Joined a Pug Dragon Raid yesterday.. Being the leader of a new, rather small guild, My Raiding has been mostly PuG lately... No Big deal. Meeting a lot of new poeple and having fun... Even when things go wrong.
Was a group of 8-10's and it because evident quickly that the man with the star had no desire to lead the raid..... After working our way to the North levelrs/Runes we find out this is his first Dragon Run.....
Now I dont mind having new people in the raid... Everyone had a first time at one point, but at this point in the game, you should not be leading a raid if its your first time. He couldt tell people what to do, where to go, or what needed to be picked up when.... There was almost an argument when no one wanted to pick up the Signet ring even....
Well, Long story kinda short, The person who took the voice died.... and resed out.... Not realizing that destroyes the voice.... as I sat onthe right side Nothing was getting done over onthe left (And at this point I didnt know the voice was destroyed)
After about 10 minutes I went back out and started walking around and found the Ring sitting on the ground again.. ???? Inquired as to "Who's got the ring" and someone responded..... "Um, no you dont, I just picked it up" "Who's got the Voice?" Same person responded..... at that point we found out that he had ressed out of the instance when he died. Doh!!!!
So, Rng in hand I go do the wheels and tell the leader to file a stuck report with the GM.... AFter a bit of gnashing, I'm given the star.... Great.... I know the raid well.... But have never been leader before... What the hell, I'll see if I can salvage it and File the report...
As we wait for a GM, several people decide to give up and start over.... Already 45 minutes or so in, I really didnt want to so said lets wait for the gm..... a few people dropped group leaving us with 7 or or so at this point....
I get a /Tell "Can you salvage this?" "Yes, I think I Can" I reply.
a few minutes later the GM gets back to me, I explain the situation and he/she drops me a new Voice. I then put up a new LFM staing that we need a few fillers and that we are almost done with Von5. The group slowly fils back up (Couple peope who dropped rejoined as well)
Now, in al my dragon raids (Probobly around 15-20 across 5 characters) I've never been the VOice man... So it took me a few to get my bearings and get the east and west fired up..... but we gt it and continued onto the boss fight....
WHich went Horrible! No, we didnt wipe.... But it was exciting to say the least.... We finally killed him chated a bit about Von6 and went in.
We lost our main tank at that point... Just DC'dTHis could get interesting.....
So I explain my Strat... Start from Home base, 5 go around draw aggro, Pillar Breaker, Aggo, Piullar breaker etc etc etc.... First person goes the opposite direction I asked him togo.. Doh! So I went with it even though Not everyone had FOM.... AFter some Tense moments and a few firebals/Raises we managed to get the Pillars down... Woot.... and Move on to Velah.
We Hero'd her Since none of our clerics had Riase Dead or Mass Heals..... One tank couldnt stop at the nose and was killed immediately and we ended upwith 2 rangers goin at her.... One Hero Wipe, Res em with scrolls and go again. 1 halfling Ranger with a few levels of Barbarin ended up going Nose to Nose with Velah for the last 10% or so of her health.. we're al outof Mana and Heal scrolls at this point frantically Wand wipping him.....
She went Down............
Wow.... Not the Prettiest Dragon Run of my career, but definatly one of the most enjoyable in a long time.... Sometmes Pugs can be a incredibly good time.... Because they dont go smooth......
We had 3 Items drop.. Bracers, belt and Hammer.. all 3 went to the people they dropped for. I wish I would of taken a screenshot and recorded all the names to send some personal props out to these folks that stuck with it.
I didntso heres a general Shout out to those who stuck with me and got a dragon kill in a below optimum setting!
Thanks for stickin in there and making a questionable sitiation a very fun run!