Hey there...
(Please excuse how much this sounds like a personal ad or a bad resume)
I am an casual adult player looking for some friends. Yep my two previous guilds have all wandered off to do other things and have left me lonely here in Stormreach. I am looking for a group that doesn't mind that I haven't done a lot of the newer content. I would actually like to see the Titan too. That would be cool. I follow instructions well and can be fun to hang out with. I'd like a group that doesn't take themselves too seriously and are out for a good time. I am available most nights after about 4pm..(I have no idea what timezone I'm in but I"m in Ontario..) I can be talked into staying up really really late if my group needs me. I am willing to roll up some new characters depending on what a guild needs.I sometimes make mistakes and I don't know all the quests by heart but I work really well in a group. If you are interested in having my fun self group with you and your buddies please keep an eye out for my toons...(listed in my sig) or let me know if you are looking for people.
References available upon request..
take care..