I don't feel like looking through all this mess. If you have one for trade post here and i'll see what we can work out.
There is one on the AH right now (Or there was yesterday)
I've been looking for a new one as well, mine is getting kinda beat up so I plan on Binding it when mod 6 comes.
Berryman. Havent seen you on lately. We are going to have to get together for some beer and chicken![]()
Leader of PESTILENCE!!Loot whoring is our business and business is GOOD! Revrend Band.
"I would never engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man."
Don't let him fool you Berryman, he'll slip a roofie in your beer and it'll be "rearend lickin'"
Eldun, Eldette, Eldunica, Elduminum, Eldookin, Eldojo, Eldeberries, DarkEldun, DrEldun, Kristinka, Woodpile
Officer of Pestilence. Looting's our business and business was good until the Dev's ruined the game by making everything exclusive, bound to account, and ridiculously trivial.
Who said I didn't want that ;p I just got back from vacation. Lots of black jack and hookahs, in reality that means I sat around at my moms and we played board games.
Contact my secretary and give her a compiled list of stuff that you want. (by my secretary I really mean just send a list to Berrybank.)
Just in case, I got one as well. I'd trade it for a shield piece 3 or 4![]()