I AM ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I don't believe I'm gonna chime in here. In the last couple of weeks here on the Thelanis Forums we have seen examples of this "elitist attitude" that Trugaard is talking about. I've also bumped into it in the short week that I've been back in game.
To help explain my point, find the post entitled "Something Better". This post is a guild recruiting thread. A very good guild with brilliant, top quality players. There is nothing wrong with the guild or the post. It does however show an "elitist attitude". Here is a group of seasoned veteran players who really want to play with other seasoned veteran players. If I am a noob that just installed my new DDO game, and then went to the forum to check it out and that was the only thread that I read, I might feel excluded as a new player, but I may have also read "Aussie Guild", I may have also read "Legends of Zen recruiting" or "The Madborn are recruiting" and I'll read posts about people looking for guilds and people suggesting great guilds like The Exploration Society or Fellowship of Golden Night, Order of the Sword and Rose, The Band Of Shifting Sands, The Infamous Flaming Vagabonds, Umberhulks. People talking about their in game families (Legion, DWAT, Silver Waffle). I may realize that there is a wide variety of people and guilds some that are accomadating to my experience level and some that are not so accomodating. So you can find elitism on the forums, but you can find "Class is in Session" on the boards too.
In game: The other night, I was actually on as Deadslug. (lvl 1/1 rogue / wizard). Not what you'd consider a powerhouse. A friend of mine, Onyxius invited me to a group that was doing Missing in Action. We had a Fighter lvl 3, a Ranger lvl 2, a cleric lvl 4 and me? The ranger pushed the issue of doing the adventure on hard then on elite. Half way through the elite, he started cursing out our cleric and our fighter because he kept getting agro, "We have a fighter that can't fight, and a cleric that can't heal! I can't stand playing with idiots like you!" He then recalled out and broke from our group. This is "elitist attitude. Hey look! Kobold Shaman rated at CR 4, Kobold Warriors CR 4 and Trog shaman CR 5 can hurt really bad, really fast. He was dead a lot. Not because the Fighter was bad not because the Cleric was terrible. Maybe because all four of us were trying a quest on elite that may have been too hard for the character's abilities. We got through hard okay. A fighter lvl 3 M/T 1/1 and clr 4, are noobs by any standard. I may be a seasoned barbarian at lvl 13, but I may be terrible as a mage, because I'm new at playing that class. The fighter was brand new to the game, and the cleric is brand new to the game. Is this one guy just 'the jerk'. Or are there other people giving people this attitude often. Don't just assume that a guild name means rerolled / twinked character or veteran player. This guy felt perfectly justified in his anger at us? Beherit Baphomer tells us that he has a guildmate that will cuss you out if he dies. I get the impression that his guildmate feels justified when doing it. I also got the impression that Beherit Baphomer excuses his guildmate or feels that he is justified. If you do something "stupid" or "inexperienced" you deserve to get flame-sprayed or cussed out.
This is a growing trend. This trend will hurt our server in the long run. Not everyone is an offender.
If you think they aren't playing well, give them helpful suggestions. If they aren't receptive to them, be polite, wait for the end of the quest and find a new PUG.
I'm Deadslug, and that's what I think