could be added. i can see 12 level 4-7's taking on a wyrven or hydra or somthing. i bring it up because it seems like there is a steep learning curve on how to get ready for and involved in the raids unless shown by a guildie or lucking into a pUg with someone nice enough to show them the ropes. I know the first raid i ran I had no clue what was going on, how the loot worked, etc.