AI Fixes

In addition to mobs being smart enough to stay out of AOE, how about the following:

1. Caster recognition (intelligent mobs recognize casters as a threat from the get-go, much as players do).

  • Archers aim for casters and healers first
  • Enemy casters use feeblemind, silence (should be added as a spell), anti-magic (should be added as a spell).
  • Melee converge on casters in attempt to trip, stun, sap, or otherwise disable them.

2. AOE persistent effects should be able to be dispelled by Dispel Magic or Greater Dispel. There should be a caster vs. caster check required.

3. Counter-spells would be nice. Even better have certain spells counter other spells like Cone-of-Cold putting out Wall of Fire.

These changes should be made to both players and npcs where applicable and would go a long way to fixing the imbalance that exists with spell-casters at high level...without significantly nerfing caster power.