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  1. #1
    Community Member randallflagg's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Default Sorcerer Kills Question

    Yesterday I was in a PUG doing STK with my lvl 5 Drow Sorcerer.
    And btw, I am new to the arcane caster arts.

    There was myself and another lvl 5 sorc along with 3 tanks and a

    I clicked X on the keyboard to find that the other sorc had 90%
    of the groups kills! She was using Niac's. I know Niac's is a good
    early quest damage spell but for a sorc to outkill 2 fighters and
    a barb?

    Someone please give me some advice on rerolling a sorc with that
    kind of damage potential?!

    And btw, at endgame where tanks block and casters use MM to kill
    the final boss, the sorc killed the boss with ONE cast of Niac's and
    this was on ELITE. Even the grp leader said he never saw that before.

    And please dont include +2 tomes and such items that are not readily
    accessable, I dont have a hundred million plat like some folks do.

    THX in advance.

  2. #2
    Community Member Citymorg's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Well, maximizing Niac's isn't all that hard. 1st, maximize you Cha, as high as you can get. By level 5, and Drow, she was probably close to 25. 2nd, get an Ice lore and Glaciation/potency item. A level 1 will work, but as high as possible (Greater Ice Lore/Surperior Glaciation or Potency). 3rd take all the Fire/Cold enhancement lines, for both crit chance and damage. Finally, Maximize/Empower. With all this, on a crit, you should be able to take that Giant (technically Construct) down fast.

    Generally, the stuff in STK doesn't save well against Niac's, so even if you don't have all that stuff, you should still have a good Niac's until you get to the very end.

    and FWIW, I feel that if my Sorc DOESN'T get the highest kill count, then I haven't been pulling my weight. Rarely is not ahead of everyone at higher levels. Occasionally, in certain types of quests or at lower levels, she won't be.

  3. #3
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    out of curiosity what server are you on? I have a couple of spare lowbie Potency items... On a couple of servers... and what's your character name.... otherwise City is pretty much right on.

    Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
    Rule 2: Its all small stuff
    Rule 3: People are stupid. You, me everyone... expect it
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  4. #4
    Community Member randallflagg's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    My Drow Sorc is RS and I appriciate that, and I play on argo. I tend
    to experiment alot building many toons up to and around lvl's 5,6, &
    sometimes 7.

    When I feel like the build is heading in the wrong direction I reroll. The
    lower lvl's are funner to play anyway imo.

    Im sure eventually I will develope a cant miss toon that I feel strong
    about and will keep.

    I have a lvl 11 cleric, 8 fighter, 8 barb, and 6 wizard/rogue.

  5. #5
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    ok so your name is RS gotcha I have somehting on my Wizard I'm sure

    Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
    Rule 2: Its all small stuff
    Rule 3: People are stupid. You, me everyone... expect it
    more rules to come in a different sig

  6. #6
    Community Member randallflagg's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    Ill be on later this afternoon.

    As for killing the construct at the end of
    STK, I can see City is downplaying it but I have done STK probably 50-75
    times and it was the first and only time I have ever seen him killed with
    1 shot!

    That was pretty impressive I must admit.

  7. #7
    Community Member randallflagg's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    In regard to my last statement; I mean to say killing him with one shot
    with lvl 5 or less toons on elite or lower.

  8. #8
    Community Member quickgrif's Avatar
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    Yeah its doable. My main sorc Jastair, now lvl 14 maxed, did the same thing in STK on elite back in the day. Also in Stormcleave Outpost pasted the boss mino with a fireball in one hit on elite. A fire spec sorc can be loads of fun at times
    "Be good, if you can't be good then be good at it."


  9. #9
    Community Member randallflagg's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    Exactly why I just rerolled a Drow Sorc with all compliments going to fire/ice.
    Its already paying dividends. Even on lower level content I send a line of white
    Niac's at enemys and their dead before the fighter/barb's even get to em! ;-)

    Perhaps the whiny capped lvl 14's with too much time on their hands manufacturing
    new complaints daily about D&D gameplay might be right, casters are tilting
    the power balance in Stormreach??!

    Not. ;-)

  10. #10
    Community Member jkm's Avatar
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    there are superior fire and ice lore items (typically daggers) that have no minimum level. i have a fire lore that i toss around the guild that i picked up for 1 gp on the AH about 4 months ago (steal of the century). there are also some sup potency 1's that are the same way. i used to have one but accidentally deleted it with a test toon. these help a ton with the wow damage with emp and max turned on at low levels...

  11. #11
    Community Member randallflagg's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Red face

    Yeah that was told to me in recently.

    Unfortunately, I have yet to locate one of those items.
    If anyone has belief in the honor system you can email
    one to rodserling on argo with a note of how much gold
    you want sent back your way and I would
    be good 4 that you can be sure.

    Thanks in advance.

  12. #12
    Community Member brootus31's Avatar
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    I have to say, kill counts amount to about absolutely nada. If a sorc hits a crowd with a firewall, and I go clean up the remains, and end up with the kills..... that's teamwork.

  13. #13
    Community Member randallflagg's Avatar
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    Well I never said kill count was of the end all be all. I just
    think it's fun gitting kills with one shot. Furthermore, I love doing solo
    stuff and testing my skills and when my sorc is wearing a robe and
    will be killed with 1-2 hits from ther AI, it helps to have a high dps.

  14. #14
    Community Member brootus31's Avatar
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    You'll get plenty of one shot kills in mid to high levels. This game is about teamwork, especially in things like raids.

  15. #15
    Community Member randallflagg's Avatar
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    Not much teamwork when Im in a solo guy.;-)

    You do remember one of the biggest and most notorious complaints
    about the game upon its release was the lack of solo content.

    It was one of the first items addressed at the first mod. Now why are
    you trying to ad negativity to my post? ;-(

  16. #16
    Community Member randallflagg's Avatar
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    One other thing, as much as I enjoy solo content, there is nothing
    more fulfilling and enjoyable than a well run quest with a nicely rounded
    grp and plenty of teamwork. You are right about that aspect.

  17. #17
    Community Member brootus31's Avatar
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    Sorry Randall, wasn't trying to be negative, in fact was trying to point out the more positive point of the game.

    Teamwork is what this game, much like DnD, is about. Making friends, having fun!

  18. #18
    Community Member randallflagg's Avatar
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    Thank you Brootus31. And I didn't mean to sound snippy. It's just
    lately I have had some trouble with negativaty throughtout the
    game. Ingame and in the forums.

    I was one of the founders of the game and quit completely the
    first time for the same thing. Mostly my high lvl cleric getting
    yelled at by someone for not healing fast enough and such.

    Also, on another occasion someone told me I was neco-ing his
    post when I was just offering my opinion.

    We need more people like you Brootus31 in the game.

    Worst of all are the lvl 14 capped toons I spoke of before. All they
    do is whine about content.

    I love this game and love all the changes and upgrades from Turbine. I
    hope to be a member of the game and forums for a long time to come.


  19. #19
    Community Member brootus31's Avatar
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    Don't think I've whined much about content, but I'd sure give my left eye for some. lol

    The slow development of new areas and aspects to the game lead to some hard feelings for some. Personally, I am waiting for AoC to come out, as I think it will fill some much needed aspects of DDO, while maintaining a hardcore MMO frontend.

    And if you think your cleric got yelled at before, wait for the new stuff.... you'll be with some random person that likes to zerg, and he'll blame you for item damage.

  20. #20
    Community Member randallflagg's Avatar
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    I understand about wanting new content.
    But, have you seen the server populations lately?
    They dont merge servers when the populations
    are increasing, if you know what I mean.

    I fear the game becoming extinct in the future.

    Therefore, I am just happy to get new content

    This has been discussed at length in other posts. D&D
    online was not intended for folks who play 20-50
    hours per week. Fly thru dungeons with nothing but XP
    in mind and then complain when they hit the end of the

    I play 2-3 hours a day, work full time with details, and
    raise 2 kids. I have a lvl 11 cleric, 8 fighter, 8 Barb, 6
    wizard/rogue, 6 sorc, and my new 2 sorc in early progress.
    And I feel like my lvl 11 cleric will never cap based on the
    fact that every other grp I PUG with there is one jerk
    who forgets its just a game.

    The other day I had a rogue zerging ahead and died. He told
    me I was a waist of life and wished me dead. true story.

    Another toon said I was a loser because I ran out of healing
    wands during the quest.

    It happens all the time in the higher lvl quests. And yes I am in
    a guild but its small and mst of the time not too many are signed on.

    But you get my point.

    Too many folks are trying to compare this game with WOW. Not a
    good idea. WOW has a budget 100 times the size of D&D. And who
    cares I playes the 30 day free trial and didn't much care for it.

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