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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Dec 2006

    Default WOW Commercial, Where is DDO commercial?

    I must first say that I understand WOW has a huge base and that equals cash. This in turn allows for marketing.

    I spoke to several wow players, and they all have similar stories. That WOW has a lot of content, and easy to play.
    They also had many negative things to say about the game, like many players anr young, travel time to quest can be 20 min (fillers), graphics sucks compared to DDO. They also said that the combat system on DDO is great and so are the players which are mostly adults, except for a few like had to throw that in there. Ps I heard he has gotten much better.

    So, if our beloved DDO has so much to offer, why are we not out there advertising it so we can attract 9 million world wide. Turbine does not realize what they have in their hand; the name D&D alone will attract many players, unfortunately D&D players of yester years who don’t play MMO's don’t know the game is out here. If some advertisement was done I’m sure our base would increase. Wake up Turbine and advertise your game so we can grow and get more players, content and fun.

    I also spoke to a fellow player who recently joined, he said he had such a difficult time to locate the game to download; it was a quest in itself. How can you attract people if you hide the game and difficult to find. He also mentioned that the pricing on page is still that of a few years ago, probably beta. So why is no one updating pricing so customers know it’s cheaper to play today. Come on guys its like you want to sabatoshe the game so we have to quit.

    So please update your pages, do some advertising, get some new players and deliver some good content so we can continue to have fun.

    Get off the cube you lazy bums!!

  2. #2


    First off, this topic has already been posted many times. There is a search function in these forums. Making it your friend would mean far less redundancy.

    Secondly, Atari owns all rights to advertising for DDO. At best, Turbine could ignore that agreement and hope not to get prosecuted by Atari. A risk that would frighten me considering how desperate for money Atari is at the time being. Although maybe they're too bankrupt to afford a lawyer to sue Turbine...who knows.

    Thirdly, you are posting somewhat aggressively on the matter without having all the facts. I'm not saying you look foolish, but it's something to think about.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
    A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
    Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.

  3. #3
    Community Member KoolHand's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Default This thread is different then many...

    of the other "wow is advertising" The OP states about talking to players on both games. So he didn't use the "search" big deal. So he posted aggressively, (not really imo) another big deal. So Turbine might not like it. again, big deal. People who worry about it and take the time to right about it in an intelligent manner are a benefit to the community. He mentions his friend's trouble in even finding the game. This has nothing to do about real advertising, hell just a link or something on amazon or e-bay could help on-line. I hope several threads a week pop up about it. Screw Atari, and there money woes, do just the little things to help the game grow. Nobody is saying get Mr. Spock to do a commercial saying he is a warforge Barbarian.

  4. #4
    Community Member GHOSTRYDER's Avatar
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    classes general discussion?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by KoolHand View Post
    ...So he posted aggressively, (not really imo) another big deal...
    Quote Originally Posted by The Truth View Post
    Get off the cube you lazy bums!!
    Harsh language for asking something that is out of their hands.
    People who worry about it and take the time to right about it in an intelligent manner are a benefit to the community.
    I agree. That's where I was going with the comment about using the search function. He could have easily educated himself about this situation, which is very frustrating to players who want to see advertising for DDO, instead of just diving right in.
    He mentions his friend's trouble in even finding the game. This has nothing to do about real advertising, hell just a link or something on amazon or e-bay could help on-line. I hope several threads a week pop up about it. Screw Atari, and there money woes, do just the little things to help the game grow.
    I agree there are little things that could help it grow. But dont tell me the op had nothing to do with advertising, since it clearly does.
    Nobody is saying get Mr. Spock to do a commercial saying he is a warforge Barbarian.
    If Turbine were able to advertise, that is actually exactly what I'd be asking for. That would be hilarious.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
    A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
    Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Default hmm

    Ghoste, first off it was a post simply to show the effort of the companies that run our game (turbine, atari etc) I simply said turbine to be simplistic.
    Turns out you are a simpleton, You said "atari will sue if turbine advertise", when then step up the game why isnt turbine taking atari to court for their breach of contract by not advertising. Whatever was stated in their contract i assume atari was held to some type of advertising clause. But it's not even the point. The point was and still is that the combined companies for DDO have a great product, but because they lack advertising the game is suffering.
    I compared it to wow because they have a worse product and yet its doing great because they advertise. Yes, their recent advertisements are known, but i remember seeing them advertise way back. As of date DDO has not done any advertisement that "i saw" or know of, except maybe some internet.

    Also, if the downloading of the game is hard to fine, is that not a problem?
    If the pricing of the game is incorrect, is this not a problem?

    The hit on the Developers, was a jist, and of course i know they are not to be held responsible for advertisement. but maybe some people need to wake up there, huh?

    and you mispelled ghost.....

  7. #7


    Strange place to post this but....

    Turbine did do a celebrity commercial, it just didn't turn out quite like they hoped it would
    Former Host of DDOcast
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  8. #8
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    Ever bother reading which forum you are posting on?
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

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