The leading trade offer is based off of Two +2 tomes. (con /cha)
apologies for not getting back to those who responded. I was having pc problems and couldnt access the forums for a bit..
anyways, im looking to dump 2 w/p rapiers both rr hafling , one is 97/97 slightly damaged other is like new 173/173
alot of great offers were made,
+2 tomes
partial or better set of tome pages
+6 con items
rare caster items
+5 mith fp
rediculous plat and mana pot offers...
i have no need for vorpals or any type of great crossbows or greatclubs, u get the idea.
anyways trying to wrap this trade up fast, so i will accept tells in game, mostly on motorhead or oldcrow-
once again sorry for the delay in responding.
have a great day bless yer heart-