I have a level 8 Barb who is built on a max damage template I found here. I notice that I do kill things very quickly. Often even before the bugger has a chance to land a hit on me. Sometimes it seems like the mob is confused by my rapid attacks doing heavy damage. At this point my AC is at best in the mid 20's as I've concentrated on damage dealing.
What I'm wondering is can I expect this to still be the case later on?? Will I still be able to mow down bad guys like the vermin they are before they get much of a chance to land a hit on me?? Or is there a point where I start getting the **** beat out of me no mater who much I move around and how fast I attack??
And lastly what is a reasonable AC for a Barb at higher levels. Not a theoretical AC with tons of raid loot but a number that is more realistic for a player who gets bored doing the same raid over and over and over looking for a special wpn or set of boots or whatever.