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  1. #41

    Default Options

    I like the idea of having some options, configurable (toggles) via the options window in game...

    1) The AC/weaps to-hit info below the inventory screen
    2) Configurable chat window--I can see moving my dice rolls, dm text and such down there--but to be effective, it would have to be scrollable somehow

    These would be the top two, but there are many suggestions above that are interesting.
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  2. #42
    Community Member szalkerous's Avatar
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    put the DICE "window" in the G15....
    "Oh yes, I bring the funny."
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  3. #43
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gpk View Post
    Here is a very quick mockup of a sample mini char sheet done in LCDStudio , you can play with alignments, label abbreviations, spacing etc.

    inverted stats means it's been drained

    after the 2x3 stats are:

    saves Fort Reflex Will followed by L M H for load level, M and H can be inverted to indicate a possible problems

    AC SR Fortifications
    attack bonus and dmg dice

    note : I'm using 3 lines with no App Title (Dungeons & Dragons Online), using the G15 LCD SDK Small Font you can squeeze in 4.
    I like this one .. its got information that isn't available on the screen normally, but is all there at a quick glance .. with this information, that lcd on my g15 might be more useful than telling me how much memory DDO is hogging

  4. #44
    Community Member Kaboth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gpk View Post
    Here is a very quick mockup of a sample mini char sheet done in LCDStudio , you can play with alignments, label abbreviations, spacing etc.

    inverted stats means it's been drained

    after the 2x3 stats are:

    saves Fort Reflex Will followed by L M H for load level, M and H can be inverted to indicate a possible problems

    AC SR Fortifications
    attack bonus and dmg dice

    note : I'm using 3 lines with no App Title (Dungeons & Dragons Online), using the G15 LCD SDK Small Font you can squeeze in 4.
    Actually I like this one a lot.... amazing for melee types, now you need one for casters...

    If they had a screen for buffs too that would be cool, not sure how doable that is..

    I have a G15 Keyboard too, Im just too tied up really to learn it I need a G15 for dummies book LOL

  5. #45
    Community Member TNBK4900's Avatar
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    I would love to see the Dice roles down there .. as far as scrolling ,i dont think its that nessisary , but if the window showed me the last 4 and if they where hits misses / saves and such it would be helpfull.

  6. #46
    Community Member Kaboth's Avatar
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    OH and BTW one of the mods here mentioned using the keyboard for HP and SP and stuff... but my g15 keyboard doesnt recognize DDO when searching for games, and I didnt see an option anywhere... how do you get this to go in..

  7. #47
    Community Member gpk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaboth View Post
    OH and BTW one of the mods here mentioned using the keyboard for HP and SP and stuff... but my g15 keyboard doesnt recognize DDO when searching for games, and I didnt see an option anywhere... how do you get this to go in..
    To display stuff on the LCD Screen the game itself must be coded to do so, DDO will support the G15 come mod6 with no intervention required. DDO will just detect the presense of the G15 and display stuff in the LCD screen.

    When you "Scan for New Games" on the G15 all you are doing is scanning for known game executable and creating a pre-configured list of known commands for a known game (a Profile), commands you can then assign to the G-Keys. This is for the G-Keys and has nothing to do with the LCD screen really.
    For instance if the Keyboard Profiler find Neverwinter Nights 2 on your system it will create a new profile, associate with the NWN executable (apply the profile on launch) and create a list of macros, known commands for the game. This saves you the trouble of lookin up what hotkeys do what. This is pretty standard for any type of profile software be it for joystick keyboard mouse or other control device. If a profile does not exist for a given game you can create your own download and import one from a website or perhaps a future Logitech software update will add profile support with a pre-built list of macros for your game.

  8. #48
    Founder xberto's Avatar
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    IMO, whatever you add to the LCD panel shouldn't be critical, real-time game info. I mean, HP and SP are ok but you look at these all the time and bouncing your eyes down to the LCD screen during intense combat, might be unlikely. For me, critical things like HP and SP need to be in my field of vision

    Some of my suggestions would be (some may have already been mentioned):
    -Quest Timers
    -the weapon info listed at the bottom of inventory panel (probably gets my vote)
    -G-key map (for me, probably most useful but probably something aready available outside game)

  9. #49
    Community Member Kaboth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gpk View Post
    To display stuff on the LCD Screen the game itself must be coded to do so, DDO will support the G15 come mod6 with no intervention required. DDO will just detect the presense of the G15 and display stuff in the LCD screen.

    When you "Scan for New Games" on the G15 all you are doing is scanning for known game executable and creating a pre-configured list of known commands for a known game (a Profile), commands you can then assign to the G-Keys. This is for the G-Keys and has nothing to do with the LCD screen really.
    For instance if the Keyboard Profiler find Neverwinter Nights 2 on your system it will create a new profile, associate with the NWN executable (apply the profile on launch) and create a list of macros, known commands for the game. This saves you the trouble of lookin up what hotkeys do what. This is pretty standard for any type of profile software be it for joystick keyboard mouse or other control device. If a profile does not exist for a given game you can create your own download and import one from a website or perhaps a future Logitech software update will add profile support with a pre-built list of macros for your game.

    Thanks! I bought this keyboard and I dnt use it, I tried to program some macros and then I got frustrated and been to lazy to go back yet LOL. IDK, it looked if it was registering the upstroke of the key as well? Anyways it didnt work for me, yet...

  10. #50
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaboth View Post
    Thanks! I bought this keyboard and I dnt use it, I tried to program some macros and then I got frustrated and been to lazy to go back yet LOL. IDK, it looked if it was registering the upstroke of the key as well? Anyways it didnt work for me, yet...
    it does register the upstroke:
                            <macro name="QuickMacro" guid="{DCF50AE2-0000-4381-000D-
    4F0F5A9E9803}" type="multikey">
                                    <event type="keydown" keyname="LCTRL"/>
                                    <event type="keydown" keyname="3"/>
                                    <event type="keyup" keyname="3"/>
                                    <event type="keyup" keyname="LCTRL"/>
                                    <event type="keydown" keyname="1"/>
                                    <event type="keyup" keyname="1"/>
                                    <event type="keydown" keyname="LCTRL"/>
                                    <event type="keydown" keyname="1"/>
                                    <event type="keyup" keyname="1"/>
                                    <event type="keyup" keyname="LCTRL"/>
    taken from my own profile that i exported a while back.

  11. #51
    Founder flatlyne2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaboth View Post
    IDK, it looked if it was registering the upstroke of the key as well? Anyways it didnt work for me, yet...
    Yes it registers both up and down strokes so that you can do CTRL 1 keystroke to select 1st Toolbar etc

    The hardest part is to doing pauses in time so that things can fire off before doing something else. Example, jump to 2nd toolbar, equip item, equip again to use clickie, wait for clickie to fire off, set off search function, wait to finish, reequip original ring, jump back to 1st toolbar
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  12. #52
    Community Member Starrloom's Avatar
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    The trick is to insert delays in the middle of the keystrokes and those delays are editable. I do have to test them but once they are setup its nice.
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  13. #53
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    I bought one of these yesterday and for some reason it has actually slowed down DDO. Basically I can't play DDO with this keyboard attached to my system. Once I removed the software and unplugged the keyboard DDO was back to normal.

    It caused really bad clipping which was sort of cool for about 5 minutes because it sort of seemed like you were playing in a comic or watching one of those cartoons that you can show by flipping pages in a book real fast. But then it started to give me a bad headache.
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  14. #54
    Community Member SteeleTrueheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaga Nub View Post
    I bought one of these yesterday and for some reason it has actually slowed down DDO. Basically I can't play DDO with this keyboard attached to my system. Once I removed the software and unplugged the keyboard DDO was back to normal.

    It caused really bad clipping which was sort of cool for about 5 minutes because it sort of seemed like you were playing in a comic or watching one of those cartoons that you can show by flipping pages in a book real fast. But then it started to give me a bad headache.
    Hmm I have had a G15 since I started palying this game and never had an issue. You may want to put a post about your experience in the Technical Assistance thread so they can isolate the problem for you.
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  15. #55
    Community Member Jerevon's Avatar
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    WoW has G15 support and they did a great job with it too. Basically they took all important stats, particularly the ones that are always changing with buffs and put them on the LCD screen. Lables and numbers only, no bars! You can fit more with a basic format. For this one, I'm thinking:

    -HP (actual/total)
    -SP (actual/total)
    -AC (total)
    -Attack Bonus (total)
    -All Atribute Stats, i.e., STR, DEX, INT, CON, WIS, CHA, show modifier next to each one
    -DR (listed: number/type, if any)

    I'm positive they can make it fit and make it look nice also. They don't need to make borders.

    I scrolled back and read some older posts. The LCD studio is a neat little tool. Evaluation license only though. The stats I selected were melee friendly (paladin, lol). Anyway, what do you think about this? It all fits pretty nice.

    Last edited by Jerevon; 01-29-2008 at 12:20 AM.
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  16. #56
    Community Member Jerevon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaga Nub View Post
    I bought one of these yesterday and for some reason it has actually slowed down DDO. Basically I can't play DDO with this keyboard attached to my system. Once I removed the software and unplugged the keyboard DDO was back to normal.

    It caused really bad clipping which was sort of cool for about 5 minutes because it sort of seemed like you were playing in a comic or watching one of those cartoons that you can show by flipping pages in a book real fast. But then it started to give me a bad headache.
    Did you get a chance to update the profiler? There is a newer version out. I've been using the G15 with DDO for about a year and not one problem yet.
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  17. #57
    Community Member Jerevon's Avatar
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    Bump, I don't want this idea (of making the display show more info) to go away. I couldn't get the saves to fit, but I guess the SR and DR can go away. That would free up some space.
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