Can I be first? Where's the WDA! My world is ending!
Can I be first? Where's the WDA! My world is ending!
New- All Dwarfs must atend AA meetings in an effort to frther our PR campaign.
New- Halfling foot oder has been reduced by half.
New- To be more factual to size, elfs are now called 3/4th-lings and are not to be confused with halflings.
Oh, for sure. Everything on the innernet is fact.
Last edited by Yukiko; 12-24-2007 at 09:59 AM. Reason: spelling
Considering it's Christmas Eve, we may not get one. Tomorrow is a holiday, except for the poor saps that have to make sure the equipment's up and a whatever GMs drew the short straws. I wouldn't be too surprised if people got Monday off as well.