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  1. #1
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Default What are the best Multi-classing options.....

    ..............And Why?

    Thought I would start a list of some of my favorite multi-class characters and what I gained from it....... Please feel free to add to the list..hopefully it will give ideas to future and current players.

    Known Classes at this time: Fighter/Barbarian/Paladin/Ranger/Rogue/Bard/Sorceror/Wizard/Cleric

    Fighter8/Barbarian6 - My half & half build = Lots of feats, tons of HP, Increased base speed, good AC, High Str + Con and can rage
    - I had great success with this, makes a great all around fighter with very little effort, alternated classes every level

    Paladin12/fighter2 - Last man standing = a more combat oriented pali with bonus feats good class for a human
    - If built well this combo can survive pretty much whatever, while not having the best damage output, he can help in ALL aspects of combat

    Sorceror 13/cleric1 - Master of Mana = A slightly gimped sorc with lots of SP, DV's and healing potential in a pinch. A novelty really.
    - while she only has Cure light wounds I could Max/Empower/Empowered healing with a potency item, cure 50+ pts. cost a lot though.
    A fun build for me that can use every wand in the game healing or otherwise. All mixed Sorcs are gimped IMO.

    Wizard12/ Rogue2 - Rogard = Been done a few times, this is the one with evasion. For more spells just take rogue1
    - Another fun character. Full trap monkey with haste and Firewall. Drow can wear mitheral chain and mitheral light shield, slap on a wounder and grab the finesse feat and UMD you got a jack of all trades. AC 45+ and upwards of +20 to hit ....he just has a glass jaw.

    Ranger9/fighter4/wizard1 - My signature build. Hes not a tank but can fight, use wands of all kinds, use scrolls, deadli melee or ranged
    - Had to re-roll a few times to get this 1 right. Makes a great support character. He can do whatever you need him to do...just no miracles.

    Fighter10/paladin4 - This makes a good character...but slap this on a WF and it becomes an unstoppable abomination
    - besides being immune to almost everything, add greater resistance items to truly complete this giant wall. Beware!!! Rust and slimes are your kryptonite.

    Fighter12/ranger1/rogue1 - The Legendary Warrior = Melee Tank or Ranged fighter he can do it all.
    - This is more of a great fighter who got bored after 12th level. Expands his skills and role in combat while losing a feat or 2.

    *anyway - these are some of my favorites - I tinker a lot and delete very often- but these seem to work especialy well for me- If you are new, lost or curious give some a try- and add your favs here*
    Last edited by captain1z; 12-25-2007 at 08:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Founder CrazySamaritan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by captain1z View Post
    Sorceror 13/cleric1 - Master of Mana = A slightly gimped sorc with lots of SP, DV's and healing potential in a pinch. A novelty really.
    - while she only has Cure light wounds I could Max/Empower/Empowered healing with a potency item, cure 50+ pts. cost a lot though.
    A fun build for me that can use every wand in the game healing or otherwise. All mixed Sorcs are gimped IMO.
    A much better plan for this is SorcX/Bard1, with UMD. SNA wands might not be in game now, but they will be eventually.
    Wizard12/ Rogue2 - Rogard = Been done a few times, this is the one with evasion. For more spells just take rogue1
    - Another fun character. Full trap monkey with haste and Firewall. Drow can wear mitheral chain and mitheral light shield, slap on a wounder and grab the finesse feat and UMD you got a jack of all trades. AC 45+ and upwards of +20 to hit ....he just has a glass jaw.
    Also called the Arcane Trickster.
    Fighter10/paladin4 - This makes a good character...but slap this on a WF and it becomes an unstoppable abomination
    - besides being immune to almost everything, add greater resistance items to truly complete this giant wall. Beware!!! Rust and slimes are your kryptonite.
    Okay, this one, you might have inspired me to try.
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    Guild Association: Old Timers Guild
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  3. #3
    Community Member bigj1608's Avatar
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    Dwarven 8Fighter/3Paladin/3Rogue

    Combat Expertise, Dodge, Save Feats, Intimidate, evasion, divine wands

    Basically someone that never dies and keeps everyone else from dying: ultimate utility character IMO

    UMD for anything, amazing saves, amazing AC, intimidates anything, handles traps/locks/secret doors, 2 lay on hands, +2 ac/saves around him, well amount of HP

    only downside is lower to hit and damage output than a true fighter, but swing a vorpal or utility weapons (cursespewing, crippling and the like) and that wont be a problem.

    this guy is insanely fun and just makes everything smooth..

    would be no problem to make it to a standing 55 AC after a few raids, and with evasion, incredible saves, and intimidate, no one in the group should ever get hurt, as long as they stay near this guy.. throw a firewall on him and he'll pull everything to it good stuff, fun one to try if you get bored and have the mindset for it

    ****Heavily Equipment Based!!

  4. #4
    Community Member Geonis's Avatar
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    Most of my builds are MultiClass, excepting my first character and my Cleric.

    My Evasion Blender.

    Drow Paladin 10/Fighter 2/Rogue 2 - Not a Batman!!!!!!
    Dual khopesh with Grtr TWF, Evasion, ~300HP, UMD=37, Saves all 20+
    Just wait till the new MOD when I get Oversized TWF!

    My Manyshot Bard.

    Elf Bard 11/Ranger 2
    Manyshot and Disco Ball!
    Again, just wait till next MOD with the Ranged inprovements. Go CODOG!

    My Combat Evasion Robot

    Warforged Sorceror 10/Paladin 2/Rogue 2
    Only level 9 right now (Sorc 7/Pal 1/Rog 1), but definitely a ton of fun.

    My Displacement Blender

    Elf Ranger 12/Rogue 1/Wizard 1
    Dual Longswords with Extended Displacement Dragonmarks, full Rogue skills, Extended Barkskins, and plenty of SP.
    Because everyone loves Barkskin!

    Those are all the Multiclass builds I have now. There are many more waiting to be born though.
    Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.

  5. #5


    I like combinations with symmetry - where one group of skills/enhancements/feats compliment both classes.

    My favorite multi-classed kids are:

    Warchantress will be 12 bard/2 fighter
    she's only 6 bard/1 fighter
    The fighter really helped her with her tanking abilities and feats for warchanting.

    Gypsie will be 11 ranger/3 rogue
    She's a perfect fit for the deepwoods sneak attack stuff.

    Elspyth should be fun she's eventually going to be 9 ranger/5 wizard for the arcane archer

    Skittie my barogue she will be 1 ftr/ 3 rogue/ 10 bard


    Ladies - Mediclady, Elspyth, Warchantress, Bittt, Julez, LilBitt, Bucketoboltz, Skitty, Kerro, Wyntermoon, Kethrey, Kethree, Selany, Gypsie, Cassyopeya, Tinkerbelle, Dyanya, PallasAthene

  6. #6
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    All but my cleric are multiclassed these days..

    some of my favorites are:
    Drow 10rog/2pal/2ftr .. incredible dps, great saves, great AC, 5d6 sneak attack and 32 standing UMD.. what more could you want?
    WF 9ftr/3pal/2rog .. my heavymetal evasive intimitank. takes a licking and keeps on ticking. (currently 4ftr/3pal/2rog)
    WF 10src/2pal/2rog .. heavymetal battlemage. a rough build to get through the middle levels, but really comes into its own at lvl13 (yay firewall!) (currently 6src/2pal/2rog)
    Human 12Ftr/2Rgr .. Heavy Repeater specialist that I just started in preparation for mod6 (will add great crossbows to the mix after mod6 to see how much the ranged fixes help them) (currently 2ftr/2rgr)

  7. #7


    Mix and match
    Rogue 1: Trapping skills or UMD
    Rogue 2: Evasion
    Rogue 6: Enough to get way of the mechanic
    Bard 1: UMD & healing wands
    Sorcerer 1: Bonus Mana
    Fighter 2: 2 extra combat feats
    Fighter 4: 3 feats, and some enhancement options
    Ranger 2: Ranged attack and TWF feat adds
    Ranger 6: New ranger sweet spott for archery or TWF enhancements
    Ranger 11: Ranger bonus feats sweet spot
    Wizard 1: Wands and a meta magic feat
    Paladin 1: small AC/Save boost wtih wands
    Paladin 2: Big save boost
    Paladin 3: Save/AC boost and immunities etc...
    Cleric 1: Healing splash
    Cleric 7: Divine power self cast for full bab fighting and tollerable raise dead scroll failure rate
    Cleric 9: Raise dead and tollerable heal scroll failure rate
    Barbarian 1: I run fast!
    Barbarian 14: Crit Rage 2
    Former Host of DDOcast
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    Streaming sometimes on twitch as SigTrent

  8. #8
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    Y good list sigtrent. The only one that I would add that I have seen alot recently although I am not personnaly a big fan is the 12 sorc 2 bard build. The 2nd level bard for the umd to use heal scrolls without failure I think...
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  9. #9


    My personal multi classers......

    Fighter 7 Ranger 2 Cleric 5: Does all manner of melee tactics along with emergency healing and a bit of buffing.

    Drow Wizard 13 Fighter 1: Full wizard power and first rate melee attack bonus with rapiers.

    Cleric 13 Paladin 1: Full cleric power wtih extra mana and better combat abbilities.

    Barbarian 2 Ranger 2 Rogue 10: Fully functional rogue with a bit of extra HP and combat prowess, very "twitchy"

    Bard 12 Fighter 1 Sorcerer 1: Can use any piece of equipment in the game, has crazy mana for a bard.

    Bard 8 Fighter 4 Barbarian 2: Rediculous "bonus" damage on every swing and some interesting CC/Healing options not normaly found on DPS builds.

    Ranger 11 Paladin 3: Rediculously durable TWF/Archer
    Former Host of DDOcast
    Member of The Madborn of Thelanis
    Streaming sometimes on twitch as SigTrent

  10. #10
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigtrent View Post
    Mix and match
    Rogue 1: Trapping skills or UMD
    Rogue 2: Evasion
    Rogue 6: Enough to get way of the mechanic
    Bard 1: UMD & healing wands
    Sorcerer 1: Bonus Mana
    Fighter 2: 2 extra combat feats
    Fighter 4: 3 feats, and some enhancement options
    Ranger 2: Ranged attack and TWF feat adds
    Ranger 6: New ranger sweet spott for archery or TWF enhancements
    Ranger 11: Ranger bonus feats sweet spot
    Wizard 1: Wands and a meta magic feat
    Paladin 1: small AC/Save boost wtih wands
    Paladin 2: Big save boost
    Paladin 3: Save/AC boost and immunities etc...
    Cleric 1: Healing splash
    Cleric 7: Divine power self cast for full bab fighting and tollerable raise dead scroll failure rate
    Cleric 9: Raise dead and tollerable heal scroll failure rate
    Barbarian 1: I run fast!
    Barbarian 14: Crit Rage 2
    Good list!

    I'd add -

    Ranger 1: Bow Strength, wand-healing, great splash for a rogue, fighter, or a barbarian
    Wizard 1: Self-cast Shield, Exp. Retreat, Jump
    Wizard 2: (with Extend as your free meta-magic feat), Self-cast Shield, Exp Retreat, and Jump that lasts 4 minutes (2 minutes just isn't long enough, 4 minutes is enough so you're not going crazy trying to keep the spells up all the time)
    Barbarian 6: Decent lasting rage with enhancements (+6 to STR and CON), 4/rages per rest, +2 CON enhancements, Improved Uncanny Dodge

    Barbarian 6 with any other melee class is pretty good...
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  11. #11
    Community Member dragonspeake's Avatar
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    Default Fav

    My favorite is a Human Pally 4, Rouge 5, and wizard 5.

    He could haste, blur and displace while getting almost every single trap.

    INSANE saves (all over 22!)

    He duel wielded kopeshes!

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