Let me start out by expressing my love for this game. I think that the players here on DDO, Combat system and the character customization are second to none. Let me tell you that I am not a nub, I have been playing for a long time now and many of you on Khyber may know me or of me as I do you
. I very rarely post on the forums but I do come here to check up on things at times.
Well now for the reason of my post. I am concerned for the longevity of this game and do not like to think of its loss or lack of continued growth. I have many friends online, a few of whom I have met in person because of this game and I do not want to see our common love of DDO to disappear.
One of the biggest reasons for my concern is the fact that even with the love I have for this game and its community I have become bored. I know that the Devs are working hard to get mod 6 out and oh how I look forward to that
. I hope I get a good six months or more of enjoyment from it. I wish I could find a way to keep interested here on DDO. If it were not for my friends I would have dropped my subscription a couple months ago
This thread is not simply to tell you I'm bored but to maybe bring some suggestions that may help. I have recently loaded a copy of WOW to my computer, yes I know gag. I find WOW over simplified and cookie cutter and do not derive any enjoyment from it other than it being new to me. Some things I noticed WOW does that could really help DDO. A few things are simple enough I would imagine and would give new purpose to my Toons lives here in DDO, professions, sandbox environment, guild banks, and crafting. I don't want any of you to think that I am saying WOW is better because really their combat system and toon customization and advancement bore me to death. What I am trying to point out is a few of the things I see there that may or may not be possible to implement to DDO.
Bottom line what this thread is really about is an attempt to catch the eyes of the devs and offer some suggestions not only from me but from others as well. What can we do to make DDO the best MMO on the planet? We already have the best setting, the richest history, by far the best combat system and I dare venture to say the best character customization ever. I have offered a couple of my thoughts to help DDO keep its hold and even steal players from other MMOs so that the survival of the game we love continues to look bright on into the future.
I would like to see others respond to this thread and maybe offer ideas for the devs on how they can make life in DDO sustainable for a good long time to come.
P.S. I really like the tapestry thing from the necropolis maybe add something like this to the giant hold and other adventure areas.