For what it is designed to do, I think this is an OK character.
I've a WF Wizzie that uses the Maximize/Empower Enhancements and I love what it does to my casting, Spells like Disintigrate are actually CHEAPER to cast Max/Empowered than normal twice.
Ignoring the DC (which doesn't matter since it is a DAMAGE CHARACTER) the mana situtation is ok. I'd have second thoughts about Mobile Spell Casting though. I had it before on a caster. With the changes made to the casting system, its pretty much useless, back in the day... maybe.. now... Its mostly worthless for a Sorcerer since even their longest spell is quicker than a Wizards or Clerics average.
I'd drop it and pick up Force of Personality when the next Module comes out, Toasters may be immune to most effects you need will for, but they can still be annoying.
[eaten by cube] Good concept.
I can totaly accept that. It is definately a matter of preference and I'd invite the requester (if they are still interested since it's been a while) to evaluate how they want to play and take Aspenor's feat advice into account.
None the less I don't think Waste is the right way to put it. I think spring attack is a waste as well, but if you really like running around while fighting, it makes some sense. Same here. My wife recently re-specced for Mobile spell casting on her sorcer and she LOVES it. I've watched her zip through dungons flinging spells like a woman posessed and soloing dungeons there is no way my wizard could possibly pull off. She knows all about how to jump and cast but she finds having the feats freeing and strategicly usefull for a solo play style. She's good with her sorc, as good as any "leet" player I've seen. I know a Sorc doesn't need it to be a solo machine (she's been soloing crazy stuff for a while), but it does help make it easier and more fun. Of course she's human and so has a different stat lay out and an extra feat to work with (althoug it is essentialy the same but with extend instead of quicken).
Fortunately I did put them early in the build so if someone finds they don't like it or can cast jump, then its easy to re-spec. Still. If you have never had the feat... I'd say you may want to hold judgement. I've seen it in action and talked with my wife about it (who loves it) and so I though I'd put it in a build that seemed about right for it.
[eaten by cube] Truth is I like arguing games stuff so I kind of enjoy it even if it is a bit irritating. My heated response is partly toung in cheek.
Ya, the 100% thing. It seems deceptive to me although from a player perspective I do understand. Shade does make a point that on whole 15 starting charisma is low. But in relation to the build parameters (aka warforged) its almost maxed out. Still... if +1 DC is 100% by that logic so is +3 if you land on a 17+ already. So +3 = +1 but we all know that isn't true. So it's really best to measure by an objective standard, the 5% per +1 than it is to measure relative to what your DC base already is.
DDOCast & Hero
Community Member
Well in all fairness, *most* people don't consider mobile spell casting being worth it and would min/max cha/con and a bit of int and dump stat everything else, like Aspenors stats which are better. That strength and dex isn't going to be doing much for you later on.eaten by cube
Heighten (just helps out a lot of spells and makes them all count)
Extend (haste/displacement)
Enlarge (Pretty open on this one)
That to me is a better build, forget strength and dex and max charisma/con and enough int for the skills you want. Just because you want to nuke everything doesn't mean the occasional heightened web or something wouldn't come in handy occasionally.
That said your build is fine as well, although I do think your starting stats are wasting a few points for little gain.
Last edited by EinarMal; 12-30-2007 at 08:42 PM.
IMHO: I went with mobile casting on my sorc and I love it. I'm really happy with it because when I "cast a spell" i'm really shooting the spell. I have my setup to run like an FPS player so when I circle strafe, I want my movement to be constant so i can aim more accurately. Moblie casting helps me play how I want to play.
I think its a feat that caters to a persons play style goals more then anything, rather then over all effectiveness compared to other sorcerer builds. As with most builds, you make something thats fitted to your personal goals in-game....not others.
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Well... I made a couple minor adjustments due to the commentary (much appreciated)
Change: I lowered the strength and upped the charisma and dex...
Why?: Partly to satisfy criticism of low charisma, although unless you get a +3 tome it doesn't really change the final Charisma score. I personaly hate having characters with minimal strength (bad expereinces with a 6st halfling wizard). I fed the remaining point into dex to get an extra bonus (couldn't go anywhere else usefull without early tomes) so the build can make due with a heavy crossbow if they want to solo early quests. Of course I can't lower dex and still keep Mobile Spellcasting (it requires dex 13) so its got to stay to maintain the character of the build.
I'm sticking with the feats though. The criticism of Mobile Spellcasting is not unwarented but I stand by the fact that it is not a waste so much as a matter of play style preference. I agree that on balance, other choices are more "powerful" but not nessisarily more usefull and its pointless to post another cookie cutter sorc that is just like every other standard sorc build. It's been done so there isn't much point in me doing it again. Still, I certainly endorce other folks feat picks, they are good ones.
Last edited by sigtrent; 12-30-2007 at 11:32 PM.
I would drop mobile spell casting and take extend. Mainly for haste / displace / solid fog / ck / firewall / ottos dance. jmo
Sarlona server Jax Arcane
Mitsu Rugi
Yes I must agree, for somone who actually knows how to circle straff MSC is godly. Personally Ive been useing it with my nuker for the last year or so.. When I start a quest, I lead .. Every thing dies, I dont even look back .. As for more special uses, With the bramble casters you can straff the DQ around and solo her most of the time. With say the reavor, It's very easy to simpally obliterate all of the elementals.. (I supose considering Ive done that raid some 35 times, and I dont have ANY CC spells) MSC is the differance. Then again I dont know of any casters other then myself that have no use for ANY cc spells.. In all honesty if your playing a nuker right, with MSC.. you dont need CC spells..IMHO: I went with mobile casting on my sorc and I love it. I'm really happy with it because when I "cast a spell" i'm really shooting the spell. I have my setup to run like an FPS player so when I circle strafe, I want my movement to be constant so i can aim more accurately. Moblie casting helps me play how I want to play.
I think its a feat that caters to a persons play style goals more then anything, rather then over all effectiveness compared to other sorcerer builds. As with most builds, you make something thats fitted to your personal goals in-game....not others.
The other thing is, MOST people dont play like you and I.. so most people have no use for MSC, But for people that get 25 kills with 1 clip in an AK in CS for example.. MSC is for you. If you really want to get nuts pick up quicken to. You can circle straff and say scorching ray about every .8 seconds.
ps: if yah like spells like shocking grasp, scorching ray, (other "ray" spells) and other "touch" spells.. MSC is excellent.
pps I posted my build long ago, and was me with the same results.. ahaha
Last edited by Verlok the Red; 01-03-2008 at 10:38 PM.
Yea i do the same thing on my sorc Verlok. Can do reaver elite with zero CC, zero insta kill spells, zero problems. Straight fireball action.
But I don't use that junk feat. I use the jump spell and my spacebar.
Yeah, it's a ton of fun .. And well I like my food well done, so works for me. I'm just happy theres somone else thats as nuts as me and reguards DBFB as CCYea i do the same thing on my sorc Verlok. Can do reaver elite with zero CC, zero insta kill spells, zero problems. Straight fireball action.
But I don't use that junk feat. I use the jump spell and my spacebar.![]()
Hey, nice build.
Any chance you could make it up to lvl 20 for me?
this is a very interesting treat
but i am now more confused than ever on how to build my caster. i am a total noob woring on my 1rst toon in my 1rst rpg ever played, n im lovin it!
wanna know if its worth it to upgrade all 4 tiers of wand damage for my 3 rechargeble wands (fire, ice n acid) as a plan B for depleted mana? if not, what about archer enhancements as a plan B? ... i have some nice bows i could use. im just about to hit lvl 14 and i heard it will get tough for me soon