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  1. #21
    Community Member cardmj1's Avatar
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    To be honest, the only time I turn down a toon is when I need a specific person ie: rogue, healing cleric. Other than that, I fear no toon build. As for wf, I love you guys. All my clerics are spec'd to heal you as if you were fleshies. I have too! My hubby (barbie wf) says so. lol

  2. #22
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    One thing that honestly confuses me. People running low levels (i.e. Harbor) that are looking for specific group make-ups. Why? For none (at least I can't really think of any) of these quests (really for most later ones also, but different point) do you NEED any particular roles to be filled. Normally when I see a group like that I, 1. will not join & 2. Leader goes on "The List". If they feel they need a certain composition to a group at this level I wouldn't feel comfortable getting into a group led by this person at higher levels, in my experience someone with this type of a rigid thought process does not do well when the fecal matter hits the fan and it's time to improvise.
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

  3. #23
    Community Member Lorichie's Avatar
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    To my knowledge i have the market with ten current lorich's and eight more to follow withing next couple months, with of course the inevitable two dozen rerolls. You will be receiving much more stuff in the mail as i will be powerleveling them all during january while we wait for mod six, so keep the mailbox empty No, i dont expect anything and the reason why is anyone i help today will still be here tomorrow. its easy for me to sit in harbor and answer questions and send people gifts like tools and such in between groups or while checking auctions or just goofing off. Doing what you do on a more personal level however is just not me, and while i help whenever i can in groups or out, to commit as much as you do on almost daily basis on a close personal level is just beyond my capabilities at the present time, so yes i will over burden your mailbox until i can I am always on, most of the day, literally, and would love grouping with you, we'll get together when we're both able im sure.

    Svet: You may very well be right, but i hadnt mentioned that word prior to this post, however you may be onto something in that this could esculate these events because of that one single word, hmmm this could be bad


  4. #24


    I actually discriminate the other way. I prefer battle bards over barbs, and I could care less if the party has a cleric.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
    A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
    Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.

  5. #25
    Community Member Citymorg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghoste View Post
    I actually discriminate the other way. I prefer battle bards over barbs, and I could care less if the party has a cleric.
    That's why we love you, Ghoste

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Azoralq View Post
    At 7th level, you have at least Cure Critical, Serious, and Moderate. Coupled with a Cure Serious Wand, and you can succeed on a Heal Scroll with a roll of (I think) 8 or higher. Not exactly a sure shot, but it's good for a shot on the run. Ressurection scrolls fire off on a roll of 4 or higher. If you have Unyielding Soverignty it's even better.

    You can actually fire off heals pretty fast, if you just go down the row. Cure Surious Wand, Cure Critical Spell, Cure Serious Spell. By this time, the wand should be recycled for another shot, and you still haven't used Moderate, or a heal scroll.

    The only issue I had as 7th Cleric/5th Fighter/2nd Rogue was mana. I have 591 mana without Mental Toughness. If things take longer than expected, you have to expect to down an elixer or two.
    thats the only draw back i forsee, this must mean that your running expenses must be very high.
    If you want to know why...

  7. #27
    Community Member Dark-Star's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Svetelana View Post

    I saw a 1 Pally/1 Wiz today! Wonder what he's gonna do with that.....
    Hopefully go 7/7...

  8. #28
    Community Member Auran82's Avatar
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    Personally when forming a group I will usually accept whoever, only time I differ from that is when the quest really needs a caster or a cleric though most things can be overcome with any group.

  9. #29
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    Default Talish

    Yes that is the "ONE AND ONLY" LORICH of the Loriches. One of the most giving people in the game. Every single time I log on I instantly look for him. I've been on for about a year and a half and I still look to him when I need help. We now refer to him as the God Father of DDO. Partially to bust his chops but mainly becasue it's true. I posted in here about six months ago about how giving he is and he still hasn't changed. Well maybe a little but the new Lorich is even cooler than before as I told him today.

    Anyway Rich welcome to the world of Sierranevada/Samadams I know you had to hear me cry to you time and time again about the very same thing. Sorry you have to go thru this but get used to it because it still happens. Even last month I told you how Sam wasn't allowed in a group because he wasn't a tank. I talked my way into the group. The leader of the group was a straight fighter I was a str based RGR multi class build(Samadams). Funny enough Sam led the kill count. Even over the casters. So needles to say at the end of the quest I had to send him a tell asking if my ranger was now allowed to play with his big bad fighter. That's the one and only good thing about having a kill count (even though it doesn't tell the whole story) you get to shove it into these narrow minded elitests face at the end. I'm far less forgiving than Lorich.

    Anyway Rich know this. When I've had to run without you and you are mentioned, anyone who knows you, knows that you build a kick ass toon or it gets rerolled. These idiots are most likely noobs that don't have a true grasp of the inner workings of the game. So they can't even begin to have an idea of the potential. As someone stated above. Any moron can build a straight fighter. So let me add this to that. That same moron has in a way built a gimped toon because there is nothing esle he can bring to the table except a need for someone to take care of him. There are plenty of cross breed tanks like yours that can keep up in DPS and bring other things to the table as well.

    Take care,


  10. #30
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    Did you give up on your naming convention or something? I don't really know you, nor do I exclude anyone from my groups, but I always give a mental "yeah!" when someone with a "Lorichie" name derivation joined up.

    I'd think that kind of name recognition would carry you through most build discrimination problems.

  11. #31
    Community Member direwolf33's Avatar
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    Over the past few days I've been power levelling my battle bard from 8 to 13 almost exclusively in PUGs and have experienced no discrimination at all. So, I don't think that this experience is the norm. If anything, I've experienced that most leaders recognize from the start that my fighter level indicates that I am not going to be able to keep a party up healed by myself and nor do I want to.

    If I remember right though, you have barbarian splash whereas most bards I've seen around have fighter levels. I doubt that would result in significant bias, but do you think that's causing a problem? With the new dismiss rage feature, it really shouldn't. Unless my guild or unoriginal character naming schema are compensating in some way, I don't see any reason why you'd be treated any differently.

    In general though, when I lead a PUG I consider it my responsibility to form a party that is built for success. I think it's my right as a leader to deny admittance, but I try to at least be nice about it.


  12. #32
    Community Member Lorichie's Avatar
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    No, i still name all my toons Lorich**** or some variation. I would suppose it to be true that if anyone has played this game off and on, or even straight for the last 19 months-ish they've grouped with me, and while ive never been told i suck, im sure ive done some bonehead things in a group or two. We've run together a few times, most noticeably i believe on your new ish cleric ( tho i could be wrong, i prob should have checked first before i typed this lol).
    -Edit- Grumples sounds familiar, believe we ran a house p quest or two. mebbe month or two back. And of course i know all your big dogs from long ago in the beginning days of the Forlorn saga.

    Yes i have two barb levels and will eventually have two fighter levels. It is my first battle bard and will reroll him if he doesnt perform to my standards, as i have no problem starting over. Im unhappy with him recently, but only because im beginning to notice that i cant solo some of the upper level stuff. Now im not a solo kinda person, but i always try to get my guys to solo outdoor areas at least, if they cant, they dont perform to my standards and cannot fulfill their duty in a group. If they can survive well in an outdoor mission, then in a group of six they will do just fine.

    As far as dismiss rage, only issue could be would be leaving you in exhausted state, but you drink restore pot and on your way you go. I have heard some clerics grumble that some use dismiss and ask for restore. That is sheer laziness and silliness. Restore pots are cheap and unless you just happen to forget them, there is no excuse not to have them.


  13. #33
    Community Member Yukiko's Avatar
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    Sounds fishy.
    My bard gets invites to groups all the time

  14. #34
    Community Member Lorichie's Avatar
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    Please care to elaborate, "Fishy"?

    Not much to go on, naturally im assuming the bard in which you speak is the one in your sig. And naturally i would assume as well the, "invited all the time" piece of your post would prob include everyone wanting a healer/ or back up healer into their group? I dont heal, cant heal, wont heal...Why? cause im a battlebard, raged most of the time and i have no healing spells. now we can discuss the validity of this build in another thread if you want, but thats not what this thread is for. I dont get invited to those groups that you do because i dont heal, im a fighter, like most fighters i use pots and wands. Even says so when i put up looking for group symbol.

    Now, the original op was about me, and one instance, and my concern whether it was normal or was just me. Several folks have come on and said no, they experience it too. Some have come on and said no they havent. Some leaders of groups have come as well and spoken on what they look for in a group member and offered some advice as to why. To which i have thanked them all for their input. I wonder exactly what your input is?

    Now i dont know you, may have run with you cant remember. However i would never make a generalized statement concerning anyone in any way. In checking all my past posts which arent many i am not able to find one even condescending post or "fishy" thing ive said. If i dont know something factual about someone i keep quiet, as is evident and i dont think youll find someone to say otherwise.

    For those thinking ive gone into a rant, i havent. I could really care less. however this thread was started to gather information concerning an issue i deemed to be important and certainly was in no way centered around me. I am really curious as to the definititon of "fishy" but only on how it relates to topic, or if its a feeble attempt at a bash without experience/information. however, more importantly, i wont have negativity in my thread, if you want to question me (edit-my builds) do so in another thread or pm me, ill be more than happy to go rounds if you need to. But at the slightest hint of negativity and this thread turning into something it was not intended for, i will have it closed and the few people who find it insightful/helpful/ noteworthy will be the ones to suffer. I dont believe anyone is so important that others have to suffer because of that single persons opinion.

    Last edited by Lorichie; 01-03-2008 at 08:16 AM.

  15. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Disavowed View Post
    Yes that is the "ONE AND ONLY" LORICH of the Loriches. One of the most giving people in the game. Every single time I log on I instantly look for him. I've been on for about a year and a half and I still look to him when I need help. We now refer to him as the God Father of DDO. Partially to bust his chops but mainly becasue it's true. I posted in here about six months ago about how giving he is and he still hasn't changed. Well maybe a little but the new Lorich is even cooler than before as I told him today.
    Hehe. You don't have to tell me how giving he is. I was only confirming that he was the player I had in mind. When I said that he had helped many newcomers over the last year without taking credit. Well that's because since long before server merge he has been sending Mythe lvl 1 equipment to hand out to newcomers, he never asks for anything in return yet I can be guaranteed there is mail waiting for me on almost a daily basis from him. Between him and Strakeln (and many others), Mythe has been able to do so much for Khyber (and previously Riedra).

    The only thing I have not done with Rich is grouped with him. Actually many who I speak with on these boards I have never played with. My playstyle is such that unless you like to duo or trio you will not group with me.

    Now back to topic. Build discrimination has been around since headstart. It's not something new. Heck I remember when my wf couldn't get a group for days on end and my ranger build was told it was a stupid idea. It's probably what started me on a solo career.

    Here's something to keep in mind. On average 2 types of players build very differently then the average player.
    1- Those who know what they are doing and enjoy the build aspect of the game. These people have earned a spot in any group.
    2- Those who are new to the game and get excited by the possibilities - they do not deserve to be excluded when they are still learning the game. It does contribute to a loss of players early on.

    So keep in mind when a mutliclass player requests to join your group have the decency NOT to trash their build and tear a strip out of them. I'm not saying you have to accept them but be polite declining them when they request membership if they do not fit your preconcieved notions of what you are looking for.

    I know it's only a game and people have a right to run with a group of their choice, to fill it with members they want or have decided they need but politeness, a little consideration and common decency go a long way.
    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    Play what you want to play, and play it well.

  16. #36
    Community Member Ryavin's Avatar
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    Default Ignorance...

    Ignorance is bliss-nuff said.

  17. #37
    Community Member arminius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Svetelana View Post
    Maybe it's more because you use words like befuddled ~ j/k

    Hopefully the word gets out that is it very feasible to make solid (especially 32 point) cross class builds.

    I saw a 1 Pally/1 Wiz today! Wonder what he's gonna do with that.....
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark-Star View Post
    Hopefully go 7/7...

    If I had a paladin and accidently went to the Wiz trainer instead of the Sorc trainer, I believe I would indeed need a Seven and Seven.

    Gwyneira : Cattari : Gorobei : Berylore : Zelphia : Aanouk : Beatriice : RobotMaria : Dalrymple : Ainouk : Bearatrice
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  18. #38
    Community Member theweeman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorichie View Post
    Most of you may not know me, im pretty laid back, dont get out much, play a lot, keep to myself and hopefully at least do a mediocre job at whatever im supposed to be doing. Some will agree, some will disagree, some wont care. Thats ok, depending on how the stars line up, i prob feel the same on any given day.

    But tonight im a little perplexed. Added to the above information, i have just started my second account, have rerolled more times than i care to admit and been playing just a couple months shy of launch, so i think, at least, i have an at least basic understanding of the game and can at least contribute to any group i may join.

    Which gets me to my point: not even getting the chance to get to join a group because of perceptual misgivings of a class/ race/ player combo. I mean, does everyone look at what your build says on the outside and assume what its capable on the inside?

    Now, i understand that im not really asking a question i dont already know the answer to. I understand that there are people who assume and do so incorrectly. I know im not a prominent communtiy/ server figure and im sure deep down thats by design: im here to play the game and not get into competing/flexing/ whatever matches that ensue around stormreach.

    (Disclaimer: it dawned on me that at this point in case there is any doubt, i should mention that i am not stating an opinion on anyone/ group of folks. I dont really know/ want to know/ care what everyone does and how everyone spends there time abroad, as it does not affect me in anyway.)

    Now, to wrap up this drabble: After all the time ive spent in stormreach i dont ever remember a time that i was ever told, bluntly, that if they could not find anyone else they would invite me then. Pretty much word for word. Is a battle bard really all that horrible in a pug setting? I honestly cant remember the last time i died, in any quest, much less on my new baby toon, and to think that when a group has three spots left, is advertising for a cleric and tanks, and a pure drow sorc is invited, (yes i know i assume), and no tell is given/ response to tells etc, im a little surprised.

    I fully understand being level nine, that im in the dreaded levels, thats bad enough, but for this too happen too, sheesh.....

    Ok, im done, just wanted to vent, you guys are always here and the wife for some reason gets upset when i vent and she's sleeping. Just everyone get together and say it was just someone who didnt know me and if they did they would have squelched me after the first tell so i'd never know

    happy hunting, rich

    Hmmmm my battle bard wyldechyld never has trouble finding a grp, and at a 10 brd/2ftr/2rogue its obvious hes a battlebard

  19. #39
    Community Member Ringos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghoste View Post
    I actually discriminate the other way. I prefer battle bards over barbs, and I could care less if the party has a cleric.
    Me too...great buffs!!

    To the OP; If I stick up a group and someone that doesn't fit what I posted for sends a Tell or clicks Join, I usually send them a Tell and see if they fit what we are looking for. If I posted for a wiz/sorc and a Bard wants in, I see if he can do whatever it is we wanted the wiz/sorc for. I've had groups up for a fighter/pali/ranger and taken Warchanters and Barbs. I just try to make sure that the member wanting in knows what we want from the slot and that they feel they can do th job. Most of the times if a person tried to join and their class wasn't listed, they know that they can fill the role.

    Now, about all those groups looking for a ftr/pali/barb that won't take a ranger...
    Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle

    "You assume that Clay is an ass because he's Legion..." Shyver

  20. #40
    Community Member Lorichie's Avatar
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    Get ready, ive collected enough bank pages of candy canes, all the rest are coming to you....The first truck arrives as i type


    Oops, forgot about cupcakes, i have enough of these healing goodies for my second account, these will take up less room than the candy canes...

    Last edited by Lorichie; 01-03-2008 at 11:34 AM.

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