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  1. #1
    Community Member Tridge's Avatar
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    Default Wounding of Puncturing Trade

    Have a perfect condition densewood wounding light repeater of puncturing I am looking to trade for a wounding rapier of puncturing. I will be on Amby / Powershot / Censoredby so send a tell in game if you are interested, or respond here.
    Last edited by Tridge; 01-09-2008 at 04:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Ummmm....IMO you will not get a trade.

    I think a W/P rapier is MUCH more desirable than a W/P lt repeater.
    [raiper has higher crit range, rapier useable by Drow etc and rapier does not require an exotic feat]

    I already have a Wounding lt rptr of undead bane, but could be interested if the trade is reasonable.
    It is for a character I only play once per week in a static party so not willing to pay much....
    Jesus saves but only Buddha makes incremental backups.

  3. #3
    Community Member Lyletuba's Avatar
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    I have to agree. I was just discussing this via PM with someone else that has one up for trade.

    Remember that W/P only works if it does damage so it would be better on a Heavy Repeater. I have a Bard/Rog that uses light repeaters for the effects (para, curse, smite, banish, etc.). I keep Precision on at all times (half damage for + to hit boost).

    But I still think it's a worthwhile weapon. So take a look at my list and let me know if we can make a deal:
    Meepo's Mart
    Khyber Server - Disposable Heroes Guild
    Meepo - Human Paladin [15th] -=:=- Xilin Twojobs - Drow Elf Sorc [16th] -=:=- Strum Slythe - Human Bard/Rog [14th/2nd] -=:=- Phell d'Orien - Human Barbarian/Rog [12th/2nd] -=:=- Dokc Grimm - Dwarf Cleric/Paladin [9th/1st]

  4. #4
    Community Member Dimz's Avatar
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    Yeh, I can see you getting a w/p shortsword or dagger for it maybe.. Basically becasue:

    More people use melee then repeaters..
    better crit range....
    much more epic weapon.

  5. #5
    Community Member Bloodyfury's Avatar
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    I've always liked repeaters and I'm using them since launch.

    I very rarely get outkill by any melee in 95% of the quests, usually only by casters since they got FoD or in the "Popcorn quests" with Firewalls.

    I always find it so funny to see ppl underestimate repeaters so much

    Stop using them with crappy builds

    I said it

  6. #6
    Community Member Lyletuba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodyfury View Post
    I very rarely get outkill by any melee in 95% of the quests, usually only by casters since they got FoD or in the "Popcorn quests" with Firewalls.

    I always find it so funny to see ppl underestimate repeaters so much

    Stop using them with crappy builds

    I said it
    My guy's not made for winning the kill count. He's a buffer/healer/combat helper.
    If more kills = better build then I guess the only clerics you allow into your party are battle clerics

    But seriously, do you use light or heavy repeaters?
    Khyber Server - Disposable Heroes Guild
    Meepo - Human Paladin [15th] -=:=- Xilin Twojobs - Drow Elf Sorc [16th] -=:=- Strum Slythe - Human Bard/Rog [14th/2nd] -=:=- Phell d'Orien - Human Barbarian/Rog [12th/2nd] -=:=- Dokc Grimm - Dwarf Cleric/Paladin [9th/1st]

  7. #7
    Community Member Bloodyfury's Avatar
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    No offense meant toward you or your build, this wasn't a personnal comment at you Lyle.

    It was more like a general observation. I repeatedly see ppl underestimating repeaters, server-wide And I really find that funny, everytime

    For the repeaters, I use both as I've full sets of both.

    The difference between them is so small anyway that this isn't even an issue. Seriously, 1d8 or're gonna make in average 1 dmg pts more with heavys. Definitely not what is gonna bypass any DR in the game I would say to people, go with what you've the most or what you know you can acquire the more easily between light or heavy, that's all.

    And nah I'm not build for the kill count. But it's still a good way to evaluate the efficacy of any non-caster builds even if it's not that accurate.

    I do own all the kind of w/p in the game. Rapier, dagger, ss, light and heavy repeaters. Agreed that the crit range of the rapier will always be better and more appealing. But imho, repeater still beat them all. You can kill at range, while nothing can hit you and a big +, they can't be damaged! (it's extrememy rare) Lifetime weapons...

    Now some people are gonna say "Oh yeah but you can't beat dual wielding w/p rapier"...lmao Of course I can't dual wield repeaters... but I would answer to them: who cares? Cuz I'm gonna take my target down at range before you can even get close to it with your dual wield butter knives

    Ah and bump for the OP... don't let your jewel go too easily

  8. #8
    Community Member Dimz's Avatar
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    As I say to all repeater builds that think they are gods.. "STOP MOVING and let me kill it!" or "Your gonna die."

  9. #9
    Community Member Vizzini's Avatar
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    Beautiful weapon Oprah - Still not worth W/P Rapier I don't think... **** makes me wish I had bought that one on the AH a couple of weeks ago....
    ~Requeim ~ Aviale ~ Tomein ~ Twillee ~ Vizzini
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyletuba View Post
    Remember that W/P only works if it does damage so it would be better on a Heavy Repeater. I have a Bard/Rog that uses light repeaters for the effects (para, curse, smite, banish, etc.). I keep Precision on at all times (half damage for + to hit boost).
    My spellsinger bard uses hvy rptrs.
    He loves his smiter and banisher with imp crit.

    My clr (in a static group) uses his cursespewer lt rptr mostly (unless wounding works better) as it means less damage to the tanks (-4 to hit). Cursespewing (-4 saves) while three tanks use their disruptors (almost) seems unfair....

    Repeaters are not about the damage at high lvls. Not many mobs can hurt you once they are cursed, str sapped and then wounded three times per rnd (all before they have reached you). Then they run into my disco ball or BB and.......
    Jesus saves but only Buddha makes incremental backups.

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