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  1. #101
    Community Member transtemporal's Avatar
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    I don't generally play female toons, but I made a drow clr and she has a great ass, a great stance and a sexy-as-anything walk. Problem with playing her is I'm too worried about getting into combat in case I break a nail.

    Now... many people will say "don't be a ninny transtemporal, shes just polygons and textures!" and I say "Thats right. A thousand polygons of Bada-bing-bada-boom!"
    Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.

  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nestorious View Post
    I belive this would be Asp's...

    OH NOOSS!!!


  3. #103
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    Default Re-rolled A Female WF due to sound effects lol

    My best buddy zoid (of sarlona fame) got his warforged to level 4 or so before realising he was a she. and it was his own character. Sayid had his fair share of laughs at that one, as he noticed the feminine sound effect for intimidate before zoid had. still lmao.

  4. #104

  5. #105
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    wow I have to say I love how there has to be sexual overtones to why people choose to rp different sexes. I think its human nature to call someone out when they do something that isnt norm but what the heck is so normal about prentending to be characters? Either way as a female im just used to playing that sex Ive never felt comfortable as a guy but Ive just started this game so you never know I may get the urge to make a dwarf male or a wf tanker dude. I dont see why if I do so that it means ive got some latent want to be a dude nor do I see why playing a female would mean that (vice versa) for a guy. Its just a game and while yes I do admit being a girl in games have gotten me alot of nice things most of the time due to this attitude most assume im a guy playing a female toon until I talk on mic. Even the other night I heard the party leader on a run of Gwylan's stand say "oh Kalari's coming lets give HIM" some time and I just laughed im sure he did to after he found out I was not a "HIM" its all good fun.

    And to the whole liking the looks of the female toon I can honestly say im shocked at anyone who doesnt get that. Compared to all the other freaky **** that goes on with the internet I think that guys who like the looks of the female toons are on the normal scale of males. Trust me ive dealt with some freaks online that ive met in other games (muds and the like) and the guys here are angels specially compared to those out there who are into much much worst, (try going into a chat room now adays about anything). I cant do it no more and 10 yrs ago I loved chat rooms.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  6. #106
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    Default Female Characters

    My wife created the 3 characters that I play currently.

    But I have created female characters before myself, and played them in mmorphs:

    When I create a female character; I create her for me. If I could solo her all the way through the game I would. What I think is weird, is how a lot of guys need to know, are you a male or female in real life ?

    When a guy wants to know this, it makes me think, is this person looking for a relationship, is he playing this game to pick up women ? does he want a relationship with me or just my character. Does he not realize that I play the game for me.

    If this were a non online game I would play it; enjoy the game, get my loot and then possibly move on to the expansion. The problem is that Online Games have all but replaced the stand alone D&D games that I used to love. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy online games, I have also played the D&D board game for quite a few years. In the Board Game people play female characters, dwarves, elves, whatever and no one has any issues about that characters sexual preference so why should someone in the online game.

    I think you should ask yourself, why am I asking this question. Am I playing this game for alterier reasons ?

    My wife still plays her characters once in a while, and feels the same way I do, when someone asks her "are you a female in real life" she just sighs. You see, she plays the game for herself and really doesnt want an online relationship.

  7. #107
    Founder Arlith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nestorious View Post

    I know I will get an array of differ responses here but...

    Why do guys play women in the game???

    Are you...

    1) A Woman trapped in a Man's body?
    2) Want to scam the lonely guys at thier computers to give ya stuff?
    3) Have a desire to stare at your toon with the armor off all night lookin at her backside?
    4) Enjoy Flirting with other dudes in the game cause you cant come out of the closet in RL?
    5) Have Secret fantasies about wearing Victoria Secret?

    Personally I just dont get it... Do you all want to be Xena in another life or something?

    (This can go for the women who play dudes as well if ya want to give some input)

    Let the games begin
    Why do you play a WF/Dwarf/Elf/Drow when you are human??

    Are you...

    1) A WF/Dwarf/Elf/Drow trapped in a human's body?
    2) Want to scam the lonely WF/Dwarf/Elf/Drow at thier computers to give ya stuff?
    3) Have a desire to stare at your toon with the armor off all night lookin at their backsides? (WF need not remove armor)
    4) It's too early in the am for me to come up with a good sub for this one.
    5) Have Secret fantasies about big pointy ears, whirring gears and metal skin, or bearded women or men??

    Personally I just dont get it... Do you all want to be WF/Dwarf/Elf/Drow in another life or something?

    IT IS A FANTASY GAME!!! I find it amusing to no end when someone accuses someone playing a fantasy game of having fantasies. Especially when they play the same fantasy game. (Insert jabba the Hutt laugh).

    I personally run female toons because they move better, look better and don't run like the love child of PeeWee Herman and Barney.

    That being said, I would like to be rid of the nightmares where all my female toons come to life and beat the #&*%# out of me for making them dance naked on tavern tables.
    Proud member of DWAT - Xorian forged, quenched in the blood of butterflies
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    God is good, beer is great and women are crazy.

  8. #108
    Community Member Xyrandina's Avatar
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    well. here is my two cents.

    Im a female. I play a female. Its an RPG - so I am roleplaying as a girl. a warrior woman if you will. Now for you men that "Roleplay" as a female...that is a bit odd...but honestly, I think males play females simply to get free stuff. However, what males actually give free junk to a female toon without female voice chat?
    Leader of Ancient Civilization
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  9. #109
    Community Member IgorUnchained's Avatar
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    Who has been playing MMOs or has used a computer in the last 10 years that still assumes an avatar is "a girl irl"? Yeah! The chicks are all over DDO! I did most of my RPGs on consoles and never made a female avatar for my male self....I changed that when I made Drow on DDO. I really liked the way the build looked and it fit nicely with the character I was rolling.

    The problem, many people still assume that if you are playing a girl "OMG...youre a girl irl!!"

    I usually roll male toons now to avoid that now, but wouldnt absolutely rule out another female avatar.

    I think I am closer to a female than I am to a Dark Elf though.....why do I choose Dark Elf, huh? Is it because I like to think Im urban or something? Maybe it is because I have secretly always wanted red eyes?

    This is an MMORPG.....find out what the "RP" part stands for, and I assure you that your lewd and disrespectful insinuations will be explained all at once.

  10. 02-25-2008, 10:09 AM

    sexuality based slurs

  11. #110
    Community Member Xyrandina's Avatar
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    i just really want to play ddo right now. hi. i am xyrandina/alandrica.
    Leader of Ancient Civilization
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  12. #111
    Founder Arlith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syrbryce View Post
    Well, DUH! That goes without saying!

    When I buy 3 sets of Fearsome Armor of the AH to see which one looks best on my FEMALE cleric, I am definitely heading down the freaky road!
    Style is everything. I KNOW I should wear the +5, but the +2 just LOOKS better. (BRING BACK THDE SEXY BRIGANDINE).

    I have to wonder about folks who are upset over cross gender tooning. Could it be they had a bad experience? Flirting with a toon they thought was a hot drow only to find out later she DIDNT have pointy ears, elvish figure, green tinged skin and violet eyes? And to make matters WORSE had a Barry White voice? Another potential relationship down the tubes.

    And for those who do not buy the "The toon looks better, or runs better, etc etc. Of course you pay attention to what is around you, but you also pay attention to your toon. Because there is a good chance that if you are playng this game (or those like it) you are gifted with a greater attention to detail than normal. So yeah would notice if your toon runs like he has a load in your pants. Even worse your guildmates will and give you no end of flak over it.

    On a totally different note.. Even if I had never before played a female toon. Even if I had a PHOBIA against running female toons. I would STILL run a female barbarian, just to hear the sound she makes when she rages. Makes me laugh every time!
    Proud member of DWAT - Xorian forged, quenched in the blood of butterflies
    Arnn, Duana, Gultyrr, Mahd Bardigan, Ahliriana, Arnnette, Conch Fritter, Jwuana, Thayla, Margaritte da Ville
    God is good, beer is great and women are crazy.

  13. #112
    Community Member jmelanie7's Avatar
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    Default I'm playing females

    Alright, this question is BS, sorry to say that, but you offer ONE choice in your answers suggestion, this is I'M GAY, but don't admit it. Alright, i'm far from being gay, and i don't like virtual butts either. My female toon is a Drow nuker, and I like to play it, but I would like to play it as a male too, it doesn't matter to me, I just wanted to change, that's it. But the question can be reversed: Why some ppl can't play a female toon? 1) Because they hate female. 2) Because they don't like females' bodies. 3) Because you like the sexy male pally in his shinny armor. As I said, this is a BS thread and should be closed if you want my opinion.

  14. #113
    Community Member VonBek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sends View Post
    When a guy wants to know this, it makes me think, is this person looking for a relationship, is he playing this game to pick up women ? does he want a relationship with me or just my character. Does he not realize that I play the game for me.
    Friendly query: Since you choose how you think, and without overt indicators from the guy, how do you know? The guy may ask for reasons separate from persistent relationships.
    So, I hear that one day we may get Familiars...
    ....I want a Velociraptor!

  15. #114
    Community Member miceelf88's Avatar
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    Default for me

    most of my toons are based to some degree on people I know IRL. I got a female character who looks as much like my wife as I could make her. Now, if my wife could cast charm person, we'd be a lot richer.

  16. #115
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    *breaks on train* aaaaaand we'll just go ahead and cap this off before anyone digs themselves any deeper holes

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