Hey Crew, my ranger is now level 12 so he is pretty close to getting 14. He has some good bows, but I think they could be better, and I have some other various stuff I need for him and a couple other toons.
For the bows, I will list everything I have. In parentheses are the prefixes I prefer to upgrade the bow. I also consider going from SB (shortbow) to LB (longbow) an upgrade. A Blue asterisk next to it means that it can't get much better or I wouldn't use that much or if I just use them for PvP so I wouldn't trade as much as I would the others. A Yellow asterisk means that I REALLY want it improved because it's not that good. Still please send me a PM with any bows that are better even if they have the blue asterisk because you never know if what you want that I have an extra of that is just gathering dust or that I can easily get from a guildy or something like that.
+1 Crippling LB of Greater Giant Bane (Bursting, Holy, Holy Burst)*
+2 Flaming LB of Greater Gobliniod Bane (Any)
+2 LB of Greater Monstrous Humanoid Bane (Any) *
+1 Frost LB of Greater Abberation Bane (Bursting, holy, holy burst) *
+1 Acid LB of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (Holy, Holy Burst)
+1 Anarchic LB of Greater Human Bane (True Law, Axiomatic) *
+1 Axiomatic SB of Greater Construct Bane (Transmuting or other) *
+1 True Law SB of Greater Elf Bane (Anarchic and longbow)*
+1 Icy Burst LB of Greater Dwarf Bane (Axiomatic, True Law)*
+1 Axiomatic LB of Greater Halfling Bane (Anarchic)*
+1 Acid Longbow of Greater Gnoll Bane (Holy)*
+1 Axiomatic Longbow of Greater Undead Bane (Holy, Flaming, Shock)
All other Greater banes I have none of. So I need Orc, Reptilian, Vermin, Lawful outsider, Animal, Dragon, and elemental. Dragon I would prefer flaming, flaming burst, holy, holy burst because my ranger doesn't need anything from Velah, but will take any. Prefer electric or acid for elemental, etc. Kinda common sense for the best prefix . If a burst can be applied, such as holy burst, assume that I would like that better . Bows will be updated as much as I can.
Thanks for checking your banks for bows 'n' stuff!!