Hullo! I'm new to the server, and have a Warforged Paladin (level 3) and have a couple friends (Warforged barbarian and an Elf Wizard) who are also level three. Are there any RP guilds recruiting?
Hullo! I'm new to the server, and have a Warforged Paladin (level 3) and have a couple friends (Warforged barbarian and an Elf Wizard) who are also level three. Are there any RP guilds recruiting?
The Brotherhood of Steel
Kindoki is right. As far as I know there is not a lot of interest in roleplaying on Khyber. Deathwatch Guard likes to create a space for all playstyles. As a result we have created a subguild for roleplaying called Deathwatch Guard Roleplaying. We have been meeting on Thursday nights at 11pm Eastern time in the Leaky Dinghy. Still low-level enough to bring a level 1 in. Hope to see you there!