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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default DDO Launcher hung at different stages

    Hi folks,

    I'm at a loss as to what's happening here. One night I was merrily playing ddo, the next night my ddo laucher was stuck @ "examine programs." I followed pretty much all suggestions here AND in the KB to no avail. Some solutions got me as far as "examine game data" but that's as good as it got I did not change ANYTHING on my machine. Neither software- nor hardware-wise. Windows update did not run between those two days. I re-downloaded the whole DDO, did a clean uninstall, re-started windows, re-installed DDO, re-started windows again and then ran it--again, no luck. It still is stuck @ "examine game data".



  2. #2
    Community Member Theboz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    If you are still having problems then try a Tracert and let us know if you have any * in the tracert


    In the Cmd window type "Tracert" without the quotes

    it may take a couple of minutes as it connects to DDO

    If you see any * in the first two steps then it most likely has something to do with your computer or router. If you see * after 3 to 5 step or so its something with your ISP(your internet provider) and anything after that its something inbetween and not much you can do except talk to your ISP and have them figure out why, but dont tell them you are playing a MMO or they will just put the blame on that instead. lol, they like to put the blame on anything but them.
    Member of Mythical

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Theboz View Post
    If you are still having problems then try a Tracert and let us know if you have any * in the tracert


    In the Cmd window type "Tracert" without the quotes

    it may take a couple of minutes as it connects to DDO

    If you see any * in the first two steps then it most likely has something to do with your computer or router. If you see * after 3 to 5 step or so its something with your ISP(your internet provider) and anything after that its something inbetween and not much you can do except talk to your ISP and have them figure out why, but dont tell them you are playing a MMO or they will just put the blame on that instead. lol, they like to put the blame on anything but them.

    I was able to fix the problem ... took me the better part of two days to figure it out. In essence, I had to remove DirectX9 and 10, do a clean uninstall (including removing ALL references to "turbine" in the Windows registry), re-starting the machine, re-install DOO (which installed DX9), re-started my machine again, tested DOO -- and it worked! -- then install DX10, then test DDO again and it worked.....of course, I'm omitting all the periods of blank staring at the screen, insulting my machine, coursing at MS and banging my head against the wall


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