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  1. #1
    Community Member gamer111's Avatar
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    Question best type character for Drow race

    hey, I will soon be unlocking drow since I have started over on a new world and was wondering if any of the experts that have played awhile could give me some opinions on what class best suits a drow. Appreciate it. Any inputs on the class would be a help also, thanks again

  2. #2
    Community Member Qzipoun's Avatar
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    Drows get a bonus to their Charisma, Intelligence and Dexterity and have a penalty to Constitution. It is pretty much agreed that they make the best casters (INT is good for wizards, CHA for sorcerers) they also make good Rogues or Dex-Fighters but the -2 to constitution can make that a little harder.

  3. #3
    Founder Rickpa's Avatar
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    Drow are the very best race for a skill rogue, and also make great paladins.

  4. #4
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Also keep in mind that drows get natural spell resistance. If you make a melee type............. say a dex based ranger..........your will saves will be just ok but your spell resistance which tops out at 19 I think can be useful also.

    If you like to splash try a 2 paladin/ 12 rogue and be sure to place points in UMD

    10 strength
    16 Dex
    10 con
    14 Int
    12 wis
    16 cha

    grab finesse and you have the ultimate saves, Scroll & wand casting, fighting trap monkey, with lay on hands and cure serious wands+ others

    level 1 rogue (1 starting feat skill focus:UMD or whatever you want)
    level 2 paladin
    level 3 rogue ( choose feat: weapon finesse)
    level 4 paladin
    level 5-14 rogue all the way (3 final feats = nimble fingers & any 2 others you want)

    this rogue is so powerful.... he explodes from his sheer awesomeness

  5. #5
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Drow make the best: Rogues (bonus to three relevant abilities - Dex, Int, Cha), Wizards (bonus to one or two relevant abilities - Int and Cha if you take UMD/use Diplomacy) and Sorcerers (bonus to one or two relevant abilities - Cha and Int if you want more skill points).

    They make pretty decent TWFers as well, with their +2 bonus to Dex. Especially for TWF Barbarians, who benefit from the Crit Rage Enhancements, and can also benefit from the Drow Melee Attack/Damage Enhancements (bonus to-hit/damage with rapiers and shortswords).

    If you don't have 32pt access, they make good Rangers. They also make pretty decent Fighters and Paladins, though the penalty to Constitution is a pretty severe detriment in many cases to the above.
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  6. #6
    Community Member lostinjapan's Avatar
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    Agree with what everyone has said, would also like to add that they make pretty good wis/cha (as opposed to wis/con or battle) Cleric builds also, although I prefer human for the extra feat.

    They also make excellent Bards.

    My character/classes (in order of my signature) on Thelanis are:

    Dwarf Fighter/Paladin
    Drow Rogue/Paladin
    Drow Sorcerer

    Human Cleric
    Human Bard
    Drow Bard
    Elf Ranger
    Halfling Wizard
    Warforge Barbarian
    Dwarf Ranger/Fighter
    Halfling Barbarian/Ranger
    Drow Cleric
    Warforge Wizard/Rogue
    Last edited by lostinjapan; 01-04-2008 at 09:59 PM.
    Amadare Ardency Discordance Fascination Xalixis

  7. #7
    Community Member Soul-Shaker's Avatar
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    I dont really look at it as specifically based on just classes.

    Any character that spends certain number of stat points into int and/or cha over 14 based on combos of both to gain more use as drow over elf

    If one stat, cha or int, doesnt matter at all, then 17+ in either makes drow better then 32 pt elf.
    15+/10+ combo benefits drow
    14/14 is even with elf.
    Khyber ¤ Lava Divers ¤
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  8. #8
    Community Member Fahrenheit's Avatar
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    The -2 Con isn't as big a deal as everybody makes it. At current max level, that's 16 hp and -1 to your Fort save.

    The +2 Dex makes up for that with an improved AC and Reflex save, except at the extremes (i.e., if you're taking all your damage from fort/will spells and traps; if your AC is so bad that you're being hit on anything but a 1; or if your AC is so good that you're only being hit on a 20).

    Drow is best for characters that have at least two of int/dex/cha as important stats. If you're going to be a melee sort, TWF is pretty natural, as the racial bonuses with shortswords/rapiers and naturally high dex work well together.

    Rogues, Sorcerers who use Ray spells and UMD, Bards, Rangers, and multiclass variants of those

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