So...I'm new to end-game building, and need some advice:
Trying to work up a Warforged Barbarian/Ranger TWF, dual weilding heavy picks (or dual Kopeshes with new Oversized TWF feat) for SICK DPS potential...
(Yes, I know barbie THF greataxes is superior, but I already *have* a dorf THF greataxe build, and want to try something different)
But I ran into a problem in the character planner: was trying a build with only 4 levels of Ranger (for Ram's Might spell), which obviously doesn't grant Improved TWF except as a level feat selection. But when got to level 6 feats, it would not let me select Improved TWF as my level 6 feat...Is this b/c the 2nd level Ranger feat "Two Weapon Fighting" does not count as a feat prereq for any other feats? (Thus can't take ITWF unless you have taken the actual feat TWF as a level feat?)
If true, this blows this whole build idea...but wondering how all the TWF Rangers are planning on picking up Superior Two Weapon Fighting in new Mod? Won't their "virtual TWF feats" granted by Ranger levels NOT counts as the required prereqs for STWF?
Don't have a high level Ranger yet, and my DDO game manual only goes up to lvl 10, so don't know: do rangers get Greater TWF as part of Ranger level feats at higher levels, or no?
The idea of this build is to have a Warforged Ranger 4/Barbarian 16 at level 20, Superior TWF dual deathnips (or whatever Kewl Raid Weapon is available at that time), using Critical Rage II and Ram's Might to max crit range and stacking STR bonuses, etc etc. This would be the first time I am looking to "the end cap" of level 20 on a build, but don't want to start it until I am sure how it will all work out. Was the character planner in error, or is it just not possible for this build to achieve Superior Two Weapon Fighting this way?
Any advice from you professional builders would be appreciated, thanks!![]()