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Thread: n00b question

  1. #1
    Community Member kingfisher's Avatar
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    Default n00b question

    has there ever been talk about a low level raid? It seems like it would be a good idea to get n00b's indoctrinated into the raid system before dropping them on Velah's platter like a coney on the fire. it would help coach them on how to complete all the pre-raids and get ready for the higher level ones. It just seems like this is a fun part of the game that lots of players don't get to experience until later (or miss out on because they don't know what is up). granted it could not be real tough, even on elite, but there are plenty of spots in the wilderness areas that it could be added. i can see 12 level 4-7's taking on a wyrven or hydra or somthing. i bring it up because it seems like there is a steep learning curve on how to get ready for and involved in the raids unless shown by a guildie or lucking into a pUg with someone nice enough to show them the ropes. I know the first raid i ran I had no clue what was going on, how the loot worked, etc.

  2. #2
    Founder Dariuss's Avatar
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    there's been talk of this for some time

    most people seemed to want a stand-alone raid though, not one with flagging, although you bring up a good point about the learning curve on raids.....

    one suggestion that got alot of support was to switch either irestone or kobold assault into a raid. with increased mobs of course, but otherwise they wouldn't need much changing.

    i'm all for a lower level raid personally.

    off topic, i really think TS needs something to increase it's popularity. maybe a really nice min level 10 item that every will want ro somethin
    |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| ||
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  3. #3


    It has been asked for many times. The problem is the definition of what a raid is. Each raid is slightly different in its execution.

    Tempest Spine: basically a 12 man quest with mini bosses, punctuated by a fight with an end boss, no pre reqs, no bound raid loot

    The Vault of Night(Velah): A 4 quest sequenced prequisite Von 1-4(must be repeated every cycle). Von 5 pre raid is a 12 man quest with mini bosses,again an end boss. Completing Von 5 gains you access to Von 6 and the final raid part facing velah with bound raid loot

    Twilight Forge: 3 quest prereq one time completion required(you obtain sigil which only needs to be repaired at restless Isles to re enter raid). Pre raid is a 12 man quest similar to Von 5. Raid is end boss fight with bound raid loot.

    Note both VON, and TF have pre raids that "lock" you in once complete, meaning only those in the end area can advance to the final raid.

    Demon Queen: Three quest prerq each quest gives an item, all three are given to Djinni and you gain access to 6 man pre raid. Once 6 man pre raid is complete you are free to access the final raid from Zawabi's Refuge at any time. Note the quests can be run at any time and the items stored for use to get access when timer is up.

    Stormreaver: Prereq is 20 relics of 3 different types, and completing 3 prereq quests. Once done you gain access to 6 man pre raid which has 2 stages part 1 defeat gatekeeper, part 2 defeat 3 dragon giant pairs to get blooded for raid. Once blooded you have permanent acces to final raid

    Accursed Acsension: Prereq is 8 pieces of sigil must be found, tha come form 3 different quests in the Orchard. Once complete you have access to pre raid where you must defeat the three bosses from the three orchard quests. Once done you have perm acces to the final raid

    Mod 6 raid: From what has been divulged it will be a tempest style raid, prerqs are supposed t be easy but not yet divulged

    So which one do you give lower levels?
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Dariuss View Post
    there's been talk of this for some time

    most people seemed to want a stand-alone raid though, not one with flagging, although you bring up a good point about the learning curve on raids.....

    one suggestion that got alot of support was to switch either irestone or kobold assault into a raid. with increased mobs of course, but otherwise they wouldn't need much changing.

    i'm all for a lower level raid personally.

    off topic, i really think TS needs something to increase it's popularity. maybe a really nice min level 10 item that every will want ro somethin
    Funny thing was I believe for a period of time in Beta Irestone Inlet was a raid.
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingfisher View Post
    ...before dropping them on Velah's platter like a coney on the fire.
    For those that don't know, a coney is a white hot dog made of beef, pork, and veal.

    I once moved to an area unfamiliar with the term. The guy in the meat department thought I was trying to be racist (seriously happened). That took some explaining.

  6. #6
    Community Member rpasell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    For those that don't know, a coney is a white hot dog made of beef, pork, and veal.

    I once moved to an area unfamiliar with the term. The guy in the meat department thought I was trying to be racist (seriously happened). That took some explaining.
    A coney is also the English name for a rabbit.
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  7. #7
    Community Member Milolyen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    Accursed Acsension: Prereq is 8 pieces of sigil must be found, tha come form 3 different quests in the Orchard. Once complete you have access to pre raid where you must defeat the three bosses from the three orchard quests. Once done you have perm acces to the final raid
    Actually it is 4 quests in orchard and preraid is 4 different bosses.

  8. #8
    Community Member Kire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dariuss View Post
    there's been talk of this for some time

    most people seemed to want a stand-alone raid though, not one with flagging, although you bring up a good point about the learning curve on raids.....

    one suggestion that got alot of support was to switch either irestone or kobold assault into a raid. with increased mobs of course, but otherwise they wouldn't need much changing.

    i'm all for a lower level raid personally.

    off topic, i really think TS needs something to increase it's popularity. maybe a really nice min level 10 item that every will want ro somethin
    Well Kobold Assualt was my idea (i think so anyway).

    I made a thread about this awhile ago and got flamed because everyone wanted upper lvl raids instead of lowbie raids.


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    For those that don't know, a coney is a white hot dog made of beef, pork, and veal.

    I once moved to an area unfamiliar with the term. The guy in the meat department thought I was trying to be racist (seriously happened). That took some explaining.

    Are you from the Great Lakes region of New York? I think that's the only place they use it like that.

    It's a twisted etymology.
    Coney Island was named for the rabbits. The first known instance of a vienna sausage served in a roll was on Coney Island. It was called a Coney Island Red Hot. The name was popular, and spread, but has sice been replaced by "hot dog". The white sausages, like bratwurst were not served like that on Coney Island, but people elsewhere started calling them Coney Island White Hots anyway. That only survived in western NY state, and was shortened to "Coney". It really has nothing to do with rabbits or Coney Island, but then again, Coney Island is a penninsula now.

  10. #10
    Community Member kingfisher's Avatar
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    i was referring to the english (or francias?) term for rabbits, but thanks for the background on Coney island and the origins of the precurser to the hot dog. I have to add that the first ever 'hot dog' was sold at the worlds fair in St Louis in 1902 or something like that.

  11. #11
    Community Member honkuimushi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dariuss View Post
    there's been talk of this for some time

    most people seemed to want a stand-alone raid though, not one with flagging, although you bring up a good point about the learning curve on raids.....

    one suggestion that got alot of support was to switch either irestone or kobold assault into a raid. with increased mobs of course, but otherwise they wouldn't need much changing.

    i'm all for a lower level raid personally.

    off topic, i really think TS needs something to increase it's popularity. maybe a really nice min level 10 item that every will want ro somethin
    I like Irestone, and while I think it would make a good raid, I don't want to lose the original quest. One that I favored making a raid is Gladewatch. It's pretty tough for level appropriate characters, especially with that stupid " No enemy must enter the Fortress" condition. The time I finished it was thanks to liberal application of Web, Cloudkill, and Solid Fog, and even that was a little close when a couple of the bugbear assasins did their dissapearing trick and somehow got behind me, even though I was plugging the hole. I have no idea how this would go since they nerfed persistant spells. Making it available to 12 players would make sure there are enough bodies for blockers and leave enough space for enough casters to cover both entrances and keep persistant
    spells up.

    I also think adding a raid to the searing hights would be a good idea. As far as I know, there are no real quests out there. It needs a little mor to grab the mid level players. Right now it's just underutilized.

  12. #12
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    mmmm....Searing Heights in Raid Mode...

    Group of 12 forms at the gate ready to enter (much like TS). The goal of the raid is to quell the uprising before they summon an end boss. You have a timer which gets shorter and shorter on hard and elite. Say something like 15 minutes on Normal. Have to "Pacify the Valley". Pretty much the current mobs, but all on alert. Need to send teams in different directions to clear the side clusters of mobs, and meet near the rear and the Lave Flows. If you can "pacify" the valley before the summoning clock runs out, you win. If you do not, you still get a chance to defeat the summoned Greater Elementals from the pit and get a chest reward that tends to be inferior to the Win condition.

    Current level Caps apply. A counter would tick down the remaining restless denizens of the heights....great fun trying to find the thieves or wolves who got missed near the entrance...

    And one unique thing on this raid. Only the character with the Star can open the raid, no one jumps the gun and starts a timer too soon.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rpasell View Post
    A coney is also the English name for a rabbit.
    Brit word for rabbit or rabbit hair... and it was originally pronounced (and often still is in the UK) - as not the long O - people use in the states for the isle. It's pronounciation was like honey drop the h replace with an welsh c.
    Last edited by Emili; 01-09-2008 at 03:56 PM.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emili View Post
    Brit word for rabbit or rabbit hair... and it was originally pronounced (and often still is in the UK) - as not the long O - people use in the states for the isle. It's pronounciation was like honey drop the h replace with an welsh c.
    This is a funny word.

    Assuming I read the quoted text correctly, the English version of this rabbit/rabbit hair is pronounced "cunny" - arguably a semi-offensive word.

    The US version (the hot dog) is pronounced two ways: Koh-ney or Coon-ey. The second pronunciation can get you into trouble if the place is unfamiliar with the term.

    Waaaay off topic, sorry.

  15. #15
    Community Member kingfisher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honkuimushi View Post

    I also think adding a raid to the searing hights would be a good idea. As far as I know, there are no real quests out there. It needs a little mor to grab the mid level players. Right now it's just underutilized.
    this is what i was thinking about running through there, before the first post. They could put a dungeon entrance in there. maybe after you pacify the valley you become eligible to enter the dungeon and tackle a tough drow or human squad who is responsible for the turmoil in the region. dunno it just seems like too cool a place (its like a low level GH) to leave like it is, where half of the players out there never visit. after putting up LFM's the last couple of nights the most common question is 'now where is this place again?'.

    all this coney talk is making me hungry.

  16. #16
    Tasty Ham Smuggler Kromize's Avatar
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    I still think they need to make Kobold Island a raid adventure, have some coordinated levers/runes hidden around the island, and eventually, a baby dragon at the end to kill.


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