Just started the game about 3 weeks in and made my first character geared towards the idea of a "Trapmonkey/ranger build".
It seems based on what I've been experiencing so far I've made quite a mess with my character and need some advice on how to salvage it and make it a decent muticlass ranger in terms of rogue and ranger skills.
WE've met a great Bunch of people ingame that made our gaming experience Alot of Fun and my Girlfriend and I are loving it very much.
I'm level 7 so far with 3 ranks in towards level 8 with a 5 ranger/2 rogue set up
My Starting stats were:
15 Str
18 Dex
8 Con
14 int
12 wis
8 char
Current skills unmodified:
Balance 5
Bluff 2
Con .5
DD 10
Hide 5
Jump 4
Listen 2
Move silently 5
Open locks 9
Search 10
Spot 10
Tumble 6
Point blank shot
Favored Enemy giants/undead
Enhancements: (with 2 points left)
Skill boost 2
Favored damage 2
Favored Resistance 1
Dexterity 1
spot 1
search 2
dexterity 1
Range attack 1
damage 2
I've seen Character planners on the forums but been having a hard time compiling the info so any help would be greatly appreciated.