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  1. #1
    Community Member Spisey's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Tempest build barb?

    Has anyone using twf thought of how to incorporate these two? I am trying to think out the feats but seems like so many other beneficial feats get lost trying to get the dodge / spring attach line chain. I am really thinking of taking my 14 to this with just 4 more ranger levels at 17-20 but wanted some feedback. Presently, the toon is 2 Ranger / 2 Rogue / 10 barb with the next 2 levels dedicated to barb for greater rage and imrpoved crit rage 1. The twf benefits seem pretty worthwhile fromTempest ranger esp with the ac and attack speed increases gained, but not so sure if 4 more ranger levels will be better than 16 barb levels for end game purposes.

  2. #2
    Community Member Nirvana's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Barb gets rage critical enhancement at lv11. Tempest enhancement requires level6 ranger.


    Not sure what sort of enhancement Ranger/Barb gets at high level, it's really hard to make decision now.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    I think the high requirements pretty much negate any benefits you can gain from being a barbarian multi.

    Works much better as a fighter multi since they easily get all the feats they need for that and more.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    It is not possible yet, but at level 20 a 14barb/6ranger would work. You would probably need to go human, and it would be dependant on at least a +2 tome. It's also very hard to say what the future will bring as far as 20barb goes.

    But this is what I came up with:
    Human 14barb/6ranger

    STR 17
    DEX 17
    CON 14

    1) Dodge
    1H) Mobility
    3) Power Attack
    6) Spring Attack
    9) Icrit: Pierce
    12) GTWF
    15) STWF with +2 tome
    18) Oversized TWF (dual rapiers or heavy picks)

    Ranger 1-6 and barb the rest of the way. You get TWF and iTWF with the 6 ranger levels, so you wouldn't be behind any feats compared to a TWF non-human barbarian. Obviously Strength isn't at 18 and Con isn't at 16, but it's a sacrifice, and you can make up for it a bit by taking the +1 to human versatility. (although the 2nd one is expensive, Action Point-wise). The spell Ram's Might will work well with casting then raging to further catch you up to the fact you took a base 17 strength.

    It obviously will take a long time to fully realize the build. You won't get barbarian crit rage 1 until level cap is increased to 18, and barb crit 2 at lvl 20. So it's at least a full year away. But the advantages would be pretty cool. Multi-shot, favored enemy, spring attack, TWF, crit on a 13 with rapiers and an increased attack speed. Keep in mind, you do miss out on evasion, among other things.

  5. #5
    Stormreach Advisor

    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    I would go ranger 6 / barbarian 14 as well. But since you got 2 levels of rogue you can't do that (and planning to level 22 mean you would be veeery patient).
    Maybe barbarian 11 / ranger 6 / rogue 3. You get the first critical rage, tempest TWF, and 2d6 of sneak attack.

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