... which is probably the most you can get for haggle at present time in the game.
Proud Leader of Redemption
I see your point, Mad. Thanks for the advice.
Actually, I left my jump boots (rr, +15) in the backpack during this test- leaving my jump at exactly 45. Then used the FP to knock it down to 40. 5 points is a pretty noticeable difference, imo, so I didn't go as far as equiping the tower shield. The apex of my jump was in the exact same spot, I am positive.
Proud Leader of Redemption
Sidestep at 0 or less tumble
Tumble at 1+ tumble
Backflip at 31+ tumble
Front flip at 36+ tumble
No further progression
However as a 2ndary passive effect - tumble reduces fall damage. Similar to how jump does - but to a far greater degree. Tho generally at about 50 tumble renders you imune to fall damage.
In beta - jump was not capped and furthermore featherfall worked in reverse - your upward movement was slowed like low gravity. This allowed for players to break a huge number of quests, often being able to complete them without doing 1/10th of the normall required objectives.
As such - to prevent the need for developers to have to make invisible walls everywhere and test every possible jump - it was simple capped to a sane number to prevent such bugs in the future and make jump type obstacles easier to balance overall.
Many, many jumps in the game require exactly 40 jump, or very close to make.. And some require exactly 41 - so there impossible, its how quests are balanced and very unlikely to change.
See I don't understand this. My ranger without the reaver buff has about a 38 tumble (just enough for the front flips). She takes zero damage from antigravity in that raid even standing close to the middle of the room. As long as she dont slide into the spikes or get zapped by an eley or the reaver shes fine.
Scriondar DeTriole - Fighter/Paladin
Member of The Hand of the Black Tower
ive tested this countless times on a few different characters. Max falling Damage is 90 - tumble skill. I do believe a 90+ tumble is possible. Yes a negative tumble will increase the damage above 90. best place to test it is a failed teleport freefall
I only use a +7 tumble item. A +13 would get it to 91.
-Valok of Khyber, The Free Companions
Still furious about the horrendous CS mismanagement of the so-called Abbot timer "exploit," and not going to let anyone forget it.
got bored so i logged on my rogue
ranks 17
32dex (+11)
item +10
tumble spell(+10)
reaver trinket(+2)
rogue tumble +4
way of acrobat(+2)
total 60
Showtime boost +12(10 from boost and +2 from a now 36 dex)
skill boost +5
total of 77 without reaver buff
Just went thru 30 teleport scrolls trying to fail
boosted after the fail and took 12 points of falling damage so i guess max damage is 89 - tumble skill