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  1. #1
    Community Member Sandalle's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Exclamation SOCKS Proxy support

    While I can log into the first DDO window, select my account, and then select my server, I am stuck at the "loading" screen as it does the 20 attempts to connect to the login server.

    Some of the locations I am at block almost all ports. Luckily, I can always create an SSH tunnel and make a SOCKSv5 proxy (e.g. However, I cannot find where to tell DDO to use my proxy. I have looked in C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach\dndlauncher.exe.config and My Documents\Dungeons and Dragons Online\UserPreferences.ini (playing with the [Net] section), but none of the following settings seem to work (and searching makes it seem as they only modify the Chat server).

    Anyone have success getting DDO to use a proxy for all connections?

    Here's the tail-end of C:\Documents and Settings\somename\Local Settings\Application Data\Turbine\Dungeons and Dragons Online\Launcher\Launcher_blehblehblah.log:
    World status update complete 12/27/2007 14:14:07
    12/27/2007 14:14:07

    World selected: Thelanis 12/27/2007 14:14:08
    Transition to phase: LaunchControl 12/27/2007 14:14:08
    Beginning GLS Ticket refresh... 12/27/2007 14:14:08
    Refreshed GLS Ticket... 12/27/2007 14:14:08
    A running game has been found. 12/27/2007 14:14:08
    Transition to phase: GameIsRunningControl 12/27/2007 14:14:08
    The running game client has been terminated. 12/27/2007 14:14:20
    Transition to phase: AuthenticationControl 12/27/2007 14:14:20
    Launcher execution ends: 12/27/2007 14:14:22 12/27/2007 14:14:22
    I terminated (ALT+F4) the game after the first connection failure.

    I have also tried FreeCap (, but receive the following error when trying dndlauncher.exe (Internet Explorer and Firefox both worked fine):
    dndlauncher.exe [FREECAP] proxy32.dll loaded
    dndlauncher.exe [DEBUG] TPluginDispatcher.Init
    dndlauncher.exe [DEBUG] TPluginDispatcher.Load
    dndlauncher.exe [FREECAP] Module init(Windows XP Version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2, FreeCap v3.18)
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] 0x00400000 C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach\dndlauncher.exe
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] 0x7C900000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] 0x79000000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\mscoree.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] 0x7C800000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] 0x7E410000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] 0x77DD0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\advapi32.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] 0x77120000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\oleaut32.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] 0x77C10000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] 0x5D090000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\comctl32.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] 0x76C90000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMAGEHLP.DLL
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] 0x71AA0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] 0x71AD0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wsock32.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] 0x662B0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\hnetcfg.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] 0x76F20000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\DNSAPI.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] 0x76F60000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WLDAP32.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] 0x76BF0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\psapi.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "LoadLibraryA" in module `mscoree.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "LoadLibraryA" in module `user32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "LoadLibraryA" in module `GDI32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "LoadLibraryA" in module `advapi32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "LoadLibraryA" in module `RPCRT4.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "LoadLibraryA" in module `oleaut32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "LoadLibraryA" in module `hnetcfg.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] There're 17 hooks for "LoadLibraryA" placed
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "LoadLibraryW" in module `GDI32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "LoadLibraryW" in module `oleaut32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "LoadLibraryW" in module `mswsock.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] There're 9 hooks for "LoadLibraryW" placed
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "LoadLibraryExA" in module `ole32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] There're 2 hooks for "LoadLibraryExA" placed
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "LoadLibraryExW" in module `mscoree.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "LoadLibraryExW" in module `advapi32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "LoadLibraryExW" in module `hnetcfg.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "FreeLibrary" in module `mscoree.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "FreeLibrary" in module `GDI32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "FreeLibrary" in module `oleaut32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "FreeLibrary" in module `comctl32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "FreeLibrary" in module `mswsock.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "FreeLibrary" in module `WLDAP32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "FreeLibraryAndExitThread" in module `ole32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "FreeLibraryAndExitThread" in module `WS2HELP.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] There're 5 hooks for "FreeLibraryAndExitThread" placed
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "GetProcAddress" in module `user32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "GetProcAddress" in module `RPCRT4.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "GetProcAddress" in module `comctl32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "GetProcAddress" in module `mswsock.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "GetProcAddress" in module `psapi.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "VirtualQuery" in module `msvcrt.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] There're 3 hooks for "VirtualQuery" placed
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "SetWindowTextA" in module `comctl32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "SetWindowTextW" in module `ole32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "SetWindowTextW" in module `comctl32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "SetWindowTextW" in module `hnetcfg.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] There're 3 hooks for "SetWindowTextW" placed
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "DefWindowProcW" in module `oleaut32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "DefWindowProcW" in module `ole32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "DefWindowProcW" in module `comctl32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] There're 3 hooks for "DefWindowProcW" placed
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "ShowWindow" in module `ole32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "ShowWindow" in module `comctl32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "ShowWindow" in module `hnetcfg.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "CreateProcessW" in module `user32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "CreateProcessW" in module `msvcrt.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "CreateProcessW" in module `ole32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [DEBUG] HookEngine: Old offset = 7C8024C6; New offset = 7C41E7CA
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] AltLoadLibrary(wsock32.dll, 0)...
    dndlauncher.exe [DEBUG] Hook_LoadLibraryExW_export2::inject.dll@003DF7A4 loading wsock32.dll = FFFFFFFE
    dndlauncher.exe [DEBUG] Hook_LoadLibraryExW_export2::KERNEL32.dll@7C801D6E loading NTDLL.DLL = 71AD0000
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Prepare for install WSOCK hooks...
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Installing WSOCK hooks...
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "WSARecv" in module `wsock32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "WSARecv" in module `mswsock.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] There're 2 hooks for "WSARecv" placed
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "WSARecvFrom" in module `wsock32.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "WSASocketA" in module `DNSAPI.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "WSASocketW" in module `mswsock.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "WSAIoctl" in module `mswsock.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Placing hook for "WSAIoctl" in module `DNSAPI.dll`
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] There're 2 hooks for "WSAIoctl" placed
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] AltLoadLibrary(ADVAPI32.dll, 0)...
    dndlauncher.exe [DEBUG] Hook_LoadLibraryExW_export2::inject.dll@003DF7A4 loading ADVAPI32.dll = FFFFFFFE
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Installing hooks to advapi32.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] mscoree.dll issuing GetProcAddress(advapi32.dll, "RegQueryValueExW") = 0x77DD6FC8
    dndlauncher.exe [DEBUG] Hook_LoadLibraryExW_export2::inject.dll@003DF7A4 loading SHLWAPI.dll = FFFFFFFE
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] SHLWAPI.dll issuing GetProcAddress(KERNEL32.dll, "CreateTimerQueue") = 0x7C82BFD6
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] SHLWAPI.dll issuing GetProcAddress(KERNEL32.dll, "DeleteTimerQueueTimer") = 0x7C821130
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] 15 hooks placed in shlwapi.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Leave shlwapi.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] AltLoadLibrary(C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\ V1.1.4322\mscorwks.dll, 8)...
    dndlauncher.exe [DEBUG] Hook_LoadLibraryExW_export2::inject.dll@003DF7A4 loading C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\V1.1.4322\mscor wks.dll = FFFFFFFE
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Library C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\V1.1.4322\mscor wks.dll is not packed
    dndlauncher.exe [DEBUG] Hook_LoadLibraryExW_export2::inject.dll@003DF7A4 loading C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\V1.1.4322\mscor wks.dll = FFFFFFFE
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] MSVCR71.dll issuing GetProcAddress(KERNEL32.dll, "InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount") = 0x7C80B829
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] MSVCR71.dll issuing GetProcAddress(KERNEL32.dll, "FlsAlloc") = 0x00000000
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] MSVCR71.dll issuing GetProcAddress(KERNEL32.dll, "FlsGetValue") = 0x00000000
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] fusion.dll issuing GetProcAddress(KERNEL32.dll, "GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW") = 0x7C80AD29
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Leave shlwapi.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] SHELL32.dll issuing GetProcAddress(KERNEL32.dll, "CreateActCtxW") = 0x7C81545C
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] SHELL32.dll issuing GetProcAddress(KERNEL32.dll, "ActivateActCtx") = 0x7C80A644
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] AltLoadLibrary(comctl32.dll, 0)...
    dndlauncher.exe [DEBUG] Hook_LoadLibraryExW_export2::inject.dll@003DF7A4 loading comctl32.dll = FFFFFFFE
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Library comctl32.dll is not packed
    dndlauncher.exe [DEBUG] Hook_LoadLibraryExW_export2::inject.dll@003DF7A4 loading comctl32.dll = FFFFFFFE
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] comctl32.dll issuing GetProcAddress(KERNEL32.dll, "GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW") = 0x7C80AD29
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] comctl32.dll issuing GetProcAddress(KERNEL32.dll, "CreateActCtxW") = 0x7C81545C
    dndlauncher.exe [DEBUG] Hook_LoadLibraryExW_export2::inject.dll@003DF7A4 loading C:\WINDOWS\WindowsShell.Manifest = FFFFFFFE
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] AltLoadLibrary() = 0
    dndlauncher.exe [DEBUG] Hook_LoadLibraryExW_export2::KERNEL32.dll@7C8171DD loading C:\WINDOWS\WindowsShell.Manifest = 0
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] comctl32.dll issuing GetProcAddress(KERNEL32.dll, "ActivateActCtx") = 0x7C80A644
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] comctl32.dll issuing GetProcAddress(KERNEL32.dll, "DeactivateActCtx") = 0x7C80A675
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Installing hooks to comctl32.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] 8 hooks placed in comctl32.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Leave comctl32.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] SHELL32.dll issuing GetProcAddress(KERNEL32.dll, "DeactivateActCtx") = 0x7C80A675
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Leave comctl32.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] mscorwks.dll issuing GetProcAddress(KERNEL32.dll, "TryEnterCriticalSection") = 0x7C90112B
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] 10 hooks placed in mscorwks.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] Leave mscorwks.dll
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] AltLoadLibrary() = 791B0000
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] mscorwks.dll issuing GetProcAddress(mscoree.dll, "GetStartupFlags") = 0x790029F9
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] mscorwks.dll issuing GetProcAddress(mscoree.dll, "GetCORSystemDirectory") = 0x790024CF
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] mscorwks.dll issuing GetProcAddress(advapi32.dll, "AllocateAndInitializeSid") = 0x77DD7A91
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] mscorwks.dll issuing GetProcAddress(advapi32.dll, "OpenProcessToken") = 0x77DD7753
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] mscorwks.dll issuing GetProcAddress(advapi32.dll, "GetTokenInformation") = 0x77DD7B76
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] mscorwks.dll issuing GetProcAddress(advapi32.dll, "InitializeAcl") = 0x77DD7AD1
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] mscorwks.dll issuing GetProcAddress(advapi32.dll, "AddAccessAllowedAce") = 0x77DD7AF9
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] mscorwks.dll issuing GetProcAddress(KERNEL32.dll, "IsProcessorFeaturePresent") = 0x7C80AE2A
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] mscorwks.dll issuing GetProcAddress(KERNEL32.dll, "SwitchToThread") = 0x7C832992
    dndlauncher.exe [WARN] [VirtualQuery] Somebody looking for us in memory Decline!! DECLINE!!!
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] mscorwks.dll issuing GetProcAddress(fusion.dll, "ReleaseURTInterfaces") = 0x00FC194A
    dndlauncher.exe [INJ] SHELL32.dll issuing GetProcAddress(KERNEL32.dll, "ReleaseActCtx") = 0x7C81305F
    PS: I know about VPNs. I have one setup at home (via, but some of the locations also block that. :/
    Last edited by Sandalle; 12-27-2007 at 05:57 PM. Reason: Adding Launcher.log info. Added FreeCap info.

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