Uber caster items are the only thing I need only looking for superior potency 6 or 7 1 hander. Mostly just looking to fill my coffers once again.
All armor has been moved into my armor thread.
Stat Items--------------------------------
+6 Charisma Cloak 75K Plat
+6 Int ring(RR Elf/ Drow UMD 16)(1 tick) LVL9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 150K plat
+6 Str Bracers 125K plat
+6 str ring 200K plat
+1 Wise Necklace of Haste X5!!!!! 20K Plat
Wizardry 7 hat(175 sps or 350 for a sorc(rr dwarf) 1 million plat
+1 charisma +4 resistance ring 20K plat
Superior combustion 4 hat of listening 20K plat
Named Items---------------------------------
+1 Vorpal Battleaxe of Backstabbing 75K plat
+1 Anarchic Light repeating Crossbow of Greater Construct Bane!!!! 40K plat
+1 True law Heavy Repeater of Smiting-------- 100K Plat
+1 Vorpal Greatsword of Tendon Slice(2 ticks) 50K plat
+1 Banishing cold iron lt mace of deception 10K plat
+1 Vorpal Greataxe (rr dwarf lvl 8) 300K plat
+3 Thundering Maul of Disruption( Rr halfling) 300K plat
+5 true law returning axe(rr 1/2 ling) 10K plat
+2 Anarchic Burst returning hammer of Pure good 10K plat
+3 flaming Khopesh of Pure good 10K plat
Other items-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tome piece 7 200K plat
Shield #1 20K plat
Shield #2 20k plat
Shield #8 50K plat
+1 docent of greater fire resist 5k plat
+1 docent of greater electric resist 5K plat
+1 lesser acid guard docent of greater acid resist 5K plat
+3 fearsome docent 15K plat