That other threade requested pure rogue builds, here's mine
Ok, i started this guy as my first drow character.
Strength 10
Dexterity 20 ----> 35 +12 (+3 level up, +5 Enhancements, +6 item, +1 tome)
Constitution 10 ----> 16 +3 (+4 item, +1 tome)
Wisdom 8
Intelligence 16 ----> 22 +6 (+6 item)
Charisma 10 ----> 14 +2 (+4 item)
BaB +10
Ac 43
Hp 186
Fortitude +9
Reflex +23
Will +7
1. Two Weapon Fighting
3. Weapon Finesse
6. Skill Focus: UMD
9. Improved Two Weapon Fighting
12. Improved Critical: Pierce
Balance 42 (17 ranks, +12 dex, +13 item)
Bluff 29 (17 ranks, +2 cha, +10 item)
Disable Device 53 ( 17 ranks, +11 item, +1 luck bonus, +3 ventillated Bracers, +4 GH, +4 Enhancements,+6 int, +7 tools (can be boosted with skill boost for +4 more)
Hide 29 (17 ranks, +12 dex)
Jump 17 (17 ranks)
Move Silently 29 (17 ranks, +12 dex)
Open lock 54 (17 ranks,+12 dex, +10 item, +4 GH, +4 Enhancements, +7 tools)
Search 46 ( 17 ranks, +6 int, +13 item, +4 Enhancements, +4 GH)
Spot 36 ( 17 Ranks, -1 Wis, +13 Item, +4 Enhancements, +4 GH)
Tumble 29 (17 ranks, +12 dex)
UMD 30 (17 ranks, +2 Cha, +4 GH, +3 item, +1 luck, +3 Feat) (can't for the life of me work out how this works)
Equipment Worn
Goggles of the Eagle +13
Charismatic +4 Helm of intimidation +5
Sacred Necklace of Protection +5 RR human
Giantcraft Sibery's Compass
Stormreavers Napkin
Electric Haze
Con +5 ring
Backstabbers Gloves
Dexterity 6 Boots
Ring of Balance (invaders)
Armoured Bracers +7 rr elf/drow
Robe of Greater Fire Resistance (or whatever resist is needed)
+5 Heavy Mithral Shield of Light Fortification
2x +5 Seeker -+2 Rapier of Puncturing
Definately not the best build in the world, can't handle every trap on elite but handles majority of them quite well, Battlewise against things that can be punctured is when he shines as not much stands up against the sheer amount of sneak attack + con damage.
Highish Ac and enough HP to not get 1 hit KO.
It's really the Equipment that makes him shine (having 2x Finnessible of elemental type greater banes helps heaps)
Decent enough UMD and can cater to almost every Situation
Take every potion/scroll that "could" come in handy one day and make sure your prepared for anything.