These are some basic class and Enhancment enhacements I've been thinking about for sometime. Finally decided to put them all down in one place to see how they fly.
I've always found it odd that Clerics are the only class that get a Double Class attribute enhancment. THey get Wisdom up to +3 AND Chrisma up to +2. Why would a Cleric need Chrisma secondary more than say a ROgue would need Intellegence? If Clerics get a Secondary Attribute enhancment, ALL classes should.
Clerics: Up to +3 Wisdom Primary Up to +2 Chrisma Secondary
Rogues: Up to+3 Dex Primary and Up to +2 Intellegence Secondary
Paladins: Up to +3 Chrisma Primary and +2 Wisdom Secondary
Rangers: Up to +3 Dex Primary and +2 Wisdom Secondary
Fighters: Up to +3 STR Primary and +2 Constitution Secondary
Barbarians: Up to +3 CON Primary and +2 STR Secondary
Arcanes would get a Bit Tricky as they really dont have a Secondary attribute like most other classes. I would balance this by giving them the option (Just like Human Versatility) to add any attribute they like as their secondary.
THis wouldnt be game breaking at all and would allow for some more versatility with initial stats and character creation.
Next on the agenda are the Enhancments themselves. Its the inconsistancy that kills me here. Dwarves get everything under the sun while other classes and races are limited in what they have avaiable even though the character SHOULD be able to take advantage of the same benefits for their Class and Feat Selections....
Toughness is a Glaring Oversight in the Enhancment system.
Any Character that Takes the Toughness Feat should have the ability to take the TOughness Enhancments.
Why would a Fighter with a Toughness feat be able to gain 50 more hit points from that feat compared to a Cleric who took TOughness... Or a Wizard even? I can understand why Dwarves get thier extra bonus... But even there is a glaring disrepency.... Warforged... Why dont they get it too? Both Races start with the same CON and have the exact same Con Bonus availaable.. yet they are treated Differently in the game mechanics for some reason. Makes no sense.
So TOughness should be:
Dwarves AND Warforge get a Racial TOughness Enhancemnt
ANY class that takes the Toughness Feat has the option of taking TOughness Enhancments.
Its only fair.
On that Note, Metamagics are the next culprit.
Metamagic enhancments should follow the same rule. If you take the FEAT, you should be entitled to take the Enhancment line. Why are metamagics so skewed twoards Arcane Casters? Why sholdnt a cleric or Ranger for that matter be able to enhance their meta powers just like an arcane with the Exact same feat? This would go a LONG way to help the classes that basically lost all effectiveness with Extend.
Same goes for all the Metamagics of course. If you Invest in the Feat, the Enhancment system should treat everyone the same.
So theres some basic ways to make the game better for everyone IMO. Nothing complicated or unprecidented. just some rebalancing for everyone.