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Thread: Because I Care

  1. #1
    Community Member stoc's Avatar
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    Default Because I Care

    Let me start out by expressing my love for this game . I think that the players here on DDO, Combat system and the character customization are second to none. Let me tell you that I am not a nub, I have been playing for a long time now and many of you on Khyber may know me or of me as I do you . I very rarely post on the forums but I do come here to check up on things at times.

    Well now for the reason of my post. I am concerned for the longevity of this game and do not like to think of its loss or lack of continued growth . I have many friends online, a few of whom I have met in person because of this game and I do not want to see our common love of DDO to disappear.

    One of the biggest reasons for my concern is the fact that even with the love I have for this game and its community I have become bored . I know that the Devs are working hard to get mod 6 out and oh how I look forward to that . I hope I get a good six months or more of enjoyment from it. I wish I could find a way to keep interested here on DDO. If it were not for my friends I would have dropped my subscription a couple months ago .

    This thread is not simply to tell you I'm bored but to maybe bring some suggestions that may help. I have recently loaded a copy of WOW to my computer , yes I know gag. I find WOW over simplified and cookie cutter and do not derive any enjoyment from it other than it being new to me. Some things I noticed WOW does that could really help DDO. A few things are simple enough I would imagine and would give new purpose to my Toons lives here in DDO, professions, sandbox environment, guild banks, and crafting. I don't want any of you to think that I am saying WOW is better because really their combat system and toon customization and advancement bore me to death. What I am trying to point out is a few of the things I see there that may or may not be possible to implement to DDO.

    Bottom line what this thread is really about is an attempt to catch the eyes of the devs and offer some suggestions not only from me but from others as well. What can we do to make DDO the best MMO on the planet? We already have the best setting, the richest history, by far the best combat system and I dare venture to say the best character customization ever . I have offered a couple of my thoughts to help DDO keep its hold and even steal players from other MMOs so that the survival of the game we love continues to look bright on into the future.

    I would like to see others respond to this thread and maybe offer ideas for the devs on how they can make life in DDO sustainable for a good long time to come.


    P.S. I really like the tapestry thing from the necropolis maybe add something like this to the giant hold and other adventure areas.

    P.S.S. I moved this post from khyber threads to this thread on the advice of a very good friend of mine.

  2. #2
    Hall of Famer
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    Why do the4se kinds of posts always seem to ramp up the closer we get to a major Mod release?

    Most o fyour suggestions have already been announced as in developement. We're getting a working preview of the crafting system in Mod 6, GUild banks have been discussed, Professions? What are our classes? DDO can do without the Sandbox enviroments.....

    The only thing that I feel is a fantastic suggestion, is the explorer area enhancment.

    Orchard is great to just explore, collect Tapestries, and rack up Kills.....

    The dessert gives us our bronze tokens and some cool named items.. However I feel the token turninneeds to be reduced or the drop rate neeed to be increased.

    Gianthold Exploerer is incredibly boring. No Named Items, No Colectables. No reason to just run anround and kill stuff to kill some time when we have the desert and orchard avaialable.

    ALL Explorer areas should have an added benefit. Collectables or named items.... Level appropriet of course..... Ataxia's could have some nice ML9 Items either as named loot or Collectable turn in... +4 Stat Items, some nice ML8 Weaponry, something interesting...

    Lower level explorer areas as well.... Its tough to equipt lowbies sometimes... Especialy for newer players. Buffing up these explorer areas could add a lot of fun to the game with very little effort.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  3. #3
    Community Member parvo's Avatar
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    You should grab some friends and immediealty head to your nearest open Permadeath guild. There are open PD guilds on all servers. You can find links to some of them at

    PD will cure your boredom. The rest is up to you.
    M O R T A L V O Y A G E
    Permadeath Guild
    Stay Hard

  4. #4
    Community Member ThePage311's Avatar
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    I've spent more time with DDO then any other online game I've played. I did get bored at one point with DDO and tried some other games, but had to come back. WoW, CoH, FFXI, and all such all had a much broader range of activities which was a huge plus, but combat is the heart of any game. DDO's real-time combat alone makes this the best game currently available.

    Unfortunately that means Conan is getting my money as soon as they'll take me. It looks like they took the combat from DDO and made it even more "console-ish" and interactive. Massive PvP, huge world to explore, town building and crafting included!

    Not to mention everything will be new, and new is fun.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by parvo View Post
    You should grab some friends and immediealty head to your nearest open Permadeath guild. There are open PD guilds on all servers. You can find links to some of them at

    PD will cure your boredom. The rest is up to you.
    Every time someone says the content's getting stale someone else pipes up with the "try permadeath" reply. YOU ARE ANNOYING. Anyone interested in permadeath has already heard about it in the forums and does not need threadspam about it when they're trying to suggest ways to improve the existing content or ideas for new content.

    I've started so many characters over the last 20 months that a friend of mine has likened my character list to Logan's Run. I don't need some artificial self-imposed ruleset to cause me to reroll, I'm doing fine on my own. Different types of characters are the closest I can get to new content when the company isn't creating much for us, but I'd rather pick when to do it than have an ogre get lucky and choose for me.

  6. #6
    Community Member Mindspat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VirieSquichie View Post
    Every time someone says the content's getting stale someone else pipes up with the "try permadeath" reply. YOU ARE ANNOYING. Anyone interested in permadeath has already heard about it in the forums and does not need threadspam about it when they're trying to suggest ways to improve the existing content or ideas for new content.

    I've started so many characters over the last 20 months that a friend of mine has likened my character list to Logan's Run. I don't need some artificial self-imposed ruleset to cause me to reroll, I'm doing fine on my own. Different types of characters are the closest I can get to new content when the company isn't creating much for us, but I'd rather pick when to do it than have an ogre get lucky and choose for me.
    Your post makes you sound like a jerk. The sugesstion of Perma Death is a valid way to expand upon content and reward a player with a thrilling adventure. It is a heck of a lot of fun and more people should try running a perma death character once a weak; no twinks!
    "Nuke 'm or Die!"

  7. #7
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindspat View Post
    Your post makes you sound like a jerk. The sugesstion of Perma Death is a valid way to expand upon content and reward a player with a thrilling adventure. It is a heck of a lot of fun and more people should try running a perma death character once a weak; no twinks!
    Freudian slip on the 'weak' there.

    Permadeath would annoy the living hell out of me. I enjoy dying, and sometimes find it comical. As for 'untwinked'... I moved to a new server lately. I can't stand it. I need to train up some new casters in a friend's guild and I can't do that properly unless I take a Trainer role: Able to kill the hell out of the mess you got into, but also able to back off and let you learn from your mistake... then nuke it as it becomes my problem.

  8. #8
    Community Member stoc's Avatar
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    Default Please no fighting

    I did not put this up here to start a war... Please just get along and try to come up with some good ideas for the Devs to help us get the most from DDO and help to make DDO the number One MMO of all time.

  9. #9
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoc View Post
    I did not put this up here to start a war... Please just get along and try to come up with some good ideas for the Devs to help us get the most from DDO and help to make DDO the number One MMO of all time.
    My suggestion would be to not implement the junk on WoW that they purposefully didn't put into the game in the first place. If you are tired of DDO do what you are already doing, go play another MMO for a bit. When you check back in you will remember why you love DDO. I play DDO and CoX. I enjoy both and CoX gives me a break from DDO from time to time. I do play FAR MORE DDO as it is a much better design(the implementation is lacking in areas though).
    "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
    -Barry LePatner

  10. #10
    Community Member Warrax23's Avatar
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    I really have to say, that a new class or at the very least new race would probably be one of the better ways to rekindle the intrest, because people like to try new things. A new class or race means you have to start a new char, and the race to make the uber build would be on granting a least a few months repreave from the boredom. PD isn't something that DDO does that's something people do, and if I wanted to do it I've have done it by now, it's a great idea but not for everyone. And I'm not even saying that the new class has to be monks even though it's been promised to us from the begining 2 years ago (or close enough)

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