*Looks at dead horse. Grabs club and starts beating it*
Will there ever be balance in this game? Probably not.
There is one thing that allows this game to become unbalanced. I have said it before, and I will say it again.
Static Dungeons.
There are so many things that have been said in opposition to what the op stated that are true, yet there is much left unsaid.
In D&D, how many times did we run into hoards of monsters nearly EVERY STEP OF THE QUEST?
Never, at least not that I can remember.
More importantly, and more to the point, how many times in D&D did we run the same quest 5 times....10 times.....20 times or more? Each quest with the exact same layout, same monsters, same places?
Do NOT judge any form of power imbalance between the characters unless you are judging on the first, or if you are slow like me, second time through a given quest with a group who is also brand new to the quest.
THIS is the only true way to judge the balance between the characters. The first run through a quest, do the casters kill everything? Is it normally an equal kill count? Do the fighters/DPS builds lead in the kill count? Is there multiple deaths due to lack of knowledge? (Gee, I guess I shouldn't have pulled that leaver eh?)
In DDO, just as in D&D, the caster is the more powerful type of character to play. This FACT (as has been proven by MT, among others) is compounded dramatically by the fact that after running the quest a certain number of times, the caster knows what to expect, what to do, and where to do it. Because the casters are naturally more powerful, AND the know the dungeon intimately, they are able to take a very tough quest and make it into a cake walk. (Yes, all classes benefit from intimate knowledge of the instance, but casters are able to exploit this to there advantage in a much more dramatic way.)
In all honesty, I do not feel that there will ever be "true" balance in this game as long as there are static instances. As you take away from one class and give to another, people will just find other ways to EXPLOIT their intimate knowledge of any quest.
If there is any real weakness to this game, this is it. Until they find a way to implement random dungeons the true D&D spirit will never be found.
Rather than beg them for petty things such as nerfing ANY class, leave things as they are now and beg them to put a team dedicated to figuring out a way to implement random dungeons.
Yep. A tall order for them to fill, I know.